Advanced Nurse Practitioner Role Essay

Advanced Nurse Practitioner Role Essay

Advanced nursing practice is regulated by state licensure which tends to vary from one state to another especially in regards to full practice authority/autonomous practice. In this context, full practice authority involves allowing nurse practitioners to assess, diagnose, order and interpret tests and manage patients accordingly under an exclusive licensure authority (Hain & Fleck, 2014). Advanced Nurse Practitioner Role Essay However, approximately only a third of the country has adopted and issued licenses for full practice authority. Other nurse practitioners either have reduced licensure and practice or restricted licensure and practice. According to Hain & Fleck (2014), this means that, for nurse practitioners to engage in some elements of practice, they ought to be supervised, in the form of a delegation or team management. Advanced Nurse Practitioner Role Essay


Another challenge is that most physicians strongly believe that since they undergo a more rigorous form of training as compared to nurse practitioners, NPs cannot provide safe, quality care as physicians do (Hain & Fleck, 2014). Therefore, NPs have failed to gain the support of and collaborate with physicians in clinical settings for best practice and good health outcomes. Although both NPs and physicians have a common goal of improving health outcomes and access to care, the barriers to a successful collaboration impede the attainment of these goals (Hain & Fleck, 2014).  This can be attributed to lack of knowledge on the scope of training and practice of nurse practitioners.

For more than half a century, nurse practitioners have continuously been providing acute, primary and special care. According to the AANP, the roles of NPs have expanded to include administration in professional-level and executive-level positions (Goolsby & DuBois, 2017).  Similarly, the role of AANP as a professional organization for more than 270,000 qualified NPS has expanded to include legislative leadership at different levels of government, health policy advancement, research and education and the establishment of standards which promote excellence and best practice. Advanced Nurse Practitioner Role Essay


Goolsby, M. J., & DuBois, J. C. (2017). Professional organization membership: Advancing the nurse practitioner role. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 29(8), 434-440.

Hain, D., & Fleck, L. (2014). Barriers to nurse practitioner practice that impact healthcare redesign. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 19(2). Advanced Nurse Practitioner Role Essay


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