Applying Current Literature to Clinical Practice

›Applying Current Literature to Clinical Practice

›Overview of the article


›The effectiveness of exercise for fall prevention in nursing home residents: A systematic review meta‐analysis

›Authors: Cao, P. Y., Zhao, Q. H., Xiao, M. Z., Kong, L. N., and Xiao.

›Year of publication: 2018 Applying Current Literature to Clinical Practice

›It contains a systematic review research on the effectiveness of exercise on fall prevention in nursing home residents


Nursing home residents have a high risk of falling. No conclusive evidence exists on the effectiveness of exercise on fall prevention in nursing home residents

The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of exercise on fall prevention in nursing home residents.

Presents an abstract, background, design section, data resources, review methods, results and…


In a 5- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation, address the following:

Provide an overview of the article you selected.
What population is under consideration?
What was the specific intervention that was used? Is this a new intervention or one that was already used?
What were the author’s claims?
Explain the findings/outcomes of the study in the article. Include whether this will translate into practice with your own clients. If so, how? If not, why?
Explain whether the limitations of the study might impact your ability to use the findings/outcomes presented in the article. Support your position with evidence-based literature.

Note: The presentation should be 5–10 slides, not including the title and reference slides. Include presenter notes (no more than ½ page per slide) and use tables and/or diagrams where appropriate. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from the article you selected. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.


Applying Current Literature to Clinical Practice



The presentation describes and reviews a study on the effectiveness of group psychotherapy among women who have a history of sexual harassment. The analyzed study was published in the Journal of Clinical Nursing. The presentation examines various factors in the study, such as the reason for selection of these women and the setting of the group therapy among others. In addition, the presentation researches features that include curative factors that can be helpful to the group under consideration. Aspects such as catharsis and instillation of hope among others in the study have been discussed in the presentation. Exclusion criteria involved in the study, which include age, history of alcohol abuse, etc. have been addressed in addition to the findings of the research. Finally, the limitations of the study are reviewed in the presentation as well as their effects on the application of the results obtained in the study.


Applying Current Literature to Clinical Practice


The presentation focuses on various aspect of the study in order to evaluate its findings. Information such as the type of group involved in the study and its participants is helpful to determine the validity and reliability of the study. The presentation also discusses the reasons for the group members’ selection, setting of the group, frequency of the group meetings, and their duration. Other key issues considered include the findings, curative factors that might be helpful to group members, and exclusion criteria. Finally, the limitations of the study are examined as well as their impact on the application of the findings of the research.


Group psychotherapy is one of the most effective therapies for patients suffering from depression, anxiety, and even post traumatic disorders. Group psychotherapy involves helping people with the same problems and background. During the sessions, the selected members are treated as a group in order to enhance skills such as socializing and group cohesiveness. This presentation focuses on answering the question derived from the study, which is whether group psychotherapy among women with a history of sexual harassment proves effective and gives durable results.


›Applying Current Literature to Clinical Practice

›Overview of the article


›The effectiveness of exercise for fall prevention in nursing home residents: A systematic review meta‐analysis

›Authors: Cao, P. Y., Zhao, Q. H., Xiao, M. Z., Kong, L. N., and Xiao.

›Year of publication: 2018

›It contains a systematic review research on the effectiveness of exercise on fall prevention in nursing home residents

Nursing home residents have a high risk of falling. No conclusive evidence exists on the effectiveness of exercise on fall prevention in nursing home residents Applying Current Literature to Clinical Practice

The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of exercise on fall prevention in nursing home residents.

Presents an abstract, background, design section, data resources, review methods, results and conclusion



Target audience

›Nursing homes


The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of exercise on fall prevention in nursing home residents. Applying Current Literature to Clinical Practice


›Specific intervention



›The intervention was already in use

Exercise is a cognitive behavior therapy for nursing home residents (Schoenfelder, 2000).

It has been in use in many areas of healthcare as a form of psychotherapeutic approach


›Author’s claims

›No conclusive evidence exists on exercise effectiveness on preventing of falls in home nursing

›Nursing home residents have a high risk of falling (Cao et al., 2018; KAYA et al. 2012)

The authors claims that there is limited information regarding the effectiveness of exercise in nursing homes for prevention of falls Applying Current Literature to Clinical Practice



›Exercise did not play a role in preventing falls

›This might not translate into practice with my own clients

Translation to practice is limited by little evidence-based research regarding physical exercise in nursing homes fall prevention

Home nursing facilities employ physical exercise as a therapy to good health and improving quality of life and body strength with the aim of preventing falls and thus is expected to reduce falls among my clients (Carter, Kannus & Khan, 2001).

Physical exercise is one of the most effective interventions for fall prevention

The research employed small samples which presented low quality evidence


›Limitation’s impacts

›The render the findings not generalizable

›They increases the need for further research in my practice area.

›They increase cost and time of  further research before drawing conclusions

Limitation: lack of sufficient data on exercise effectiveness on fall prevention in nursing homes

There was low heterogeneity

Use of small and low quality samples

Limited research cannot be generalized since it does not cover the entire target population

It demands further research which is costly and time consuming Applying Current Literature to Clinical Practice



›Cao, P. Y., Zhao, Q. H., Xiao, M. Z., Kong, L. N., & Xiao, L. (2018). The effectiveness of exercise for fall prevention in nursing home residents: A systematic review meta‐analysis. Journal of advanced nursing, 74(11), 2511-2522.

›KAYA, Ç. A., Kirimli, E., KALAÇA, Ç., Cifcili, S., ÜNALAN, P. C., & Kalaca, S. (2012). The incidence of falls and related factors in the elderly living in residential homes. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics15(1).

›Schoenfelder, D. P. (2000). A fall prevention program for elderly individuals: exercise in long-term care settings. Journal of gerontological nursing, 26(3), 43-51.

›Carter, N. D., Kannus, P., & Khan, K. (2001). Exercise in the prevention of falls in older people. Sports medicine31(6), 427-438. Applying Current Literature to Clinical Practice


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