Applying FADE Quality Improvement Model Essay

Applying FADE Quality Improvement Model Essay

Applying FADE Quality Improvement Model Essay

Choose a Quality Improvement Model from Chapter 5 in the Spath (2018) textbook, and apply this model to your practice problem. Please do not choose Lean or Six Sigma as your quality model unless you have an expert in these quality models in your organization to guide you through the process.
PDSA (p.124).
RCI (p.127).
FOCUS PDCA (p.128).
FADE (p.129).
Post a Discussion entry describing the model that you selected and how each step of the model will be used to develop the plan for the Practice Experience Project. Continue to collaborate with the selected individuals in your practice environment as needed in the development of the Practice Experience Project, and share this information with your group. Applying FADE Quality Improvement Model Essay.

Using the FADE Quality Improvement Model to Solve the Performance Problem of Not Finishing Drug Rounds on Time

The quality improvement model for solving the practice problem identified in this paper is the FADE model. The identified practice problem is the inability of ward nurses to finish drug rounds on time. This has been leading to other tasks like patient preparation for theatre being delayed, with unpleasant consequences. FADE was developed by a firm that specializes in quality solutions and patient satisfaction. It is an acronym that stands for its four phases, namely Focus, Analyze, Develop, and Execute (Spath, 2018; HHS, 2011; Davis, 2007; IDPH, n.d.) Applying FADE Quality Improvement Model Essay.


Applying FADE to the Late Drug Rounds Problem

Focus: The problem has been that ward nurses are unable to finish drug rounds on time. This has been happening despite the fact that they almost always start the round at the designated time. Inevitably, when the drug round delays, other tasks that the same nurses are supposed to do also delay Applying FADE Quality Improvement Model Essay. This affects the quality of nursing care delivered and leads to dissatisfied patients.

Analyze: Assessment of the problem shows that the ward round that is most affected is the 1700 hours round. It has been noted that this round happens immediately after the visiting time for relatives and friends of the patients. It appears that the nurses get distracted by calls from the patients and their visitors as they pose questions about their care.

Develop: There is need to ensure that the hospital security enforces the visiting time start and end strictly to avoid interference with the drug round. Registered nurses who are the clinical leaders should also delegate some duties so that the nurse doing drug rounds does not have to attend to other tasks. Applying FADE Quality Improvement Model Essay.

Execute: The above plan/ solution is put in place. After a while, there is notable improvement in the time the ward round is ending. A few relatives to patients are still adamant and want to extend their stay with their loved ones. But overall, the hospital security has managed to do a good job. There is still room for improvement.


Davis, E.D. (2007). A quality improvement project in diabetes patient education during hospitalization. Diabetes Spectrum, 13(4).

Iowa Department of Public Health [IDPH] (n.d.). Quality improvement. Retrieved 6 March 2020 from

Spath, P.L. (2018). Introduction to healthcare quality management, 3nd ed. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS] (2011). Quality improvement. Retrieved 6 March 2020 from   Applying FADE Quality Improvement Model Essay

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