Artistic Expression: Caring Concept Assignment
Artistic Expression: Caring Concept Assignment
Caring can be defined as “feeling or showing concern for other people” (Merriam-Webster, 2018). Historically, Florence Nightingale depicted “being caring” as one of the core values of nursing. She described in her writings that nursing is both an art and science and allows an individual to show a compassionate view of humanity (Wagner, 2010). Florence Nightingale’s framework has transcended into modern nursing and her ideas are still celebrated.
Importance of Caring
Knowledge on caring requires consideration, reflection, and passion. Caring is a mindful act that is learned, practiced, and improved upon. Caring is an interactive and vital part of a nurse and patient relationship (Thorton, 2013). It would be nearly impossible to tend to the physical needs of a patient without an attentive, caring relationship. The act of caring opens up a channel of communication between the patient and nurse and enables the nurse to assess the patient’s needs.
Principles of Holistic Care
Holistic nursing practice includes not only the physical aspects of nursing but also the mental, emotional, cultural, and sexual needs of the patient. A nurse that utilizes the holistic approach views the patient as a whole rather than a disease or body system. A nurse practitioner acquires skills to make clinical decisions for patients based off of their holistic needs. Collaborating with patients as well as involving them in their care leads to better health outcomes and overall greater patient satisfaction. Artistic Expression: Caring Concept Assignment.
Perspective of Caring
The meaning of caring may be different from person to person but ideas of caring in nursing stay mostly consistent. A qualitative study examined holistic advanced practice nurses and reported several themes of caring-within-practice. The first theme, normalizing the environment, examined both internal and external factors that contribute to optimal patient care. The nurse practitioner is able to create the best care plan with patients by observing their thoughts, beliefs, and cultural preferences (Hines, 2017).
The art of being present was identified as another theme of caring in nursing. Being present focuses on more than just being there physically; it also creates a transpersonal connection with the patient. Making eye contact, minimizing distractions, and asking the patient’s input can all create a stronger connection (Gluyas, 2015).
Lastly, coaching the family as a caregiver establishes a caring demeanor in nursing, and improves the patient and family’s experience (Hines,2017). Often times, fears and anxieties about the patient’s care get blown out of proportion due to the lack of communication or presence from the care provider. Advanced nurses can offer a time to engage with the whole family by attending to questions or concerns. This gives the family a feeling of usefulness and support.
Artistic Expression
The artistic expression provided illustrates that caring can be defined in many different ways, but caring always comes from the heart. Caring is looking at a person as a whole despite his or her religious preferences, skin color, or ideas. It is coming together from different backgrounds to make one. Caring about people doesn’t mean you necessarily have to agree or like them, but you are there for them regardless.
Caring is sometimes defined as feeling or showing concern for people. Caring is a core value of nursing and creates a lasting interpersonal relationship with a patient and their family members. Advanced nurses develop skills to deliver best care with regards to a patient’s physical, mental, and spiritual needs. Artistic Expression: Caring Concept Assignment.
AHNCC. (2012). Core Essentials of Basic Holistic Nursing. Retrieved September 11, 2018, from
Gluyas, H. (2015). Patient-Centered Care: Improving Health Outcomes. Retrieved September 10, 2018, from
Hines, M. (2017). Advanced Holistic Nursing Practice Narratives: A View of Caring Praxis. Retrieved from Artistic Expression: Caring Concept Assignment
Thorton, L. (2013). Essentials of Integrative Health Care: Fundamental Principles for Caring and Healing. Retrieved September 10, 2018, from
Wagner, D. (2010). An Exploration of the Nature of Caring Relationships in the Writings of Florence Nightingale. Retrieved September 11, 2018, from
Webster, M. (2018). Caring Definition. Retrieved September 10, 2018, from Artistic Expression: Caring Concept Assignment
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