Balanced Scorecard Analysis and Strategic Plan

Balanced Scorecard Analysis and Strategic Plan

Balanced Scorecard Analysis and Strategic Plan

Assessment 5 needs to go along with Assessment 1,2,3,and 4….

Assessment 5
Balanced Scorecard Analysis and Strategic Plan

Create an integrated strategic management and implementation plan for a health care organization that incorporates instructor and real world feedback into a final balanced scorecard analysis and strategic plan. Balanced Scorecard Analysis and Strategic Plan.

Note: The assessments in this course are presented in sequence and must be completed in order. You may not begin this assessment until you have completed and received feedback from your instructor for each of the previous assessments in this course.


The successful implementation of a strategic plan requires effective communication and a thorough understanding of not only the role of the organization within the greater community, but the role of leadership within the organization Balanced Scorecard Analysis and Strategic Plan. By effectively engaging stakeholders and understanding the philosophy of strategic management, leaders can mitigate challenges and hurdles that face those directing change.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Analyze organizational structure, design, culture, and climate in relation to environmental forces.
Analyze potential long-term opportunities and operational components in the strategic planning process Balanced Scorecard Analysis and Strategic Plan.
Competency 2: Develop a strategic organizational plan that provides human and financial resources to support targeted organizational outcomes.
Analyze the effect of the strategy formulation on human, financial, and technical resources.
Competency 3: Recommend an organizational structure and design to optimize a strategic plan. Balanced Scorecard Analysis and Strategic Plan.
Apply strategic planning tools and research to determine alternative strategies for a health care organization’s future success.
Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in health care administration.
Incorporate feedback from stakeholders and colleagues in the construction of an integrated strategic plan.
Assemble a professional final report that meets the needs and expectations of a specific audience.
Competency Map
Use this online tool to track your performance and progress through your course.
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In the workplace it is essential to periodically measure outcomes of key performance indicators on the strategic plan in order to meet the overall goals of the organization.

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Questions to Consider
To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community Balanced Scorecard Analysis and Strategic Plan.

What is the purpose of the balanced scorecard?
How do key performance indicators in the four perspectives affect the department, service line, or strategic business unit in which you currently work or desire to work?
From the time that a new vision and directional strategy are defined, what are the logical steps that you as a healthcare leader can take to assure that your actions align with the needs of the organization? Balanced Scorecard Analysis and Strategic Plan.
How do you, your team, your department, et cetera, add value in a measurable way to the organization?
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Suggested Resources
The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom.

Capella Resources
Click the links provided to view the following resources:

Using Kaltura [PDF].
APA Paper Template.
APA Paper Tutorial.
Skillsoft Tutorials
If you feel you need help using PowerPoint the following resources will help you expand your skills.

Search Capella Tutorials for PowerPoint tutorials.
Library Resources
The following e-books or articles from the Capella University Library are linked directly in this course:

Ballé, M., Morgan, J., & Sobek, D. K. (2016). Why learning is central to sustained innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review, 57(3), 63–71.
Daly, R. (2014). The structure of value. Healthcare Financial Management, 68(1), 56–63.
Gingrass, J. (2015). Changing the channel: Strategies for expanding patient access. Healthcare Financial Management, 69(4), 64–68.
Ginter, P. M., Duncan, W. J., & Swayne, L. E. (2013) . Strategic management of health care organizations (7th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Mangelsdorf, M. E. (2016). Mastering strategy. MIT Sloan Management Review, 57(2), 67–71.
Sheffi, Y. (2015). Preparing for disruptions through early detection. MIT Sloan Management Review, 57(1), 31–42.
Course Library Guide Balanced Scorecard Analysis and Strategic Plan.
A Capella University library guide has been created specifically for your use in this course. You are encouraged to refer to the resources in the MHA-FP5010 – Strategic Health Care Planning Library Guide to help direct your research.

Assessment Instructions
This assessment is the culmination of your work in the course. It includes the analyses you made of your selected organization, details of your proposed strategic plan, and recommendations for implementing your plan. An important aspect of this assessment is providing the rationale used when you incorporate feedback from stakeholders and/or colleagues (instructor, mentor…) into your integrated final report.

To successfully complete this assignment, you will be expected to:

Use strategic management and knowledge management theory and research to analyze the current environment of a health care organization.
Apply strategic planning tools and research to determine alternative strategies for a health care organization’s future success.
Synthesize operational and financial components in the strategic planning process. Balanced Scorecard Analysis and Strategic Plan.
Evaluate the effect of your strategy formulation.
Integrate additional knowledge that you have gained and feedback you have received as the course progressed.
Incorporate any necessary instructor feedback and real-world feedback (from colleagues, for example) into previously submitted assessments, including your Kaltura recording and PowerPoint presentation.
Integration of Feedback
Step One: Share this plan with a colleague in your profession (preferably in the health care organization you are analyzing) and receive feedback on your management and implementation strategies.
Step Two: Integrate additional knowledge that you have gained along with the feedback you have received as the course progressed. Incorporate real-world and instructor feedback into previously submitted elements, including your Kaltura recording and PowerPoint presentation Balanced Scorecard Analysis and Strategic Plan.
Refine each element accordingly and assemble a fully integrated plan. Create footnotes where refinements were made as a result of feedback received. Call out your rationale for changes made or reasons you chose to retain elements even though a stakeholder might have called for a change.
Re-record your 5–10 minute presentation as needed.
Final Report
Create a 12–15-page final report addressed to senior leadership in your selected organization that contains your balanced scorecard analysis and your proposed strategic plan. Your final report should contain the following elements.

Title page.
Executive summary: This is a 1-page summary of the main points of your analysis, an overview of the feedback you have received from stakeholders, along with the major recommendations contained in your strategic plan.
Table of Contents.
Section headings and sub-headings (based on the content of your analysis and your strategic plan).
Footnotes: Provide a reference or footnote where substantive refinements were made from previous assessments. Support your rationale for changes or lack of changes in both management strategies as well as implementation strategies with relevant scholarly resources.
References. Balanced Scorecard Analysis and Strategic Plan.
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
Number of resources: Minimum of 10 peer-reviewed research resources.
Length of PowerPoint presentation: 10–12 presentation slides.
Length of final report: 12–15 pages, excluding cover page and references.
Submit your integrated strategic plan, PowerPoint presentation, and refined Kaltura presentation to this assessment.

Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save this assessment to your ePortfolio. Balanced Scorecard Analysis and Strategic Plan.


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