Capstone Research Summary table
3 -1
To begin, work through the reference list that was created in the ”Section B: Problem Description” assignment in Topic 2. Appraise each resource using the ”Rapid Critical Appraisal Checklists,” available in the textbook appendix. The specific checklist you use will be determined by the type of evidence within the resource.
Then, develop a research table to organize and summarize the research studies. Using a summary table allows you to be more concise in your narrative description. Only research studies used to support your intervention are summarized in this table. Refer to the ”Evaluation Table Template,” available in the textbook appendix. Use the ”Evaluation Table Template” as an adaptable template.
Problem Statement: Reduction of Fall Rates for Post-Operative Patients Capstone Research Summary table.
Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing and
healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Walters Kluwer.
These are the references used in assignment 2
Everhart D, Schumacher, J.R., Duncan R.P., Hall A.G., Neff, D.F., & Shorr, R.I. (2014). Determinants of hospital fall rate trajectory groups: A longitudinal assessment of nurse staffing and organizational characteristics. Health Care Management Review. 39(4), 352–360.
Kobayashi, K., Kei, A., Yuko, I., Yusuke, S., Nagao, Y., & Shiro, I. (2018). Characteristics of falls in orthopedic patients during hospitalization. Nagoya Journal of Medical Science. 80(3), 341–349.
Luzia, M., Victor, G., & Lucena, F. (2014). Nursing diagnosis risk for falls: Prevalence and clinical profile of hospitalized patients. Revista. Latino-Americano. Enfermagem. 22(2), 262–268.
Mata, L., Cissa, A., Gabrielle, P., & Moraes, T. (2017). Factors associated with the risk of fall in adults in the postoperative period: a cross-sectional study. Revista Latino-Americano Enfermagem. 25(2904). Capstone Research Summary table
Shida, D., Wakamatsu, K., Tanaka, Y., Yoshimura, A., Kawaguchi, M., Miyamoto, S. (2015). The postoperative patient-reported quality of recovery in colorectal cancer patients under enhanced recovery after surgery using QoR-40. BioMed central Cancer. 15(799), 1–6.
Vitor, A., Moura, L., Fernandes, L., Botarelli, F.R., Araújo, J., & Vitorino, I. (2015). Risk for falls in patients in the postoperative period. Cogitare Enferm. 20(1), 29–37.
Summary Table
Summary Table
Author (Year) | Title | Aim | Design | Sample, number of participants | Level of evidence | Findings |
Everhart et al (2014) | Determinants of hospital fall rate trajectory groups: A longitudinal assessment of nurse staffing and organizational characteristics | To establish if hospitals can be classified into fall rate trajectory groups & to determine the characteristics of the nurses and healthcare organizations allied to hospital fall rate trajectory groups. | 4-month longitudinal study
Capstone Research Summary table |
1,529 hospitals
U.S. acute care general hospitals taking part in the National Database for Nursing Quality Indicators |
Level 4 | Magnet hospitals lower rates of falls
Hospitals did not change their fall performance over time There is a relationship between nurse staffing and the rate of falls |
Kobayashi et al (2018) | Characteristics of falls in orthopedic patients during hospitalization | To establish characteristics over five years of cases of fall in orthopedic patient | Prospective study | Prospective analysis of 212,617 inpatients
Assessment of fall risk, |
Level 2 | Fall rate is high in orthopedic patients, irrespective of a low risk management score. Therefore, it is important to ensure frequent assessments at short intervals and fall risk assessments for hospitalized orthopedic patients |
Luzia et al (2014) | Nursing Diagnosis Risk for falls: prevalence and clinical profile of hospitalized patients | To determine the incidence of diagnosis of falls in the adult patients admitted within surgical and clinical wards in order to classify the clinical profile and identify the risk factors associated with risk for falls
Capstone Research Summary table |
A cross-sectional study | 174 patients
University hospital in Brazil, with 795 beds Data collection was done using on-line hospital records and computerized nursing care prescriptions system and statistical analysis was done |
Level 5 | The risk for falls of the inpatients in surgical and clinical wards was found to be low in the researched organizations. The patients at higher risk of falls included older adults, men, surgical patients, and patients with cardiovascular diseases and neurological disorders. The risk factors for diagnosis of risk for falls included impaired mobility, increased age, neurological changes, and vulnerability associated with impaired health and medical procedures |
Mata et al (2017) | Factors associated with the risk of fall in adults in the postoperative period: a cross-sectional study | To examine factors linked with the risk of fall in patients undergoing surgical procedures | A quantitate cross-sectional study | Hospital in state of Minas Gerais, Brazil
257 adult inpatients Data collection done using sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire, the Morse Fall Scale, and the Quality of Recovery Score Descriptive statistical analysis and multinomial logistic regression used to perform data analysis |
Level 5 | Factors associated with the risk of fall in adults in the postoperative hospital stay include age, surgical recovery, diabetes, cancer, and systemic arterial hypertension |
Shida et al (2015) | The postoperative patient-reported quality of recovery in colorectal cancer patients under enhanced recovery after surgery using QoR-40 | To examine if early discharge from the hospital after surgery is compatible with a better outcome from according to the perspective of the patients | A cross-sectional study | Tokyo Bokutoh Metropolitan in Hospital Tokyo Bokutoh Metropolitan Hospital
Data collected using QoR-40, a recovery-specific and patient-rated questionnaire |
Level 5 | Surgical procedures affect the quality of life of patients and this included mobility. Therefore, patients should not be discharged early after surgery to lower the risk associated with early hospital discharge post-operative |
Vitor et al (2015) | Risk for falls in patients in the postoperative period | To determine and identify the factors associated with a diagnosis of risk for falls & the major risk factors in patients recovering after surgical procedures with a university hospital | A descriptive cross-sectional study, using a quantitative approach | Capstone Research Summary table
Public tertiary teaching hospital located in the municipality of Natal/ Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil Sample included patients in the postoperative period, admitted within the clinical surgical units of the hospital. Sample size: 80 patients. |
Level 5 | Risk for falls ND found in 69 patients (86.25% of the sample)
There is a significant relationship between the surgical procedure (postoperative condition) and the elevated susceptibility of the person the risk of falls. The risk for falls during the postoperative period was attributable to syncope, weakness, and loss of balance Anemia is a predisposing factor for falls Narcotic and/or opioid medications used during hospitalization can be attributed to the increased risk for falls |
Everhart D, Schumacher, J.R., Duncan R.P., Hall A.G., Neff, D.F., & Shorr, R.I. (2014). Determinants of hospital fall rate trajectory groups: A longitudinal assessment of nurse staffing and organizational characteristics. Health Care Management Review. 39(4), 352–360.
Kobayashi, K., Kei, A., Yuko, I., Yusuke, S., Nagao, Y., & Shiro, I. (2018). Characteristics of falls in orthopedic patients during hospitalization. Nagoya Journal of Medical Science. 80(3), 341–349. Capstone Research Summary table
Luzia, M., Victor, G., & Lucena, F. (2014). Nursing diagnosis risk for falls: Prevalence and clinical profile of hospitalized patients. Revista. Latino-Americano. Enfermagem. 22(2), 262–268.
Mata, L., Cissa, A., Gabrielle, P., & Moraes, T. (2017). Factors associated with the risk of fall in adults in the postoperative period: a cross-sectional study. Revista Latino-Americano Enfermagem. 25(2904).
Shida, D., Wakamatsu, K., Tanaka, Y., Yoshimura, A., Kawaguchi, M., Miyamoto, S. (2015).
The postoperative patient-reported quality of recovery in colorectal cancer patients under enhanced recovery after surgery using QoR-40. BioMed central Cancer. 15(799), 1–6.
Vitor, A., Moura, L., Fernandes, L., Botarelli, F.R., Araújo, J., & Vitorino, I. (2015). Risk
for falls in patients in the postoperative period. Cogitare Enferm. 20(1), 29–37 Capstone Research Summary table.