Case Reports Essay

Case Reports Essay

Case Reports Essay

Instructions for CLET 4840 Paper:

Basic Outline:

A case study or literature review paper assignment will be due Friday @11:00am week 7. If you are late (after 11am Friday week 7 and before Friday @ 11am week 10), after 11a.m. the paper will be accepted to complete the course work, but will receive a grade of 0. Failure to submit the paper will result in a zero in the lab, which results in a failure in the class. Electronic copies of the paper will NOT be accepted. Your option is to write a paper on any topic that is relevant and/or related extremity condition or complaint. It can be a literature search or a case study. You will need references from legitimate sources like PubMed, Scopus or ICL (Index to Chiropractic Literature), they must be included and you cannot use Souza.

A case study must follow the introduction, case report, discussion, conclusion format. The case reports should include all aspects of the patient encounter as well as interventions and a comprehensive discussion on the subject matter. Written permission must be attained to write a case report on any patient you are treating.

Research Literature Reviewmust select 5-7 published research articles or case reports on an extremity condition or complaint either resolved by or currently under chiropractic care. A literature search is defined as “a comprehensive sourcing of published information from databases based on specific specifications”. This means that once you have chosen your topic, you may go to Scopus, Pub-med orICL (Index to Chiropractic Literature) and search their data base for similar papers that have been published on that topic. You will then write your own paper including an introduction, comprehensive discussion of the topic and a conclusion with your own thoughts and opinions based on the information you have gathered from your literature search.

In addition, a 200-word abstract must be included. Abstracts should be concise and informative and must outline the basic tenets of the main paper.

The references page will follow the College of Chiropractic reference citation style guide as posted in this section. At least 5-7 articles will be required form Scopus, Pub-med or Please look in the folder for the instructions. If you need further assistance in how to write the case report or the literature search paper, please look in this folder for the articles posted for further information.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated and when detected will result in a zero on the paper and zero in the lab, which will result in a failure in the class. The paper will count 5% of your Lab grade. Further details will be posted on the BB site under course information. The project must be no less than 1000 words in double spaced, Arial 12-point font.


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