Difference between a point mutation and a frameshift mutation
Difference between a point mutation and a frameshift mutation
- Explain the difference between a point mutation and a frameshift mutation.
Point mutations are gene mutations involving the substitution, addition, or deletion of a single nucleotide base and usually take place during DNA replication. Point mutations can have a range of effects, depending on the particular codon change. Point mutations are also referred as a base-pair substitution. Point mutations can be categorized into three types: silent mutation, missense mutation and nonsense mutation. Silent mutations create changes in the DNA sequence, this type of mutation does not change the protein that is to be produced. This is because multiple genetic codons can encode for the same amino acid. Missense mutations alter the nucleotide sequence so that a different amino acid is produced. difference between a point mutation and a frameshift mutation. This change alters the protein and may not have much effect, may be helpful or may be hazardous. Nonsense mutations alter the nucleotide sequence so that a stop codon is coded for in place of an amino acid. A stop codon signals the end of the translation process and stops protein production. If this process is ended too soon, the amino acid sequence is cut short and the resulting protein is most always nonfunctional.
A frameshift mutation, also called a framing error or a reading frame shift, is a genetic mutation caused by insertions or deletions of a number of nucleotides in a DNA sequence that is not divisible by three. Due to the triplet nature of gene expression by codons, the insertion or deletion can change the reading frame the grouping of the codons, resulting in a completely different translation from the original.
Module 10 Homework difference between a point mutation and a frameshift mutation Assignment
- Use the information presented in the module folder along with your readings from the textbook to answer the following questions.
- Compare the difference between a point mutation and a frameshift mutation:
The difference between a point mutations and frameshift is that a point mutation is a single base changes, that do not affect the reading frame, the mutation only makes a single change in a single codon, and everything else is undisturbed while a frameshift mutation involves more nucleotide altering the open reading frame of a a particular gene difference between a point mutation and a frameshift mutation.
- Describe the different between vertical gene transfer and horizontal gene transfer:
A horizontal gene transfer is a transfer of genetic material between unrelated individuals
Genetic engineering through the use of plasmids and viral vectors while vertical gene transfer of genetic material from parental organism to progeny progeny produced from genetically modified organisms
- What is conjugation? How can it contribute to antibiotic resistance in microorganisms?
Conjugation is where DNA moves from one cell to another allowing the DNA to change and provide variations and diversity of the generations of bacterial to follow. It is the transfer of genetic material between bacterial cells by direct cell to cell contact or by bridge like connection between two cells. difference between a point mutation and a frameshift mutation.
This contributes to antibiotic resistance by increasing the chances of bacteria surviving in an environment and making the DNA pass from one cell to another
What is a Healthcare-associated infection (HAI) or nosocomial infection? How is this different from an iatrogenic disease? How are these diseases contracted? Give examples of each type:
Healthcare-associated infection is one that is contacted in a certain location like a hospital while Iatrogenic disease develops as a result of medical errors, such as mistakes made in surgery, or the prescription or dispensing of the wrong therapy, such as a drug. intrinsic and sometimes adverse effects of a medical complication after surgery or treatment. difference between a point mutation and a frameshift mutation.
These diseases can be contacted by just being a residence in a long time care facility or hospitalized in agent care facility outpatient treatment in a hospital, the most common pathogens that cause nosocomial infections are Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and E. coli. And the common nosocomial infections are urinary tract infections, respiratory pneumonia; surgical site wound infections, bacteremia, gastrointestinal and skin infections.
Parker, N., Schneegurt, M., Tu, A. T., Forster, B. M., & Lister, P. (2016).Microbiology. Houston, TX: OpenStax, Rice University. difference between a point mutation and a frameshift mutation
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