Discussion: Applying Performance Improvement Tools Essay

Discussion: Applying Performance Improvement Tools Essay

Discussion: Applying Performance Improvement Tools Essay

Applying Performance Improvement Tools

Education of unit nurses, use of pain assessment, collection and posting of data on pain management satisfaction and teaching patients and staff on pain management are things that were done successfully in the medical surgical unit.  Patient satisfaction with pain management relies on several factors including the expectation of patients, the intensity of pain experienced by the patient, promptness of health care providers in responding to pain, the effectiveness of pain medications and the attitudes of health care professionals (Farooq et al; 2016) Discussion: Applying Performance Improvement Tools Essay.


The areas where improvement was needed in the quality improvement process included communication,   attitudes towards and knowledge about pain and engagement, and documentation of the effectiveness of pain medication. According to Trail-Mahan and Heisler, S. (2015), numerous promoters to effective management of pain sufficiently frequent and accurate assessments, effective practices of administering analgesics and effective communication among nurses and between patients and nurses Discussion: Applying Performance Improvement Tools Essay. Misinformation among providers about the suitable route and dosing for analgesics along with baseless worries about addiction all contribute to ineffective management of pain.  Comprehensive pain evaluation, opportune reevaluation following a pain-relieving intervention along with proper documentation of assessment and reassessment can inform on the best pain management interventions to be used.

Meaningful pain assessment, and improved documentation of pain, and engagement of patients in pain control as well as performance improvement tools that contributed to the outcomes.  Education in pain management also changed practice patterns and improved patient satisfaction with pain management.  According to Rice et al (2019), patient perception of the quality of pain care involves implementing a pain management approach that that engages a patient in the formulation and implementation of the treatment plan. Discussion: Applying Performance Improvement Tools Essay Engagement involves allowing patients to define and communicate their expectations with pain care, and determine appropriate interventions for pain care. Meissner et al (2018) indicate that assessment before surgery,  preparation, and engagement of the patient, management of pain following surgery,  assessments on the efficacy of pain management, pain management education and utilizing effective schemes of relieving pain contribute to effective management of pain and patient satisfaction Discussion: Applying Performance Improvement Tools Essay.


Farooq, F., Khan, R., & Ahmed, A. (2016). Assessment of patient satisfaction with acute pain management service: Monitoring quality of care in clinical setting. Indian Journal of Anesthesia, 60(4), 248-252.

Meissner, W., Hugen, F., & Neugbauer, E et al. (2018). Management of acute pain in the postoperative setting: the importance of quality indicators. Current Medical Research and Opinion, 34(1), 187-196.

Rice, K., Castex, J., & Redmon, M et al (2019). Bundling interventions to enhance pain care quality (BITE Pain) in Medical Surgical Units. Ochsner Journal, 19, 77-95 Discussion: Applying Performance Improvement Tools Essay.

Trail-Mahan, & Heisler, S. (2015) Quality Improvement Project to Improve Satisfaction with Pain Management:  Using Human Centered Design. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 31(2), 105-112.

Read the following scenario:
Imagine that, for about a year, your nursing unit has been involved in an intensive campaign to improve patient satisfaction scores with pain management. You are getting good data from your patients, as the length of stay on this inpatient geriatric medical nursing unit is only about 6 days. Your hospital does 100% survey to inpatients, and the response rate is about 25%, which is higher than it has been. This notwithstanding, the percent of “patient very satisfied” (top box), with a score of 5, has been in the low 70s Discussion: Applying Performance Improvement Tools Essay. The national benchmark for medical surgical units like yours is about 85% very satisfied. Of all the units in your hospital, your unit is the lowest scoring on this HCAPHS survey. But as your unit is the only geriatric medical nursing unit in the hospital, you’d always thought it was the nature of the patient population.
You have been the day shift representative to the QI team, and the scores on your unit are posted monthly. Here are the numerous strategies that have been tried on your unit and the timeframes. Discussion: Applying Performance Improvement Tools Essay.


Document: Strategies and Interventions (PDF)

For this Discussion, examine the strategies and interventions tried in your unit and consider the following questions: a) Were the strategies effective in creating a sustainable change on your nursing unit, and b) To what extent can your nurse manager and CNO count on your unit exceeding the national benchmark in the next quarter, the next year? That is, does this run chart have some predictive ability? Does the run chart support the nursing unit’s decision to celebrate? To what extent can the leadership be confident that the trend will continue?
Based on the scenario, explain what was done successfully and where improvement was needed in the quality improvement process. Identify the performance improvement tools, and explain how they contributed to the outcome. Discussion: Applying Performance Improvement Tools Essay.
Support your response with references from the Resources and professional nursing literature. Your posts need to be written at the capstone level (see checklist).
Notes Initial Post: This should be a 3-paragraph (at least 350 words) response. Be sure to use evidence from the readings and include in-text citations. Utilize essay-level writing practice and skills, including the use of transitional material and organizational frames. Avoid quotes; paraphrase to incorporate evidence into your own writing. A reference list is required. Use the most current evidence (usually ≤ 5 years old) Discussion: Applying Performance Improvement Tools Essay.

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