Empowering Users of Health and Social Care

Empowering Users of Health and Social Care

Empowering Users of Health and Social Care


The aim of this unit is to enable learners to explore how to empower individuals using health and social care services in order to maximise their independence.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit a learner will:

1 Understand how the design and review of services promotes and maximises the rights of

users of health and social care services.

2 Understand how to promote the participation and independence of users of health and

social care services.

3 Understand the responsibility of managing and monitoring risks in health and social care


4 Understand how good practice in the administration of medicine is essential for users of health and social care services.


Understand how the design and review of services promotes and maximises the

rights of users of health and social care services

Legislation and sector skills standards: current legislation and sector skills standards that are relevant to promoting the rights of individuals; inspection processes, powers, duties,

responsibilities, accountabilities, entitlements; organizations: providing services for vulnerable people Factors: policies, procedures; staffing eg staffing levels, shift patterns, continuing professional development; individual eg level of dependence, changing health status Communication: methods to overcome differences in communication eg second language, disability; recording information for continuous improvement eg best outcome for users of services, feedback, complaints, comments, inspection, recommendations for improvement

Understand how to promote the participation and independence of users of

health and social care services

Factors affecting independence and choice: dependence, independence, choice, constraints,

empowerment; physical, social, emotional, intellectual factors; changing needs, access to

information, participation in decision making Organizational systems: ensuring performance of workers, sources of information for individuals, empowering individuals

Considerations: possible tensions eg safety versus independence, rights responsibilities; individuals, others


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