HE 391 Stress Management Literature Review Paper Template – Stress Management For Life

HE 391 Stress Management Literature Review Paper Template – Stress Management For Life

HE 391 Stress Management Literature Review Paper Template – Stress Management For Life

HE 391 Stress Management Literature Review Paper Template


About the problem, what is the specific issue you are examining.

Why is it of concern to individual and/or society.


Literature Review:

Review what others (authors, researchers, practitioners) have to say about this issue, include at least three peer reviewed journal articles from academic sources. Websites are an adjunct source.

Findings and Discussion:

What were the findings from literature as to what others have discovered and then discuss why we may need to be concerned about this issue for individuals and society as it relates to stress influence and health.

Summary and Conclusion:

To summarize and bring focus to what you have found in the literature

and offer any insights as well as an informed opinion on the topic.


Formal American Psychologists Association (APA style) formatting. The following audio tutorial website is the official APA resource –


HE 391 Stress Management Literature Review Paper Template – Stress Management For Life

Literature Review  Due – February 22nd

Complete a literature review of topic related to stress and health. Identify any suggested strategies for managing those stressors discussed in the professional literature. Prepare a 3-4 page typed summary of your literature review findings including a reference page. Include a minimum of three references taken from peer reviewed journal articles or book chapters from professional sources. Format should be 12-point font, double-spaced, APA reference style. The following link leads to an APA style PPT tutorial.  (http://www.apastyle.org/learn/tutorials/basics-tutorial.aspx)

HE 391 Stress Management Literature Review Paper Template – Stress Management For Life


Stress Management For Life
Chapter 1
Stress in Today’s World

Stress in Today’s World

Best of Times


freedom of choice

vast array of information

Stress: What Is It?

“A scientific concept which is too well known and too little understood.”  Hans Selye

a demand made on the adaptive capacities of the mind and body

Relationship Between Stress,
Health and Performance

Yerkes-Dodson Principle

to a certain point, stress is healthy, useful and beneficial

when stress exceeds ability to cope diminished performance, inefficiency and/or health problems may result

Terminology of Stress

stressor – any event perceived as a threat that causes adaptation or the initiation of a stress response

eustress – positive, desirable stress that motivates and inspires

 distress – negative effects of stress that drains energy

acute stress – short term, sudden, intense, disappears quickly

episodic acute stress – repeated bouts of acute stress, extended over arousal

chronic stress – long term stress, unrelenting demands and pressures, last an interminable time

Holistic Health

“Modern man is sick because he is not whole”


  Carl Gustav Jung

Health is more than the absence of disease and is more than just physical.

Holistic health encompasses physical, intellectual, spiritual, social and emotional dimensions.

The holistically healthy person is complete and balanced.

Dimensions Of Health

Holistic Health: Putting It All Together

Sources of Stress

HE 391 Stress Management Literature Review Paper Template – Stress Management For Life


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