Health Care Resources / Regulations And Agencies That Affect The Health Care Industry

Health Care Resources / Regulations And Agencies That Affect The Health Care Industry

Health Care Resources / Regulations And Agencies That Affect The Health Care Industry

Two assignments.

1. Assignment Answer the assignment attachment ( Please read it carefully and answer all the question and request )

Know Your Health Care Resources

With the abundance of health care resources available it is important to be able to locate and understand the resources that can be leveraged to improve your health as well as the health of the community.

Complete the Know Your Health Resources chart with resources that support your health as well as the health of the community. Research two resources at the federal, state, and local community level.

  • Federal resouces
  • State resources
  • Local community resources

Cite at least 5 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar resources.

2. Assignment (Have to be powerpoint software only, No pdf) Please read it carefully and answer all the question and request

Regulations and Agencies That Affect the Health Care Industry

Create a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint®  presentation that identifies the major regulations and agencies that oversee the health care industry. A presentation format has been provided for this assignment; however, you may choose to format your presentation in another professional manner.

Include the following in your presentation:

Slide One: Title Slide

  • Title of presentation
  • Your name
  • Course and course number
  • Due date
  • Your faculty’s name

Slide Two: Introduction Slide

  • Describe the high-level details that will be covered during your presentation. Think of this as similar to a table of contents.

Slide Three: Health Care Agency

  • Identify one agency overseeing health care delivery within the health care industry.
  • Provide a website or alternative resource for this agency.
  • Provide an appropriate artifact that showcases this agency in action.
    • An artifact could be an image, video, or screenshot of the website’s homepage.

Slide Three: Health Care Agency

  • Identify whether the agency is available at the local, state, or federal level.
  • Identify an example of a health care structure that must comply with this agency.
    • Refer back to your Week Two assignment if necessary.

Slide Four: Health Care Agency

  • Describe the effect this agency has had on health care.

Slide Five: Health Care Regulation

  • Identify one regulation that has an impact on health care delivery within the health care industry.
  • Provide a website or alternative resource for the selected regulation.
  • Provide an appropriate artifact that showcases this regulation in action.
  • An artifact could be an image, video, screenshot of the website’s homepage.

Slide Six: Health Care Regulation

  • Identify whether the regulation is carried out at the local, state, or federal level.
  • Identify an example of a health care structure that must comply with this regulation.
    • Refer back to your Week Two assignment if necessary.

Slide Seven: Health Care Regulation

  • Describe the effect this regulation has had on health care.

Slide Eight: Conclusion Slide

  • Provide a summary of your presentation.
  • Review key points addressed in your presentation

Slide Nine: Reference Slide

  • Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.
  • Format your references according to APA guidelines.

Note: Speaker notes are to be provided for each slide. Refer to the  “Tutorial: Adding Speaker Notes to Microsoft® PowerPoint® Presentations” learning activity for more information on adding speaker notes.

Note: The University’s Center for Writing Excellence provides samples of different deliverables. Under Samples you will find a sample Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation to use as reference while creating your presentation.

Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your presentation.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines. Include; a title slide, detailed speaker notes, and a reference slide.


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