Health Policy Paper Sample Essays

Health Policy Paper Sample Essays

Health Policy Paper Sample Essays

Directions for Health Policy Paper:
Objective: To identify and discuss a state or national health policy and analyze its impact.
Pick a State of Federal Health Policy (these can be obtained by going to the NJ State Legislative website or a federal
website. You may choose either a current policy or one that has been enacted into law.
Identify the Title and bill number.


Briefly describe the policy and its main goals.
Who are the sponsors?
For what population or disparity is this policy to serve?
Identify what ethical principles are involved from your reading of the bill or legislation?
Complete a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats)
Discuss the benefits and disadvantages of the policy.
Review the policy implications for nursing practice. Use concrete examples.
What concrete measures could improve the policy?
Who supports and who opposes this policy?
Provide a summary and address the ethical issues as well as the advocacy issues for this policy.
Peer Reviewed References
APA format
Turnitin Originality Report required.
NURS 502 Advocacy, Policy & Ethical Legal Issues in Healthcare Grading Rubric
Content of the Report and Grading Criteria Achievable
Identify the Title and Bill Number 1
Briefly describe the policy and its main goals. 2
Who are the sponsors? 2
For what population or disparity is this to serve? 10
Content of the Report and Grading Criteria Achievable
Identify what ethical principles are involved from your reading of the bill or legislation? 10
Complete a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) 20
Discuss the benefits and disadvantages of the policy. 10
Review the policy implications for nursing practice-use concrete examples 10
What concrete measures could improve the policy? 5
Who supports and who opposes this policy? 5 Health Policy Paper Sample Essays
Provide a summary and address the ethical issues as well as the advocacy issues for this policy. 15
Peer Reviewed References 5
Correct APA Format – Spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure. Refer to the along
with the Originality Report in the course drop box/folder along with the written report.
Turnitin Originality Report required (Score no greater than 15% accepted)

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