Home-based care for terminally ill elderly persons Literature Review Essay
Home-based care for terminally ill elderly persons Literature Review Essay
TOPIC: Home-based care for terminally ill elderly persons
Competent community nurses must be able to conduct meaningful and accurate assessments of evidence in order to promote community health that is evidence based.
The purpose of this assignment is to provide students the opportunity to effectively review current literature and develop scholarly writing skills.
Conduct a literature search and choose at least five scholarly research articles from peer-reviewed journals
o Articles must have been published from 2013-2018.
Develop your literature review using the following headings:
- a) Introduction: Describe the situation or issue based on your identified topic of interest. What is the problem that needs to be addressed? Why? Identify the relevant social determinants of health.
- b) Literature Review: present a synthesized overview of your selected research articles.
- c)Conclusion: What where the strengths and limitations of the current evidence? What direction does your literature provide to address your topic of interest? Home-based care for terminally ill elderly persons Literature Review Essay
Home-based care is an extension of medical services from the hospitals to the homes. Terminal conditions are those whose survival rate is nearest to impossible due to the unavailability of cure and the speeds at which the ailment spreads into critical organs in a patient’s body (Carduff et al, 2016). These imply that the patients get medications only to ease the pains and the agony of the disease and support them for a few years before their body gives in to the sickness. Therefore, with this information, it is unnecessary for a family to continue housing their keen in a hospice and incurring bills while a nurse can check up on the patient in the comfort of their home (Ahn et al, 2013). These ease the financial burden as well as enabling the ailing to spend the little time left to live close to their loved ones. In most developed and developing countries, home-based care is by family members where they take care of their aging parents at their homes. In other instances, the elderly and ailing members are introduced to a nursing home due to the unavailability of their keen to look after them. These situations are because they have other obligations such as catering to their immediate families and furthering their careers (PĂTRU et al, 2014). These practices bring up numerous challenges and advantages to the terminally ill elderly patients as well as the caregivers in equal measure as to be discussed below. Home-based care for terminally ill elderly persons Literature Review Essay.
Terminal illnesses being severe and a patient’s life depending on the level of expertise and accuracy of treatment, it is vital for them to acquire the most suitable and professional treatment. Japan is an example of a country of a country wherein home-based care, emphasis on specialized care is a priority. Matthews (2015), describes the ‘nation as aging and not alone’ due to the low birth rate and the high life expectancy in the country. These indicate that the population of the elderly is more senior compared to the young. With the young working to support their families, it is nearest to impossible for them to also take care of their grandparents or aging parents. These results in having to acquire permanent residency in caregiving homes where they can receive 24-hour supervision and get specialized care from healthcare professionals. Home-based care for terminally ill elderly persons Literature Review Essay. However, according to Frank (2013), the move mentioned above has amounted to neglect of the elderly. Those put in nursing homes get forgotten and do not receive a phone call or even messages from their next of kin. These are because nursing homes enable them to efficiently concentrate on their jobs and travel away without worry of if their aging parents are well cared (Ming-Chun et al, 2017). Home-based care is a form of specialized treatment as a technique by itself. Some terminal illnesses require that the patient does not lose hope in life to recover adequately. The hospital environment is not appropriate to provide those conditions. One is therefore discharged to go home and on seeing that they must lead a healthy life the feeling of hopelessness fades away. According to Hynes (2016), community occupation therapy shows positive change and longer living in persons living with dementia. New models of the therapy are under exploration. Home-based care for terminally ill elderly persons Literature Review Essay. It is not only useful but also improves the lives of both the patients and caregivers.
Abuse is a complete violation of individual rights to decency. These numerously reported cases are problems and significant hindrances to home-based caregiving. Most of the patients subscribed to such services are often weak, non-responsive, aged and alone. These factors make them prone to acts of abuse from members of society or health care providers tasked with looking after them. Home-based care for terminally ill elderly persons Literature Review Essay. In the United States unknowing or knowingly done acts of medical negligence against an elderly patient is an abuse. Similarly, the world health organization declared harassment as a violation of fundamental human rights and practices. According to Lena (2017), approximately 10% of the aged placed in home-based care in the United States experience a form of abuse, neglect or exploitation. With these numbers, it is only logical to conclude that the violence is set to continue as the aged grow in size. It is also important to note that a significant amount of these abuses are not reported due to the patient’s unawareness of what is taking place or happening to them. Lee (2017) states that only 57% of the victimized elderly report to either the police, family members or friends. These show that 43% of all duped do not act upon it. Abuse has caused deaths and further deterioration of health (Izawa et al, 2016). It should, therefore, get addressed actively through legislation of necessary policies and setting up of laws. Home-based care for terminally ill elderly persons Literature Review Essay.
Home-based care is an excellent program if well managed. It can reduce costs at hospitals for a family, create more time to spend with one’s kids, improve the patients’ medical and social conditions. When one gets hospitalized, the feeling of hopelessness and not recognizing the next step is agonizing, at home one can get the favourite meal see all the family, be happy and die at peace. Most patients have shown positivity in the improvement of health due to this technique by caregivers (Novokreshchenova, 2015). Home-based care for terminally ill elderly persons Literature Review Essay. However severe cases of neglect, abuse, taint a possible perfect image of what things are. Rogue nurses cause pain and suffering since the old may not understand. These have led to deaths, and in most severe cases the terminally ill patients may even take their own lives. Strategies to eliminate these unethical practices must get developed. Whether technological methods such as CCTV surveillance, or random patrols in homes like in the case of foster dwellings must take charge to reduce this suffering (Money et al, 2015) Home-based care for terminally ill elderly persons Literature Review Essay.
Ahn, E., Shin, D. W., Choi, J. Y., Kang, J., Kim, D. K., Kim, H., & … Cho, B. (2013). The impact of awareness of terminal illness on quality of death and care decision making: a prospective nationwide survey of bereaved family members of advanced cancer patients. Psycho-Oncology, 22(12), 2771-2778. doi:10.1002/pon.3346
Carduff, E., Jarvis, A., Highet, G., Finucane, A., Kendall, M., Harrison, N., & … Murray, S. A. (2016). Piloting a new approach in primary care to identify, assess and support carers of people with terminal illnesses: a feasibility study. BMC Family Practice, 171-9. doi:10.1186/s12875-016-0414-2 Home-based care for terminally ill elderly persons Literature Review Essay
Döpp, C. E., Graff, M. L., Teerenstra, S., Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M. G., Olde Rikkert, M. M., & Vernooij-Dassen, M. J. (2013). Effectiveness of a multifaceted implementation strategy on physicians’ referral behavior to an evidence-based psychosocial intervention in dementia: a cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Family Practice, 14(1), 70-79. doi:10.1186/1471-2296-14-70 Home-based care for terminally ill elderly persons Literature Review Essay
FEDERAL REGISTER. (2017). Federal Register (National Archives & Records Service, Office of the Federal Register), 82(89), 21677-21911.
Hynes, S. M., Field, B., Ledgerd, R., Swinson, T., Wenborn, J., di Bona, L., & … Orrell, M. (2016). Exploring the need for a new UK occupational therapy intervention for people with dementia and family carers: Community Occupational Therapy in Dementia (COTiD). A focus group study. Aging & Mental Health, 20(7), 762-769. doi:10.1080/13607863.2015.1037243
Izawa, S., Nakamura-Taira, N., & Yamada, K. (2016). Stress Underestimation and Mental Health Outcomes in Male Japanese Workers: a 1-Year Prospective Study. International Journal Of Behavioral Medicine, 23(6), 664-669. doi:10.1007/s12529-016-9557-8
Matthews, C. (2015). JAPAN IS AGING. IT’S NOT ALONE. Fortune, 172(8), 17-18
Ming-Chun, C., Chi-Wen, K., Yu-Lung, C., Tzu-Ying, L., Yu-Ting, T., Yi-Ting Zhang, J., & … Hwang, S. (2017). Effects of home-based long-term care services on caregiver health according to age. Health & Quality Of Life Outcomes, 151-10. doi:10.1186/s12955-017-0786-6
Money, A. G., Atwal, A., Young, K. L., Day, Y., Wilson, L., & Money, K. G. (2015). Using the Technology Acceptance Model to explore community dwelling older adults’ perceptions of a 3D interior design application to facilitate pre-discharge home adaptations. BMC Medical Informatics & Decision Making, 15(1), 1-15. doi:10.1186/s12911-015-0190-2 Home-based care for terminally ill elderly persons Literature Review Essay
Novokreshchenova, I. G., & Senchenco, I. K. (2015). Quality of medical care for the elderly in out-patient conditions according to the sociological survey. Russian Open Medical Journal, 4(1), 1-5. doi:10.15275/rusomj.2015.0101
PĂTRU, E., CĂLINA, D. C., PĂTRU, C. L., DOCEA, A. O., & PASCU, R. M. (2014). The Physician’s Attitude towards the End of the Existence. Current Health Sciences Journal, 40(2), 134-138. doi:10.12865/CHSJ.40.02.10 Home-based care for terminally ill elderly persons Literature Review Essay