Hospice and End of Life Care Paper Example Outline
Hospice and End of Life Care
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Full Title of Your Paper Goes Here
The introduction for the body of your paper begins here and must include a strong introduction statement with supporting information in the form of sentences. A purpose, or thesis statement must appear as the last sentence of the introduction paragraph. For guidance with using APA headings please see the appendix below and click here: http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle /2009/07/five-essential-tips-for-apa-style-headings.html?_ga=2.239864259.1967865011.15005 58103-824870297.1499886519.
Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) Group Project Paper Outline
Please cut and paste the completed outline to the appendix section of the paper. The APN group project paper outline is as follows:
APN Group Project Paper Outline
A. Develop an APN intervention consistent with the APN’s role as a service
Program in the form of a clinical program.
B. Include the design (organizational structure) of the clinical program
(educational, clinical).
C. Clinical service program theme and title (See the Advanced Nurse Role
course syllabus).
D. APN group project paper components
1. Description of the problem as it relates to the APN intervention and
its development (e.g., disease condition, a health problem, a health
system deficit).
2. Review of Literature (related to the problem with associated
outcomes, best evidence-based practice approach for the intervention/problem to implement, tailor, and/or expand upon)
3. Local site/resource to implement the intervention with clinical site
- Describe the site (location, patient population, staff, patients)
- Present the program presentation and/or consultation approaches
- Deliver consultation reflective and constructive feedback
- Description of the intervention with specific operational components
(1) Intervention program goals
(2) Program objectives (long-term and/or short-term)
(3) Brief summary of intervention program description
including the target group (population affected), timeframe,
(4) method of approach for the intervention program)
intervention). Please note an educational intervention program should include teaching and learning principle (e.g. Bloom’s Taxonomy 1956).
(5) Specific intervention program procedures (who, what,
when, where, how), specific target group, program sessions, learning objectives if applicable, materials and resources, and facilitators and/or required staff with their credentials (qualifications).
4. Program Budget: Year I (requested and grant funds, donated funds)
a. Staff
b. Materials and resources
c. Equipment
d. Travel
e. Other
Do not develop the program budget as a narrative, instead create a table within the appendix and refer to the budget and its table in the narrative of the paper.
5. Program evaluation: Year I include a diagram Figure of evaluation
6. Give a brief summary of the program evaluation figure (include
evaluations by health providers and others involved
7. The diagram/figure should include tools to be used and how (e.g.
survey, questionnaires) and when data will be collected).
What are Headings?
Table 1
What are Headings?
(American Psychological Association, 2015)
American Psychological Association. (2015). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. APA, Washington: D.C.
Bloom, B. S. (1964). Taxonomy of educational objectives. N.Y: Longmans, Green.