Improvement Project Charter Essay Assignment Paper

Improvement Project Charter Essay Assignment Paper

Improvement Project Charter Assignment Paper Details  

If you could download the Improvement Project Charter form the information can be written in.
I also need an 10 slide power point presentation that supports the Improvement Project Charter based upon current research data, benchmarks, evidence based practices. APA format, APA References
My Charter is based upon Palliative care nurses knowledge .
Project Title: What is your understanding about Palliative care? Improvement Project Charter Essay Assignment Paper.
Team member:
University: Farmingdale State College
What are you trying to accomplish?


Describe in 2-3 sentences the existing conditions you hope to improve ( I.e., the gap in quality)
I want to increase the understanding of the nurses in knowing the difference between Palliative care ,Comfort care and Hospice care. In this section “what are we trying to accomplish ” a project Charter is the statement of a scope or objectives and nures,patient, and other participants in the project
It begins the process of defining roles and and responsibility of participants. Stakeholders are identified and the project sponsors are defined.
Rationale: This section requires literature .This section should provide facts ,evidence based practices, research as to why this improvement Project Charter is important. **Supportive research needed to prove that without Charter Project: there would be decreased patient satisfaction, decreased Registered nurses satisfaction, lack of nurses knowledge of Palliative care practices, decreased patient outcomes , and decreased understanding of the nurses knowledge about the differences between Palliative care, Comfort care, and Hospice care Improvement Project Charter Essay Assignment Paper.
AIM STATEMENT: By May 19, 2019 I aim to increase the Registered nurses knowledge of Palliative care and how it relates to their practice by 20%. I hope to achieve this by re-education the nurses on the inpatient Palliative Care Referral Assessment Tool, and provide a power point presentation that clearly states my Aim STATEMENT, that describes what Palliative Care Practices, define what comfort care measures represent, and state what Hospice Care represents. The power point will discuss barriers of the nurses in their knowledge of Palliative Care practices. The power point presentation will provide strategies for improving the implementation of obtaining inpatient Palliative care referrals. The power point presentation will also provide best practices, evidence based practices, and relevant literature to support the Improvement Project Charter. Improvement Project Charter Essay Assignment Paper.
AIM STATEMENT: what outcome, in a measurable terms, what are you hoping to accomplish?Specify how good,for whom by when.
I found 2 articles:
1. Generalist plus Specialist Palliative Care-Creating a More Sustainable Model. Authors; Timothy E. Quill, MA, and Any P. Abernethy., New ENGL J MED 368.13 March 28, 2013
2. AJN, American Journal of Nursing, April 2015, Volume 115 Issue 4- p13., doi: 10. 1097/01. NAJ 00046307
Expectations: you need to authorize your Project, it serves as a primary sales documents. This is a document that stays with you throughout the life cycle of the project.** why have you chosen this AIM you’ve set forth? Explain, in specific terms, what you believe will be the beneficial outcomes of this Project? Provide supportive details of increased benefits for nurses gaining increased knowledge, patient increased satisfaction ,increased rates of referrals and improve patient outcomes. Improvement Project Charter Essay Assignment Paper.

Improvement Project Charter Assignment

HOW WILL WE KNOW A CHANGE IS AN IMPROVEMENT?**outcomes or Project measures. List measures that you ultimately want to affect? 1 increased knowledge base after educating, 2 increased RN satisfaction 3 Increased patient and family satisfaction and experience, 4 improve the application and use of the Palliative care referrals assessment tool.
Process Measures: list the measures that will tell you if the parts or steps in the system are performing as planned to affect the outcome measures ( what is the goal of the project, how do you plan to reach these goals and objectives)**initial steps include: assess and interview with the staff nurses on their knowledge of Palliative care practices. 2 Create a questionnaire ( what is your understanding of Palliative care? What is your understanding of Hospice care? What does Comfort Care mean to you?)3 Education of the nurses
Balancing Mesasures: list the measures you will track to determine whether you are introducing problems in other parts of the system. 1 re-education emphasize that you are not adding on any extra workload to the RN duties. 2. By reinforcing the use of the Inpatient Palliative Care assessment tool, you are not taking away from patient outcomes, safety measures, patients or families satisfaction. Stress that the RN workload will not increase.
What Changes Can We Make to Improve? Key Stakeholders: whose input and support will this Project require? How will you engage these Stakeholders? (Stakeholders: are students, RN’s, health care providers, Leadership teams, Patient, and families )
Change Ideas: Improvement Project Charter Essay Assignment Paper. how will you learn more about the process or system you’re trying to improve? ( e.g. interview with people who are within the process, cause and effect or ** driver diagrams, etc). Improvement Project Charter Assignment
**What ideas do you have for the initial test of change (PDSA CYCLES)?
Barriers: What are the barriers to the success of your Project? How will you overcome the barriers you have listed?
1. Staff resistance
2. Nurses noncompliant in completing the inpatient Palliative Care referrals tool
3. Barriers related to ineffective communication among the health care team members.
4. Staff reluctance to obtain Palliative Care referrals based upon their own fears and misconceptions. Improvement Project Charter Improvement Project Charter Essay Assignment Paper

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