Intellectual Developmental Disorder Treatment options Essay

Intellectual Developmental Disorder Treatment options Essay

Intellectual development disorder is associated with deficits an individual’s intellect characterized by experiential learning, academic learning, abstract thinking, planning, judgment and reasoning (Zheng & Chen, 2016). The treatment of this disorder involves the alleviation of symptoms and multiple options are available for the management of this disease. Each treatment intervention is uniquely tailored for specific individual to meet their personal needs.


Behavioral Intervention is effective in the treatment of intellectual developmental disorder. It involves the use of techniques and behavioral changes. Behavioral interventions seek to teach the functional alternative behaviors and reduce the associated symptoms. The techniques used include modelling, fading, prompting and reinforcements. Another intervention is applied behavior analysis (ABA) that utilizes the learning theory principles to bring about positive and meaningful change of behavior in the patient (Schuengel et al., 2019). These changes develop self-control, social, communication and self-monitoring skills. They are also applicable in the daily and structured settings as well as group and individual instruction Intellectual Developmental Disorder Treatment options Essay. Peer-Mediated treatment also engages children with disabilities in activities that boost their competency in communication.

Notably, pharmacological therapy is also effective in treating intellectual developmental disorder. It entails the use of medication to treat children for early developmental delays. Psychological therapy involving psychiatrists, geneticist, special education therapist, physical therapist or occupational and speech therapist is also necessary in treatment. Environmental arrangement organizes the surrounding to promote communication. The aim is to set the communication occasion and increase the environmental interest. The patient comments and expresses desires to understand and enquire about the environment thus improving the communication and learning skills. Moreover, Functional communication training (FCT) replaces challenging behavior with the appropriate communication and behavioral alternatives that improve their cognitive levels. On the other hand, Incidental teaching teaches elaborate communication attempts and interesting opportunities using prompt questions Intellectual Developmental Disorder Treatment options Essay.


Schuengel, C., van Rest, M. M., Stanford, C. E., & Hastings, R. P. (2019). Impact of Research About the Early Development of Children With Intellectual Disability: A Science Mapping Analysis. In Frontiers in Education (Vol. 4, p. 41). Frontiers.

Zheng, X. F., & Chen, J. J. (2016). Evaluation of intellectual development level of 300 children with language disorder. Zhongguo dang dai er ke za zhi= Chinese journal of contemporary pediatrics18(11), 1115-1118 Intellectual Developmental Disorder Treatment options Essay.

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