Leader as Change Agent, Understanding Culture – Organizational Culture Essay Assignment Paper
Leader as Change Agent, Understanding Culture – Organizational Culture Essay Assignment Paper
Organizational Culture
Leaders have several strategies that they can use to create a culture of change in an organization. Leaders can utilize the mechanisms identified by Schein to educate current and prospective staff on the organization’s culture and how to maintain that awareness.
Review “Understanding cultural and linguistic barriers to health literacy” from this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.
Evaluate the primary embedding mechanisms and the secondary articulation and reinforcement mechanisms discussed in Ch. 9, Challenges of Change on p. 229 of your textbook.
Write a 700 to 1,000 word paper in which you will address the following:
- Which of the five primary mechanisms can be used within your organization to refine, maintain, or change the organizations culture?
- Which of the five secondary mechanisms can be used to reinforce the primary embedding mechanisms?
- What impact does an organization’s culture have on the ability of a leader to drive change?
Provide in-text citations and references for all sources cited; format according to APA guidelines.
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Leader as Change Agent, Understanding Culture – Organizational Culture Essay Assignment Paper
Patient Satisfaction Learning Team Project Summary: Decision Making Models
Week 3
Keeping the issue identified in Week 2 in mind, research decision-making models used in healthcare.
- Discuss your findings on the team discussion board
- As a team, choose two or three decision-making models to address the quality measure, using the issue you identified to illustrate the model.
- Include discussion of why the model would be useful in this situation.
Write a 350 to 500 word paper summarizing the models chosen and applying them to the issue you identified in week 2
Format your summary consistent with APA guidelines.
Note. Points are awarded based on the quality of the content submitted and the degree to which assignment expectations are met.
Leader as Change Agent, Understanding Culture – Organizational Culture Essay Assignment Paper
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