NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers

NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers

NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.


Healthy People 2020 (graded)

The federal government developed Healthy People as a set of national health objectives that are periodically evaluated to measure progress in the nation’s health goals and healthcare services. HP 2020 has a renewed focus on identifying, measuring, tracking, and reducing health disparities through a determinants-of-health approach. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.

This week, please briefly discuss a Healthy People 2020 objective under the topic area of your choice. Go to and select any one of the objectives under the topic area of your interest. Using the local, national, or international news, describe actions you, as a community health nurse, could take in formulating policy changes to help promote the objective you have selected. Cite references to support your views.


Please note:

There is a helpful “Introduction to Healthy People 2020 website” document in Doc Sharing to aid you in navigating the HP 2020 website. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.

Our textbook, Community/Public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (5th ed.) was published prior to the final version of Healthy People 2020, resulting in some of the book content differing from the Healthy People 2020 website.


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(an instructor response)

Collapse              Mark as Read    Healthy People 2020       Instructor Hamilton Email this Author     2/17/2015 8:26:56 PM

Hello Class,

In the United States we have many health issues to examine.  Healthy People 2020 is designed to address these issues and reduce the disparity in health care in our nation.  This week go to the Healthy People website and find a topic area that is your passion and explore this topic of interest. Think of your personal experiences, community-local, national, and state and formulate ideas to how we can impact this issue as a community health nurse. My guess is you will find not one but many that interest you.  I find when I look at the topics there is truly not just one topic of interest.  As a part of my practice in community health I saw the devastating effects of many of these factors every day. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.

How about you?  How can you relate to the current concerns and how can we make a difference as nurses?~Dr Hamilton

Class: You may begin posting in this TD on Sunday, March 1, 2015 for credit.


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Erica Meyerhofer Email this Author         3/1/2015 6:54:57 AM

Week 1 Main Post Healthy People 2020

Professor Hamilton and Classmates

Access to health care, I believe is the key to reducing disparity in health care in our nation.  If we could provide access to health care to all a chance at prevention of disease and disability, improved life expectancy, and detection and treatment options could be presented and treated if applicable (   The highest percent without access currently are those who are uninsured due to cost and or availability.  The lack of access causes a delay in treatment progressing the disease process, shortcoming in preventative services, and readmissions. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.

With the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act signed in March of 2010 by President Obama, one feature is that organizations will not be reimbursed for hospital readmissions that occur within 30 days of discharge.  The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is intended to expand coverage to the uninsured by controlling costs (Nies & McEwen, 2011).   With less cost associated with readmissions, the funds can be applied to increase the proportion of people without health insurance.  Since the implementation, there has been estimated 70,000 fewer admissions in 2012 (Sebelius, 2013).

Recently the organization I work for has implemented Transitional Care Management (TCM) policy to reduce the rate of readmissions.  My role in TCM as a community nurse it to review the discharge summary, call the patient within two days to conduct an assessment for possible readmission causes, and to verify an appointment has been achieved with his primary care provider within 7 to 10 days.  NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. My role makes sure that patients are provided appropriate medical services in a timely manner.  Many times services are ordered at discharge and never initiated.  By calling the patients if services requested are not started, I can follow up in a timely manner and initiate the services.

Erica Meyerhofer


Nies, M. A. & McEwen M. (2011).  Community/Public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (5th ed.). St Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier. (2015). Determinants of health (n.d.),

Sebelius, K. (2013). Good news on innovation and health care.



(an instructor response)

Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Instructor Hamilton Email this Author     3/2/2015 5:35:22 PM


Very good topic readmission for not understanding medication administration and reconciliation is a key topic and transitional nurses have become a popular position of late. A local pharmacy is helping people organize current medications and dispose of expired or no longer needed medications which is an outreach initiative started with the transitional care nurses here locally…I went to a home for a well-being check and of course the elderly person was fine just not too active because we are in the middle of winter…well when I looked around in the middle of the dining room table was a lazy susan full of prescription bottles, as I was looking at the bottles one was from 1987 and his wife’s name was on the bottle, she has been gone for several years…he was on 2 prescribed medications but had an array of prescription bottles with pills in them and sometimes multiple varieties for his wife and himself….thanks for the topic you reminded me of this story as I could see many safety issues or even readmission issues, as the medications included pain medications and blood pressure medications.~NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Anzhelika Antyasova Email this Author   3/1/2015 12:12:53 PM

Modified:3/1/2015 12:22 PM

Dr. Hamilton and class,

According to Centers for disease control and prevention Healthy people 2020 has 4 goals

Attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death;

Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups;

Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all; and

Promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all life stages

I choose Tobacco Use objectives. I believe this is the problem which involves adults and adolescents. Cancer, Heart disease, lung diseases  (emphysema, bronchitis , CODD), premature birth, low birth weight, still birth and infant death are the risks of tobacco use. The secondhand smoke has not less effects as heart diseases and lung diseases as severe asthma, respiratory infections, ear infections, SIDS.

443.000 Americans die from tobacco use, this number is very scary. Tobacco use costs in U.S $193 billion in medical expanses and lost productivity.

Health People 2020 provides actions to reduce tobacco use

Fully funding tobacco control programs. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers

Increasing the price of tobacco products.

Enacting comprehensive smoke-free policies.

Controlling access to tobacco products.

Reducing tobacco advertising and promotion.

Implementing anti-tobacco media campaigns.

Encouraging and assisting tobacco users to quit.

I am non smoking person, but have many people around me who smoke. I am secondhand smoker since my childhood. My father and grandfather used to smoke a lot, and I am just thinking why they never worried that I am a child and breathing all smoke of tobacco. Probably, they were not very knowledgeable about that. Now, I am a mom of 2 daughters and my husband do not smoke, people who are coming to us and smoking knows that they can not smoke in front of my kids, so they do not see that. Of course I can not isolate them form tobacco users , but we talk a lot about the problems that can cause tobacco use. I am not afraid to show them the picture of healthy lungs and lungs of tobacco user. I hope it will somehow help them to decide smoke or not in the future.

Retrieved from:


(an instructor response)

Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Instructor Hamilton Email this Author     3/2/2015 5:36:42 PM


Thanks for the post and information. I was reading an article recently how not only second hand smoke affects people but third hand smoke which is found lingering in the clothing and furniture. The main topic was addressing children with asthma and eluded to SIDS in infants as possible consequences.  Class: Has anyone heard of this concept before?

Dr Hamilton


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Stephanie Stalter Email this Author          3/2/2015 6:32:33 PM

Dr Hamilton and class,

I work in a labor and delivery “birthing center” and this is now an critical part of our discharge information. Sadly, many, many, parents of neonates smoke. Mothers, fathers, and other close family members. This education is crucial because many people simply think it is enough to not smoke around the baby. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. But the effects of third hand smoke is very real. We educate family to have dedicated coats to wear outside if they need to smoke and to make sure that they wash their hands thoroughly. Obviously, we start with education and support to quit smoking first. But, then we educate about second hand smoke and the detrimental effects, and SIDS.



(an instructor response)

Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Instructor Hamilton Email this Author     3/3/2015 4:40:54 PM

Thanks for the follow-up post Stephanie, all nurses can do is educate and hopefully the patients will modify behaviors to enhance a positive patient outcome.~Dr Hamilton


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Michelle King Email this Author  3/3/2015 8:39:25 PM

Doctor Hamilton and Classmates,

During NICU rotations in nursing school, I remember a patient that was born under four pounds at full term due to maternal smoking of more than 3 packs per day.  Mom would come in to see her child just reeking of smoke.  In Virginia, parental rights are rarely terminated and I can remember hearing the NICU nurse instruct one mom to please at least roll down the windows if she would be smoking crack with baby in the car.  NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. Given the climate, it was certain that this poor baby would soon be going home soon to a 3 pack per day home.  A lot of people don’t realize what that  nicotine is such a powerful vasoconstrictor.



(an instructor response)

Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Instructor Hamilton Email this Author     3/4/2015 6:25:22 PM

Michelle thanks for the follow-up post, this makes me sad we have to educate in this manner. I would believe social services should be notified in this case as this jeopardized the safety of the child if mom is smoking crack near the baby or if even impaired while caring for the baby.  Addictions in my opinion are mental illnesses which need to be addressed to help mother become a better parent…there are also parenting classes which could be mandated if she is not a voluntary participant…..just a thought.~Dr Hamilton NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Michelle King Email this Author  3/6/2015 9:44:58 PM

Dr.  Hamilton and Class,

I agree wholeheartedly with Dr. Hamilton.  Unfortunately, medical personnel are liable to notify child protective services of suspected abuse, but it is up to the agency to determine whether or not to intervene or when to intervene.  Often, NICU nurses will never learn the outcome of such cases.  This is one of the very depressing aspects of the work.

According to Souza, in 2014, “Doctors and nurses can usually tell when a newborn was exposed to drugs in utero, and a test of the baby’s or mother’s urine confirms their suspicions. They are then required to notify Child Protective Services, which can open an investigation.  Exposure to drugs before birth is not included in Virginia’s definition of child abuse or neglect. The state does not track the number of cases in which social workers confirmed that allegation.” NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.



Souza, Gabriella. (August 17, 20014).  Born addicted: Hospital treats drug-exposed newborns.  The Virginian Pilot.  Accessed online on May 4, 2015 at NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Stephanie Stalter Email this Author          3/8/2015 9:01:05 PM


I work in labor and delivery and I experience many of the same things.  Many patients do come in with positive tox screens. And most of those same parents end up taking those same babies home.  It can be a total mess. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. The welfare system is in such a state that it is deemed that this kids are still better off going home to these drug addict parents than to send these kids into the foster care system.

I also recently learned that if there is a fetal demise related to drug use, that there is usually no criminal pursuit of the parent. Unbelievable to me. Sad, sad, sad.



Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Tasha Forehand Email this Author            3/2/2015 2:56:14 PM

Class and Dr. Hamilton.

I have chosen Dementias, Including Alzheimer’s Disease as my objective.

This issue can be so terrifying for both the patient and the family members who are having to watch their loved ones memory fail.  I have worked with patient’s in the past who have had dementia as well as Alzheimer’s disease and to see them struggle because they know that something is not right but yet they cannot get a handle on it or how to fix it is such an awful thing to watch. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia.  It is estimated that up to 5.1 million Americans aged 65 years and older have Alzheimer’s disease.  These numbers are predicted to more than double by 2050 if more effective ways to treat and prevent this disease are not found.  It is so important that patients who are showing signs of early dementia get in to a doctor and get tested for this so that the medical professionals can have a better handle on how advanced the disease is and how to properly treat symptoms related to this. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers, Early diagnosis is very important in slowing the process.

There is a community-based class that is offered in my community that is called Coping with Dementia.  This is offered for family members who are caring for loved ones who are struggling with dementia as this can be a very exhausting, trying, period for them.  It is so important that they know that they have support systems to rely on.

The Administration on Aging has a program known as the Alzheimer’s Disease Supportive Services Program which supports state efforts to expand the availability of community-level supportive services for persons with Alzehimer’s disease and related disorders and their caregivers.  Between 2008 and 2011, Administration on Aging funded 80 Alzheimer’s Disease Supportive Services Program projects across the nation. These projects focus on three key efforts: dissemination of evidence-based programs; creation of integrated, dementia capable service systems; and exploration of new models of care. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.

Alzheimer’ is an amazing website that offers an abundance of information on this disease as well as options regarding treatment, counseling, and other supportive groups.  It also provides a link regarding the National Alzheimer’s Project Act.  The National Plan, originated in 2012, and it establishes five ambitious goals to both prevent future cases of Alzheimer’s disease and to better meet the needs of the millions of American families currently facing the disease.  The five goals include: NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.

Prevent and Effectively Treat Alzheimer’s Disease by 2025.

Optimize Care, Quality, and Efficiency.

Expand Supports for People with Alzheimer’s Disease and Their Families.

Enhance Public Awareness and Engagement.

Track Progress and Drive Improvement.

After researching this a bit I am very excited about the plans and advancements that have been made in finding a cure and prevention for this terrible disease.



Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Jessica Parker Email this Author 3/3/2015 6:16:38 PM


I agree with you about Alzheimer’s being difficult for families to watch happen to their loved ones.  It is very scary & sad for the family to see the family member lose memories and lose the ability to do basic everyday tasks.  NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. The physician in our office performs the tests early on and at any sign of memory loss or confusion.  Many times we fear for the patient’s safety when we do not know what the patient’s home life is like.



Collapse              Mark as Unread               RE: Healthy People 2020               Arthel Tamakloe Email this Author           3/2/2015 10:25:56 PM

I chose Preparedness as my Topic. I was amazed at how unprepared our nation was with the Ebola epidemic. We were assured by the World Health Organization and also by our government that Ebola is confined to West Africa. Little did we know that Ebola is not only Africa concern but a global concern. Ebola a virus once far away from US soil—is yet another warning that we need to establish communication preparedness.

“We need to strengthen our international institution communication response, arming government, medical, and community leaders with information and communication strategies that will help transform people’s behavior and beliefs about the disease. This will include visible demonstration of disease control procedures so that trusted village heads, imams, and traditional healers demonstrate health behaviors such as hand washing, human contact, and burial practices to control the spread of the disease.” I think that we are learning things about how collectively the world can respond to emerging infectious diseases like this that really pose a threat not just in Africa but that actually expose us all to some level of risk. I believe we should maintain our global preparedness whether there is a crisis or not, we shouldn’t let our guard down. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.


Ratzan , S. C. ( 2013 ). “They say” the next big pandemic is near: Are we prepared? Journal of Health Communication , 18 , 757

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(an instructor response)

Collapse              Mark as Unread               RE: Healthy People 2020               Instructor Hamilton Email this Author     3/3/2015 4:50:18 PM

Arthel I agree, we hear about these cases and watch the news without realizing the impact a disease such as this could have on the community. For example look at the Measles outbreak and how quickly this spread across the United States. I recently heard on the evening news the nurse from Texas still has symptoms and side effects from her bout with Ebola. I cannot help but think of all the diseases we as health care providers are in contact with only to have a culture or test 1-2 days later indicate the patient is positive for meningitis, measles, chicken pox, etc..~Dr Hamilton


Collapse              Mark as Read    Older Adults       Jessica Parker Email this Author 3/1/2015 1:25:51 PM

Dr. Hamilton and Class:

I have recently been working in an Internal Medicine physician practice and a majority of our patients are elderly.  All healthcare practitioners should review the Healthy People 2020 objective relevant to their practice (Nies & McEwen, p. 9). There are areas that focus on “emphasizing health promotion, disease prevention, and health protection.” (CCN, 2015). Although there are several topics in Health People 2020 that would be valid selections for me to review, I chose “Older Adults” due to the population I work with daily.  The objective I chose is “OA-7.3 Increase the proportion of registered nurses with geriatric certification” (  I would be interested in having this certification.  We are taught so much in school about how a healthy young person’s body should look and act.  All our learning mannequins are young & healthy. The older population is growing more and people are living longer. I feel there should be more nurses that specialize in what an older adult’s health should be to help the patients keep their independence.

The hospital that I currently work for asks what education topics we want to learn about.  I could suggest this topic to the hospital to help educate the staff.

Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2015). NR-443 Week 1: Introduction and History of Public/Community Health Nursing [Online lesson]. Downers Grove, IL: DeVry Education Group. (2015). Older adults. Retrieved from:

Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2011). Community/Public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Older Adults               Jemima Gutierrez Email this Author         3/2/2015 8:58:10 PM

Dr Hamilton and Class,

I truly believe that we as practicing nurses needs to make sure that we are not only qualified to do our job but being on top of our education into certification and continuing education. Nursing school and our practice daily needs focus on the general population in the environment, physical, biological and social factors and our input is backed by evidenced-based practice research. Research have shown that “Over the past decade, nursing practice has moved towards a competency-based format, whereby nurses are expected to demonstrate specific competencies for safe and effective practice (American Nurses Association (ANA, 2010) NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.


Levin, P. F., Swider, S. M., Breakwell, S., Cowell, J. M., & Reising, V. (2013). Embracing a Competency-Based Specialty Curriculum for Community-Based Nursing Roles. Public Health Nursing, 30(6), 557-565. doi:10.1111/phn.12042 NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Older Adults               Erica Meyerhofer Email this Author         3/2/2015 9:01:48 PM

Hi Jessica –

I have worked in Internal Medicine for 7 years and love working with the elderly.  Geriatric certification requirements are at minimum BSN in nursing with 2000 hours of experience (Educational Portal, n.d).  The programs that I have looked into require the majority require a Master Prepared RN’s (there are some out there that accept BSN RN’s). NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. Classes that would be taken to receive Geriatric Certification would include psychology of aging, common age related diseases, sociology of aging which all would provide a greater understanding of the greater risks for older adults to injury and disease (Educational Portal, n.d).  Geriatric certification nursing also helps family members deal with the age related diseases with a focus on prevention (Discover Nursing, n. d.).

What I found interesting when looking into your topic of older adults is that in our practice we have to conduct yearly Medicare Wellness Exams which include a questionnaire that we conduct during the assessment phase of their office visit.  Does your practice conduct Medicare Wellness Exams?  The questionnaire hits topics that the Healthypeople 2020 website address such as fall prevention and quality of life.  It’s nice to know the reason behind the questionnaire besides just “My boss told me I have to do this questionnaire” the questionnaire is directed at the goals for Healthypeople 2020.


References: (2015). Older adults. Retrieved from:


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Older Adults               Jessica Parker Email this Author 3/3/2015 6:10:58 PM


We have not be asked to perform any Medicare Wellness Exams.  Interesting though.  I would imagine we will eventually need to start doing these in our office also.  Thanks for the heads-up! NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers


(an instructor response)

Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Older Adults               Instructor Hamilton Email this Author     3/4/2015 6:34:50 PM

Jessica and Class,

This is a good discussion here is a website in Illinois regarding aging and services, I am wondering if this is offered in your state/area as well. I look forward to expanding this discussion.~Dr Hamilton


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Older Adults               Jessica Parker Email this Author 3/7/2015 10:18:50 AM

Professor Hamilton & Class:

There are some websites offered here in Ohio.  Here is one in my area:



Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Older Adults               Gloria Rundle Email this Author 3/5/2015 8:26:17 PM


I have always enjoyed caring for the geriatric population. The objective you selected was to increase the proportion of  registered nurses with geriatric certification. I have also been interested in acquiring this certification. It is one of the things I would like to complete soon. I have also read a while ago about the shortage of nurses that will be able to care for baby boomers. The article goes on to say that there is a shortage of nursing instructors which limits capacity of nursing students. In the next 10 years 4 out 10 nurses will be over the age of 50 and retiring out in a decade. I am one of those nurses and this article was written 5 years ago. I think this task will become little more difficult to achieve. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. Since the nursing shortage continues with us older nurses retiring and not as many new nurses entering the nursing field.

The article also states that another problem with the nursing shortage is the shortage of instructors. I know of some instructors that hold other jobs as well as teach because it is more lucrative to work in a hospital because the wages are more.


Collapse              Mark as Read    Healthy People 2020       Danielle Devito Email this Author              3/1/2015 2:18:18 PM

Dr. Hamilton and Class,

Healthy People 2020 provides national objectives to improve the health of Americans.  It is used to help the American public live high-quality, longer lives that are free from preventable diseases and disability, to avoid premature death, improve the health of all groups, and to create social and physical environments that promote good health for all. These are goals which are set over a 10-year agenda, ending in 2020. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.

I chose the Heart disease and strove initiative, with the HDS-1 objective, which is to increase overall cardiovascular health in the U.S. population.    I chose this objective because I am a cardiac nurse and so much of the cardiac diseases that we deal with are preventable.  The goal is to “Improve cardiovascular health and quality of life through prevention, detection, and treatment of risk factors for heart attack and stroke; early identification and treatment of heart attacks and strokes; and prevention of repeat cardiovascular events,” (, 2015).   There are many things that can be done to help promote this initiative in the community.   Many people in our country are very vulnerable to cardiovascular diseases, “Diet and other behavioral factors are significant contributors to this increased risk, but rural residents often have limited access to health screen and promotion services,” (Keyserling et al., 1999). In order to improve access to health care we could set up heart disease screenings, where residents can have their blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar checked.  While at the screening, we could educate these people on healthy diets and healthy alternatives to the food that they like.  Nutrition and eating healthy is a key factor to improving heart health. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. In the hospital where I work, we do this twice a year and offer free screenings to members of our community, and refer them to cardiologists and doctors within our area if necessary.

References (2015). Older adults. Retrieved from:

Keyserling, T., Ammerman, A., Atwood, J., Hosking, J., Krasny, C., Zayed, H., & Worthy, B. (1999). A cholesterol intervention program for public health nurses in the rural Southeast: description of the intervention, study design, and baseline results. Public Health Nursing, 16(3), 156-167. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Jemima Gutierrez Email this Author         3/3/2015 6:42:42 AM

Dr Hamilton and class,

So many factors can contribute to stroke especially with someone has the genetic predisposition, unhealthy and inadequate habits that contribute greatly to stroke. Research of ĐURIČIĆ pointed out of “heart disease and consumption of tobacco, alcohol and drug abuse lead to an increased risk of developing stroke at an early age”(ĐURIČIĆ, 2015). The goal of nursing are to teach, assist the client in promoting optimum health to client’s individual needs consistent of the objectives of Healthy People 2020 by promoting activities in using primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention “to maintain health, prevent illness, early detection of disease and restore the highest level of of optimum functioning”(D’Amico, 2012). One recommendations is maintaining a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet, abstinence from smoking, regular physical activity, moderate alcohol intake, and activities and interventions aimed at achieving or maintaining normal blood pressure and cholesterol and blood glucose levels. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. The greatest risk for stroke are one with several high-risk conditions, including obesity, physical inactivity, and the metabolic syndrome (Bushnell, 2014). Heart disease and consumption of tobacco and alcohol as well as drug abuse lead to the increased risk of developing stroke at an early age.


Bushnell, C., & McCullough, L. (2014). Stroke Prevention in Women: Synopsis of the 2014 American Heart Association/American Stroke Association Guideline. Annals Of Internal Medicine, 160(12), 853-857.

D’Amico, D., & Barbarito, C. (2012). Health & physical assessment in nursing (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN: 9780135114155

ĐURIČIĆ, S., RABI ŽIKIĆ, T., & ŽIKIĆ, M. (2015). RISK FACTORS OF THE FIRST STROKE. Medicinski Pregled / Medical Review, 68(1/2), 17-21. doi:10.2298/MPNS1502017D.


(an instructor response)

Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Instructor Hamilton Email this Author     3/3/2015 4:55:00 PM


I agree with your statements and ideas prevention is key, early identification of risk factors and measures to reduce incidence are true benefits…are there any community resources to address heart disease, diabetes prevention, or management in your area? NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. I am also curious if a specific population is targeted…we have a heart healthy month in April which offers a one hour program once a week at the health department regarding heart health choices for exercise, diet choices, and offers suggestions for shopping/cooking etc…the biggest issue I heard was the cost of foods, lack of time for exercise and cooking….Thanks for the topic~Dr Hamilton


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Danielle Devito Email this Author              3/6/2015 3:02:02 PM

Dr. Hamilton and Class,

We do have some community resources in my area to address many health issues.  The hospital I work for offers many classes and seminars throughout the year.  Some of these include Overeaters Anonymous, Diabetes Education classes, and Heart Disease prevention and screening twice a year.  We do not target a specific population and it is open to everyone.  We are located just about an hour outside of New York City, so we have a very diverse population including many different races, ethnicities, cultures, and income levels.  We try to make it open for everyone, as every group is at risk.  According to our text, “The health of a community is associated with a number of factors such as health care access, economic conditions, social and environmental issues, and cultural practices…” (Nies & McEwan, 2011, p. 4).  We are working on improving the health of the community by education them and preventing disease, rather than just treating them.  As you stated, the cost of food is a major issue, and fast food is so much more readily available that healthy fruits and vegetables.  We also have a farmers market at our hospital on Wednesdays in the warmer months of the year, wear local farmers come to sell their produce, which is another way that we are trying to promote our communities health NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.


Nies, M. A., & McEwan, M. (2011). Health: A community view. In Community/Public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (5th ed. (pp. 2-17). [VitalSource]. Retrieved from


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Jemima Gutierrez Email this Author         3/1/2015 7:02:48 PM

Modified:3/1/2015 9:21 PM

Dr Hamilton and classmates,

Benjamin Franklin once said, “an ounce of it was worth a pound of cure and during the 19th century and Florence Nightingale promoted clean air and water as a way to keep disease at bay”(Krisberg, 2008). Healthy People 2020 recommend improvement in health as priorities, increasing public awareness, strengthen policy and provide measurable objectives to a state, local and national level.NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.  It encourages actions by research and best evidence based data. One determinant of Healthy People 2020 is the individual behavior. Individual behaviors affect their health especially when there is lack of education or lower level of education, income or specific racial/ethnic groups who just don’t believe that oral health is just as important. This lack of concern leads to poor oral health from increase and refusal to quit use of tobacco, alcohol consumption, poor dietary choices that limits prevention and treatments, fear or dental procedure, limited access or services and high rising cost of dental procedure that are unaffordable (Beall, 2011). “The Oral Health topic’s main goal is to prevent and control oral and craniofacial diseases, conditions and injuries; and improve access to preventive services and dental care”(Trossman, 2008). People have tendencies to not seek medical attention until they are sick enough to be hospitalized before receiving healthcare. According to  Nies” it is found that lack of health insurance is a key factor with about 20% of non-elderly and 25% of children in United states are uninsured damaging the population’s health,uninsured individualist receive timely physical exam and preventive dental care”(Nies,2011).

We in this nation are provided services to prevent tooth problems that also lead to bigger health concerns. Oral diseases remain prevalent across the country with individuals still use of tobacco, excessive alcohol and poor dietary choices.” Poor oral health are attributed to a number of factors including uneven and limited access to oral health care and dental coverage, lack of appropriate quality measures in oral health care, inadequate health literacy among the U.S. population, and lack of attention to oral health among primary care providers”(Beall, 2011) NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. Social determinants can affect oral health, and people with lower levels of education and income as well as from specific racial/ethnic groups have higher rates of disease. Objectives in this topic area address a number of areas for public health improvement, including increasing the awareness of the importance of oral health to overall health and well-being, increasing acceptance and adoption of effective preventive interventions, and reducing disparities in access to effective preventive and dental treatment services. And health care providers may believe in prevention but only up to a point, because they generally don’t get paid for pro- viding those services.” (Trossman,2008). As a community health nurse, we can work with the community health centers and help in implementing dental resources and education to the people  of the undeserved people. Research have said “One strategy to promote the health of underserved populations and reduce barriers to health care has been the utilization of Community Health Workers (CHWs) working with lay health workers, advisor community health representative and nurses”.(Mack, 2006). Integrating community health care workers into collaborating with community health nurses who are focused on the populations or general public and its relationship in the health,environment as the advocate in addressing neighborhood health issues will have a big impact(Stanhope,2003). NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.

Beall, A. (2011). A Look at Healthy People 2020 and Oral Health. Access, 25(7), 13-32.

Krisberg, K. (2008). Healthy People 2020 tackling social determinants of health. (Cover story). Nation’s Health, 38(10), 1-25.

Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2011).Community/Public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (5th ed.).

St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier

Stanhope, M. & Lancaster, J. (2003) Community & Public Health Nursing, 6th edn. Mosby, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 1–10.

Trossman, S. (2008). On the road to Healthy People 2020. (Cover story). American Nurse, 40(6), 1-8. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.

Zandee, G. L., Bossenbroek, D., Slager, D., & Gordon, B. (2013). Teams of Community Health Workers and Nursing Students Effect Health Promotion of Underserved Urban Neighborhoods. Public Health Nursing, 30(5), 439-447. doi:10.1111/phn.12031


(an instructor response)

Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Instructor Hamilton Email this Author     3/2/2015 5:40:14 PM

Jemima and Class

NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers In Illinois we have IPLAN which are based on Healthy People 2020 and identified health risks specific to that county, if you have time I recommend looking at this site and maybe also exploring your states site and then county site I am confident this will enlighten you to the issues identified by a needs assessment and also help you with your upcoming assignments.~Dr Hamilton


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Vanessa Machado Email this Author        3/8/2015 10:01:28 PM


I’d like to commend you on such a well written and integrated response to the importance of individual behavior and how it relates to oral health.  I think you did a wonderful job explaining also how communities can be involved in this approach and it is easy to see how the determinants of health overlap in this area.  NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers One important concept to keep in mind is that assessment of communities is key when defining one that are at greatest risk for oral health deficiencies.

It’s important to note, as you stated, that their are barriers to communicating and educating the public and these barriers should always be considered when assessing communities at risk for any health disparity.  They key is to overcome these barriers, educate, and provide assistance and resources to individuals who are at greatest risk for oral health deficiency, for example.

As Nies & McEwen state, “Health care services to individuals alone cannot solve today’s health problems.  All health care workers must learn to work with and on the behalf of aggregates” (2011).  Statistical analysis of communities and their needs is being enforced and health care workers must be aware of their ability to teach and communicate effectively within communities to provide public health services which promote wellness and disease prevention.

Thank You,

Vanessa Machado


Nies, M. A. & McEwen M. (2011).  Community/Public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (5th ed.). St Louis,

MO: Saunders/Elsevier.


Collapse              Mark as Read    Maternal, Infant, and Child Health           Stephanie Stalter Email this Author          3/2/2015 7:17:12 PM

Hello Dr Hamilton and class,

I have a very specific interest in the area of maternal, infant, and child health. I currently work in a low risk birthing center, which I absolutely love. I really enjoy the wellness aspect of my job. I love that I have lots of time with not only my patient, but their family as well. There is so much to be gained from this dynamic and simply spending time with these families helps to assess their learning needs.

The arena of labor and delivery goes far beyond simply helping a woman have a baby. In fact, I feel a great deal of responsibility when it comes to educating these families about taking care of their newborn. Things like feeding, safety, and hygiene are all very important. But, things such as bonding, personality development, and safety are equally important when you think about the life as a whole. The family bnding also includes dad, grandparents, and other siblings.v.

The objectives in Healthy People 2020 for this group is quite expansive and impressive. Some of the list is as follows below:

~reduce fetal death

~reduce infant death

~r/t SIDS

~r/t birth defectd

~reduce maternal morbidity

~reduce c/section rate

~reduce low birth weight

~reduce preterm labor and delivery

~increase early and adequate prenatal care

~increase maternal abstinence from




~increase putting infants on back to sleep

~increase exclusive breastfeeding

~increase worksite lactation support

~increase access to medical care

~increase quality comprehensive coordinated care

This isn’t nearly half of what is included on this list. This list is really quite awesome. A a community health nurse, I think education and follow up are key here. This education is crucial to mom, but also very important for dad and the extended family to appreciate. I think something like a heath fair would be a good way to gather members of the community, especially those with small children and of child bearing years, to come together to learn about these topics. When dealing with maternal, infant, and child health, we realize that all facets of HP2020 are covered: health promotion, disease prevention, and health protection. According to our Chamberlain College of Nursing Week 1 lecture, as community health nurse, we will

~focus on the entire community

~be guided by an assessment of the community

~understand how the determinates of health contribute to the health of a population.

~focus on prevention

~use multiple interventions

Formulating policy change would not seem to be a difficult task, because wellness is already a priority with the Federal government and Medicare and Medicaid programs. Maintaining health is the new name of the game. And public education needs to be at the heart of that movement. People are incredibly receptive to education when I give it to them. It is amazing what people don’t know, I have found myself over estimating the knowledge about health needs. Which is doing them a disservice. Assume they know nothing and start with the basics. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.

Thank you!

Stephanie Stalter

Chamberlain College of Nursing. RN Community Health Nursing. Week 1 Lesson. 2015.


(an instructor response)

Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Maternal, Infant, and Child Health    Instructor Hamilton Email this Author     3/4/2015 6:49:33 PM


Thanks for you post and sharing you make a great point …have you ever seen the reality show Teen Mom and some of the other shows which portray real life trials and tribulations of teen pregnancy and balancing life events….Class: thoughts on the effect these reality shows have on what CHN teach and educate to prevent these situations?

Dr Hamilton


Collapse              Mark as Read    Week 1 Jeremiah Ozuna Email this Author            3/2/2015 9:34:24 PM

Hello Prof and Class,

After reviewing the different topics, the one that interest me the most is physical activity. It is important for all ages young and old to exercise to maintain optimal health. I pride my self in working out and keeping in shape. I find it important in keeping healthy, but also it is a great stress reliever. I understand we all grow up with different body types due to genetics and environment, but with hard work and dedication anything is possible it just takes work. Unfortunately in this generation population have become increasingly lazy which in result becoming obese. The younger generation does not know or understand the true meaning of hard work. According, “more then 80% of adults do not meet the guidelines for both aerobic and muscle strengthening activities. Similarly, more then 80% of adolescents do not do enough of aerobic physical activity to meet the guidelines for youth.” NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers Due to this astounding number healthy people 2020 set simple objectives or goal to help reach out to the adolescent community, which include:

Physical activity in children settings.

Television viewing and computer usage.

Recess and physical education in the Nations public and private elementary schools.

“The Community health nurse focuses on healthy communities for all” (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2015). I have just moved to Michigan not to long ago so I have not exactly found or looked up all the different resources available to me. But as an community health nurse I would look into all different kinds of ways to getting all generations to exercise more. The task is to have appealing information to get people motivated. For younger generations, most are looking for deals. For instance some of the gyms here do promotions where sign up fee is cheaper or the monthly payment is only 10 dollars. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers After talking to some of the older generations most insurance companies are now giving free gym memberships to a lot of the older generations. It is important to inform the positive aspects of exercise such as reduces heart risk, early death, diabetes, and depression. Most of this appeals to most older generations. Now to appeal the younger generations is much more difficult. Not only is it important to teach or educate adolescents, but their parents as well. For adolescents exercise increases bone health, decreases body fat, and decreases depression.

Around the community a community nurse can talk to schools about how long or important recesses is. The kind of education or requirements children need in PE. Soccer leagues or any kinds of sports leagues should be promoted and encouraged in all age groups. Local tournaments should be set up around the community. Gym should have cheaper monthly cost with greater benefits to attract people. There can be free screening at a local clinic to give people an idea of how healthy they actually are. The objective is just to educate and provide motivation for a community to increase exercise habits. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.


Chamberlain College of Nursing, (2012). Week 1 lecture. Retrieved from (2015). Topics and objectives. Physical activity. Retrieved from

Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M., (2011). Community/ public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (5th ed.). St Louis, MO: Saunders/ Elsevier. City, State: Publisher.


(an instructor response)

Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Week 1         Instructor Hamilton Email this Author     3/4/2015 6:52:35 PM

Jeremiah and Class:

First Lady Obama has influenced the nation and collaborated with professional teams to provide public service announcements advocating balance of diet and exercise to promote good health and positive behavior/choices. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. Schools are a small part of this and modeling behaviors in the home is as important. I appreciate you including the influences of nutrition such as culture, affordability, and choice. Are there initiatives in your area you see?~Dr Hamilton



Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Week 1         Jeremy Langley Email this Author             3/6/2015 5:05:30 PM

Hello Jeremiah,

I like that you chose the topic of physical activity because I think it’s one of the most important thing we can teach people of all age. My topic was along the same lines as yours in that I chose quality of life and well being and your topic ties in nicely with the physical well being aspect. I like your comment about adolescents not getting enough exercise. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. As a parent of 2 children, I can say that electronics and 24/7 Cartoon Network has exacerbated the problem. My wife and I exercise routinely and fortunately my children have responded in the same way. They enjoy outdoor activities but can caught up in the cartoon and video game marathons. We’ve also seen P.E. being replaced in schools for other subjects but I feel it’s important for children to get the exercise and downtime form scholastic work. “The goals for Healthy People 2020 is to target younger children through recess and physical education in the Nation’s public and private elementary schools and looking at television viewing and computer usage” (Healthy People, 2020). “Physical activity can improve the health and quality of life of Americans of all ages, regardless of the presence of a chronic disease or disability” (Healthy People, 2020). I think you did a great job of summarizing this topic and I agree that most everyone can get some form of exercise daily from walking in your neighborhood to playing sports to going to a gym NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. Retrieved on March 6, 2015.


Collapse              Mark as Read    Meningococcal Prevention/Reduction   Lisa Robinson Email this Author 3/3/2015 1:53:53 PM

Professor Hamilton and fellow classmates-

I have chosen immunizations for a topic and the objective I chose was to reduce meningococcal disease. This topic speaks to me in a few different aspects. One, I am pro-immunization to some extent. I also have had a close call with being a suspected meningococcal patient and found that position to be in very scary and would not wish that on anyone. I think it is important to prevent some of this life threatening diseases by utilizing the immunizations that are available to do so.

According to Healthy People 2020, the statistics for lab-confirmed cases of meningococcal cases was on average about 1,200 per year in the years 2004-2008. The objective for this is to improve by 10% which I think may be a possibility if we utilize and educate patients and parents that there is an immunization for this and the importance of doing so. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers Also, providing them with  a list of pros as well as cons to receiving the immunization would be beneficial to them to make an informed decision.

Meningococcal disease is usually seen in the younger generation. (i.e.infants, adolescents, teenagers). There is a vaccine for children ages 11 to 18 years of age. There is also a vaccination available to ages 6 weeks through 10 years of age, which is recommended to the population that will be traveling to other countries or who have certain medical conditions.

This disease tends to spread very quickly in large groups of people, which is why it is offered and recommended for college students who will be living in a dorm setting to receive the vaccine.

As a community health nurse, I would try to coordinate a time to go to schools in my area and discuss immunizations and the importance of them. I would provide handouts to the students and parents to review in advance of coming in to receive a vaccination. I would also set up injection clinics to go to the schools and provide the immunization to students that way versus the parents having to bring the child in to the doctor’s office. This could be done for a small fee.



(an instructor response)

Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Meningococcal Prevention/Reduction            Instructor Hamilton Email this Author                3/4/2015 6:55:57 PM


Good point and discussion, although some of the diseases are still sporadically seen, this still does not influence those rejecting the idea of immunizing children. The schools and pediatricians have teamed up with local health departments to provide this education and answer questions for parents and guardians. Thanks for the topic….on that note most health care agencies mandate flu shots or the staff need to wear masks during the height of flu season…Class comments or thoughts about health care providers choosing not immunize for flu? NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.

Dr Hamilton


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Meningococcal Prevention/Reduction            Tasha Forehand Email this Author                3/7/2015 3:24:55 PM

Dr. Hamilton and Fellow Class,

I work in a facility where they do not currently mandate flu vaccines for their staff.  If the staff member chooses not to be vaccinated they have to sign a waiver stating that they refused.  I actually choose not to get a flu vaccine.  I personally have done both routes based on my employment, refusing the vaccine and also getting it because I do not want to have wear mask during every patient encounter.  I have not found the vaccine beneficial or necessary in my personal opinion for myself.  I see the importance of this in patients who have chronic illness or weakened immune systems as getting the flu for these patients can be very detrimental, however, I am very healthy and also think that it is important for our bodies to build up immunity as well.  I do not vaccinate my children against the flu either, they have, however, been given the routine vaccinations that are recommended during childhood.  NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. I am not opposed to people who choose to get vaccinated for the flu or who choose to vaccinate their children, I just have made the choice to not do that at this point.

Thank you!



Collapse              Mark as Read    Healthy People 2020       Christina Segura Email this Author            3/3/2015 5:01:46 PM

Dr. Hamilton & Class,

With consideration to health concerns in the community of my current local area, I reviewed the objective topics in Healthy People 2020 and was torn between nutrition/weight status and sexually transmitted diseases (STD).  I decided to choose STDs because of the two, STDs are not being talked about, addressed and are on the rise.   I live in what is called the Bible Belt of America and this is not a topic that is openly discussed in this community.  Though, it is apparent, conversations and education interventions are in order.   “Sexually transmitted disease cases for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis in Alabama are nearly double the national average based on population, county health records show” (Toner, 2014).   Substandard public education, healthcare access and funding are to blame for the greater risk of STDs to the residents of lower economic status communities (Toner, 2014).  “Among certain vulnerable populations, historical experience with segregation and discrimination exacerbates the influence of these factors (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d). “Infectious diseases continue to be differentially distributed by income and ethnic groups, and the poor and minorities continue to experience the greater burden” (Nies & McEwen, 2011).

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS, n.d) Healthy People 2020 initiative suggests the issue of STDs is widely unrecognized by the public, policy makers and even healthcare professional even though they are most often preventable and despite the costs and complications (HHS, n.d).   The CDC estimates 19 million new STD cases each year (over 50% age 15-24) with a healthcare care of 15.9 billion annually and because many go undiagnosed this number is an understatement (HHS, n.d.). “STDs cause many harmful, often irreversible, and costly clinical complications, such as: Reproductive health problems, Fetal and perinatal health problems, Cancer, Facilitation of the sexual transmission of HIV infection” (HHS, n.d.).

As an advocate and community health nurse, I would seek to incorporate more aggressive educational and awareness programs into schools and other youth organizations.   This outreach would also need to include a separate effort towards the parents who may also need the education and support to openly communicate and teach their children about the risks of STDs.  It would not seek to change morals, beliefs, or parenting styles but would serve to provide awareness and support intervention to a real problem, not one that we can say won’t happen to my child.  A current local program of a one hour per year, age based seminar, gives the parent the option to opt out for their child without fully advising the parent of the intended lesson and evidential impact of sexual transmission rates within their community.  The parent teachings and a revisit to legislature rights of educators to teach factual, age appropriate sexual transmitted disease lessons. Youth are receiving sexual education everyday from many outlets; peers, social media, music, television, etc.  We need to combat that with health facts, awareness, skills, and preventative measures. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.


Nies, M., & McEwen, M. (2011). Community/Public Health Nursing: Promoting the Health of Populations, 5th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf version]. Retrieved from

Toner, C. (June 24, 2014). 3 sexually transmitted diseases in Alabama nearly double national average. How does your county rate? AL.COM News.  Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Healthy People 2020: Sexually Transmitted Diseases.  Retrieved from


(an instructor response)

Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Instructor Hamilton Email this Author     3/4/2015 7:06:19 PM


I agree communication and education whether from a parent or public health/community health nurse is essential, when I worked public health this was a challenging concept as teens often believed adults were hard to approach or ask questions but when coming to my office I would be very open, frank, and friendly, I had a most commonly asked question form I went over with the teen because if they were not going to ask I was going to tell…hopefully some of the information sank in, then they were given their condoms, that was part of the healthy lifestyle program which distributed free condoms. Thanks for the topic.~Dr Hamilton


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Jeremiah Ozuna Email this Author            3/4/2015 8:54:48 PM

Hello Christina,

Thanks for your post, I have really enjoyed reading it. I appreciate you bringing up the topic of STD’s. Before moving to Michigan I use to live in Glendale, Az. In Arizona we get a lot of retirement folk and older generations that come to live here for the sun. In Sun City which is a town just west of Glendale is a huge community where most of the retirees and elderly go to live. What was surprising to me was that there has been an increase in reported STD’s in this community. With aging comes some erectile dysfunction issues, but with these new products that are out there most are eager to get back in the sack, so to say. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. “According to CDC, close to 2,550 cases of syphilis were reported among adults between the ages of 45 and 65 in 2010–up from around 900 cases in 2010” (Boyles, 2015). How would you approach this community with education and prevention? At this age do they really care or want to change their ways?



Boyles, S., (2015). Sex and the elderly: STD risk often ignored. Webmd. Retrieved from


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Jemima Gutierrez Email this Author         3/5/2015 6:26:46 AM

Modified:3/5/2015 6:42 AM

Hello Dr. Hamilton and class,

This is a very important topic and I am glad that you have researched it. I am very concerned about STD’s since my children are 19 and a teenager who is now 14 years old. The Healthy People 2020 objectives provide a comprehensive agenda for improving the health of all persons in the United States during 2011-2020.Researching this topic was interesting of mostly teenage years from grade 9-12 have several high-risk behavior including sexual risk behavior causes morbidity and mortality. Research have found that high school students nationwide are engaged in sexual behaviors contributing to unwanted pregnancies, unwanted sexual encounters, STD’s including HIV infection. It is unfortunate to know that this survey shows “Nearly half (46.8%) of students had ever had sexual intercourse, 34.0% had had sexual intercourse during the 3 months before the survey (i.e., currently sexually active), and 15.0% had had sexual intercourse with four or more persons during their life. Among currently sexually active students, 59.1% had used a condom during their last sexual intercourse”(Kahn, 2014). CDC developed the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) that many high school and college students students nationwide are engaged in sexual risk that leads to bad sexual encounters, engagement, sexual violence, and not using condom with sexual encounter, rape, sexual violence, rape that eventually leads to bad STD diseases including HIV. This studies showed this “kids engaging in sexual encounters and not using condom with their sexual encounters unwanted sexual engagement such as sexual violence, rape that eventually leads to bad STD diseases including HIV. Nearly half (46.8%) of students had ever had sexual intercourse, 34.0% had had sexual intercourse during the 3 months before the survey (i.e., currently sexually active), and 15.0% had had sexual intercourse with four or more persons during their life. Among currently sexually active students, 59.1% had used a condom during their last sexual intercourse” (Kahn, 2014).

As a community health nurse, helping to implement more education to the young, adolescents, college students and teenagers of programs about understanding sexually transmitted disease transmission and when each are vulnerable to these disease. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. It was stated on the research of Sexual Education, Treatment and Research Association “ratio of knowledge is very low and while friends are in first place for the sources of knowledge, the ratio of obtaining knowledge from experts is very low”( Yenal, 2013). It is also necessary to educate nurses into participating in activities such as peer interaction that is offered to be able to take an active role in these problems, both personally and societally. Programs that can be done in school involving school nurses in their health education program that the kids are familiar and comfortable using skill building such as properly use of condom .


Kahn, L., Kitchen, S., Shanklin, S. L., Flint, K. H., Hawkins, J., Harris, W. A., & … Zaza, S. (2014). Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance — United States, 2013. MMWR Surveillance Summaries, 63(4), 1-170.

Yenal, K., & Çeçe, Ö. (2013). The Effect on the Knowledge Levels of Nursing School Students of the Educational Activities Undertaken for Sexually Transmitted Infections. Sexuality & Disability, 31(2), 201-211. doi:10.1007/s11195-013-9296-6. K., & Çeçe, Ö. (2013). The Effect on the Knowledge Levels of Nursing School Students of the Educational Activities Undertaken for Sexually Transmitted Infections. Sexuality & Disability, 31(2), 201-211. doi:10.1007/s11195-013-9296-6


Collapse              Mark as Read    Healthy People 2020       Michelle King Email this Author  3/3/2015 5:46:24 PM

Professor Hamilton and Classmates,

The Healthy People 2020 objective I selected is:

“LGBT-1.4: (Developmental) Increase the number of population-based data systems used to monitor Healthy People 2020 objectives which collect standardized data that identify transgender populations.” (Healthy People 2020, 2015)

The reason I feel so passionately about this objective is that my youngest child, born premature, a NICU baby, was the motivator for me to become a nurse.  When this child was born so sick, I felt so powerless and realized how little I knew about the human body.  The NICU nurses became my heroes, saving my infant child’s life.  As my child grew, it became clear at an early age that JC, biologically male, identified as female.  I made a lot of mistakes in the beginning of this process, as I knew absolutely nothing about gender identity conflicts. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. The the course of caring for a patient in nursing school, a transgender teen who had attempted suicide,  I realized that my own child was at risk for suffering the same fate.  I became determined to do everything in my power to protect my own child from such an end.  Since then, it has become clear to me how little real data there is about transgender persons.  Without this data it is difficult to develop evidence-based approaches to managing the health of transgender individuals.

The CDC (2014) has some shocking statistics attempting to quantify the level of ostracism that LGBT youth are experiencing, including somewhere between 11% and 30% of these youth missed school at least once in the last 30 days out of fear of physical harm, and goes on to state that students who experience such bullying have much higher rates of depression than those who do not.  The CDC goes on to say that the negative climate leads to self-destructive behavior such as HIV exposure.  Regardless of how a person feels personally about LGBT persons, we can all agree that society does not need additional public health costs that might be avoided.

As a community health nurse, one key area for intervention is in the public schools.  The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (2008) has a series of recommendations that could help address the risk factors for LGBT suicide including, “address explicitly the needs of LGBT youth in school-based programs and policies to prevent violence and bullying.”  Aside from the interventions we can already identify with the limited data available, much more data needs to be gathered to be able to effectively implement policies that can improve outcomes for this population.

Another area of consideration is the transgender rights or ‘bathroom access’ law.  I am fortunate to be able to live in Washington DC, one of the few areas where transgender individuals are able to use the bathroom corresponding to their gender identity.  Before we were in the wonderful, inclusive school we have now, I would pick up my child from school soaking in urine.  She would simply not go into the boys bathroom where she was expected to be.  She told me, “that is nasty, mom, look at me, how can I go in there wearing a dress?”  Bathroom access is a fundamental issue for this group and an important public policy matter where community health nurses can help weigh in, educating policy makers, educators and the general public who may not understand the issue.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (November, 2014).  Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Health.  Accessed online on

March 3, 2015 at

Suicide Prevention Resource Center.  (2008).  Suicide Risk and Prevention for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth.  Newton,

MA: Education Development Center, Inc. Accessed online on March 3, 2015



Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Cherry Jaudalso Email this Author             3/7/2015 3:16:51 AM

Hello Michelle,

NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers Thank you so much for sharing this sensitive topic. I have many friends who are gays and transgenders, my own sister (born a brother) is one. We go out, and we get stared at a lot. She had learned to ignore these stares, as well as my family, but it didn’t start out this way. I agree with you, education in public schools is important. Unfortunately, some people can’t quiet understand why they are the way they are, hence, the bullying, discrimination, and the ridicule. I would add family education as well. How can they expect to be accepted outside if their own family doesn’t? As stated in Healthy People 2020, “personal, family, and social acceptance of sexual orientation and gender identity affects the mental health and personal safety of LGBT individuals”. My own father was slow to accept her, but now he tells people that she’s prettier than his other two daughters.



Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (2015). Health People 2020: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender health. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from:


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Michelle King Email this Author  3/8/2015 9:29:17 AM


Thanks for sharing your personal experience.  I’m glad your sister found acceptance at home, because that is critical.



Collapse              Mark as Read    Healthy People 2020       Claudia Rudd Email this Author  3/3/2015 6:17:41 PM

Dr Hamilton and class,

The topic that I have chosen is Arthritis, Osteoporosis and Chronic back conditions, as this has affected me personally. Working with limitations after a long career of OR nursing has caused me increased anxiety and depression as to my future as a nurse. According to Healthy People 2020, about 80 percent of Americans experience low back pain (LBP) in their lifetime. It is estimated that each year:

15-20 percent of the population develop protracted back pain.

2-8 percent have chronic back pain (pain that lasts more than 3 months).

3-4 percent of the population is temporarily disabled due to back pain.

One percent of the working-age population is disabled completely and permanently because of LBP.

NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers Those are some alarming statistics. As nurses, we all can relate to back pain and the effects of taking care of others has on our bodies. Therefore, the objective that interest me most is  AOCBC-12 Reducing activity limitations due to chronic back pain conditions. One of the interventions that I participated in at work was a work hardening program offerd to me after physical therapy was finished to help strengthen my core a back muscles. It was very helpful to getting me back to work (though I will forever be in a limited role due to the disability and permanent restrictions). This type of program should be offered nationwide to employees who suffer from work related back injuries. As a community health nurse, education on proper body mechanics while lifting would be the ideal starting point. Providing instruction to employees on back strengthening exercises, using good posture, staying active and eating a healthy diet are all things that can help reduce back pain and injury. With the aging work force, the potential for back injury grows daily. Education on the importance of keeping physically active is something that the community health nurse must provide.

Healthy People 2020: Topic and Objectives: Arthritis, osteoporosis, and chronic back pain.  Retrieved from

Prevent back pain. (2015). Retrieved from


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Pamela Mintz Email this Author 3/7/2015 3:40:11 PM

Claudia – I appreciate you writing about this topic. It really hit home this past week. I had experienced some awful back pain on Monday and Tuesday, which was not helped any by being in airplanes and airports for 16 hours. It made me sympathize with my husband, who recently was diagnosed with herniated discs in his lower back. He has had chronic back pain – likely due to his time doing physical jobs. From carrying caskets in the Air Force Honor Guard, lifting patients as an EMT, and onto the life of a firefighter. The doctor kind of chuckled when he remembered what my husband did for a living! My father in law just had major back surgery, as he was riddled with back pain, arthritis, and some scoliosis. I will never forget patients’ hands with severe arthritis. Or the fragility of those with severe osteoporosis as well, constantly worried about easily breaking a bone if slipping or falling.

I agree with you about proper body mechanics – that is quite important to remember. Posture is another important one as well. Those that sit at a desk for most of the work day can attest to that. Spending hours sitting on a chair that is not supportive can be painful. Some of the ergonomic chairs may look funny, but they feel amazing when you have to sit in them for 8 hours a day! Calcium intake and exercise in regards to osteoporosis could also be a teaching point for community nurses. I remember when all the “milk” ads started popping up on TV and in magazines. The statistics of osteoporosis in females are staggering. The CDC (2013) stated that 4.5 million women (10%) over 50 years old had osteoporosis of the hip, compared to 0.8 million (2%) men in that same age range.



CDC. (2013). Osteoporosis. Retrieved from


Collapse              Mark as Read    Health-Related Quality of Life & Well-Being         Jeremy Langley Email this Author                3/3/2015 8:40:18 PM

Dr. Hamilton and Class,

The topic of health-related quality of life & well-being (HRQOL/WB) interest me in that it’s about improving your quality of life and well-being by addressing multiple concepts that deal with the mental, physical, emotional, and social functioning. It focus on the impact health status has on the population and the quality of life. It also focuses on the positive aspects of our lives like positive emotions and life satisfaction. The goal is to promote quality of life, healthy development, and health behaviors across all life stages. Life expectancy has increased mostly due to the advancements in science and healthcare and how we treat illnesses but this is about maintaining an overall good quality of life aside from the illness or disease. It’s about social interaction and family support to the overall well-being to the self-rated physical and mental health of the individual. This is not just about people living to be 90 or 100 but it’s about living a life that focuses on the positive aspects and promoting health behaviors that start as early as 1 and continue throughout that persons life. I’ve been a nurse for 20 years and I’ve always thought that our mental, emotional and social well-being is just as important as the physical aspect. We’ve all been told to get exercise so many times a week and eat certain food to maintain a healthy weight but it’s not until recently that the focus has shifted to include these other concepts. Well-being is not just about being disease free and minimizing or avoiding completely but it’s about focusing on disease resistance, resilience, and self-management.

As a community health nurse I would want to educate children and adults on the what it means to have a health-related quality of life and well-being. I believe educating them is the first step and they have to be willing to receive the information. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. I think it’s important to talk to the children because they are the generation coming up and it’s important that they have this knowledge. I think it’s also about providing them with resources if they need them and this can be in the form of a free clinic to assess overall health and mental health. At the end of the day, it’s up to the individual to decide whether or not they are ready to move to life of well-being but our job as a community nurse is to provide them with the information and tools to take that step and then it’s about accountability and positive responses.



(an instructor response)

Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Health-Related Quality of Life & Well-Being  Instructor Hamilton Email this Author                3/5/2015 6:06:10 PM


Excellent post. The theme I concluded from your post is modeling behavior by the parents will enhance the positive outcome for the child…good insight.~Dr Hamilton


Collapse              Mark as Read    Healthy people 2020       Mary Anderson Email this Author             3/3/2015 9:54:23 PM

Dear class,

I chose to do my topic on Healthy People objective for cancer. The objective says that the objective is to reduce cancer patients. It can also reduce deaths and disability from cancer. It has a section on what is cancer? How to reduce your cancer risk and preventive measures you can take.It has a list of test a person can take. For example: Breast cancer. It can be reduced by women having annual screenings and by doing self breast exams.


Cancer-Healthy People 2020. (n.d.). Retrieved March 4, 2015, from


(an instructor response)

Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy people 2020               Instructor Hamilton Email this Author     3/6/2015 3:43:57 PM

Thanks for the topic Mary I agree education pertaining to health living and early detection…I am surprised about the cases of skin cancer in my small rural area…we had a run of breast cancers in young women and even one middle age man several years ago now there is a skin institute which has been running skin care clinics which people have been using quite frequently which could lead to the increase…but how many could have been diagnosed earlier…~Dr Hamilton


Collapse              Mark as Read    HealthyPeople-(WK1)-Coppee  Rose Coppee Email this Author  3/4/2015 11:12:25 AM

Healthcare Associated Infection.

The Sub-Acute and Rehabilitation facility where I currently work encourages the discontinuation of an indwelling urinary catheter as soon as possible during a patient’s rehabilitation stay. Unfortunately, for various medical reasons, some patients must keep their indwelling urinary catheters. The facility educator and I are members of the Infection Prevention Committee. We reviewed Evidence-based practices from the prevention guidelines offered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), along with recommendations from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). One of the major areas for improvement is to reduce catheter-associated urinary tract infection CAUTIs.

The evidenced-based strategies included aseptic technique, insertion procedures, maintenance procedures, catheter removal, and documentation. IHI reports that urinary tract infections account for about 40% of all the hospital-acquired infections within a year and that 80% of these occur with indwelling catheters. By incorporating the evidence-based practice for the reduction of CAUTIs, we were able to report a 16% reduction in CAUTIs last year.  Protocols were developed to obtain urine specimen immediately following urinary catheter insertions to help determine whether the patient had a urinary infection present on admission. If the infection is found to be present on admission, the infection was not counted as a CAUTI. This data was collected facility-wide and presented during monthly and quarterly Quality Assurance meetings.

In addition, the clinical and rehabilitation department continued to switch the urinary catheter bag to a leg bag for the patient while the patient participates in his or her daily therapy. After therapy, the leg bag is then switched to the urinary catheter bag for the duration of the evening and night, being cautious to maintain aseptic technique. Education on these changes was disseminated to each inpatient unit in the facility by way of the nurse educator. Random audits were conducted to ensure that the process was being followed. The unit manager or Director of Nursing conducted an in-depth chart review when a CAUTI occurred. A tool to review appropriate components in the process was provided as part of the chart review. Not only were the results of the chart review shared with the interdisciplinary team but also shared with staff as appropriate and used as an educational opportunity to continue to reduce CAUTI in our facility.


Institute for Healthcare Improvement.  (2012). Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection.  Retrieved from

Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services.  Hospital-Acquired Conditions.

Healthy People 2020.


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: HealthyPeople-(WK1)-Coppee           Mary Anderson Email this Author             3/4/2015 3:44:22 PM

Dear Rose,

I am glad that healthcare professionals are able to take some responsibility. The Government also recognized this issue and  helped make Healthy people a priority. Nurses, MDs and other healthcare professionals are  held to a higher standard of care and responsibility toward patients. CAUTI infections are a major concern for both healthcare providers and patients. We also had an opportunity to reduce CAUTI infections in our facility by Hand hygiene, implementing protocols and caps on the end of a catheter bag that is placed off the floor. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. It has reduced our rates by 25%. We also have a nurse driven protocol sheet. Meaning if patient’s do not meet the criteria they do not keep their Foley.

Healthy People 2020.



(an instructor response)

Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: HealthyPeople-(WK1)-Coppee           Instructor Hamilton Email this Author     3/5/2015 6:12:10 PM

Rose, Mary, and Class,

Prevention and infection control are important topics of focus. Last Tuesday I saw a secretary from the business office walking the hall of the hospital doing a QA for handwashing. She was observing staff, nurses, dietary, etc entering and exiting a patient rooms for use of hand sanitizer as well as if they washed their hands. This hospital has excellent rates so I am seeing a team effort here 🙂 I also see orders to remove the Foley just before the third dose of post op antibiotic. Studies have also shown antibiotic infused catheters are an option….

Dr Hamilton


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: HealthyPeople-(WK1)-Coppee           Mary Anderson Email this Author             3/5/2015 6:43:13 PM

Dear Class and Instructor Hamilton,

I had no idea that theses antibiotic infused catheters existed. Through my research, I have found that some studies have been done but the studies concluded that more studies are needed (2015). One study a controlled randomized study revealed that there is not alot of difference in a standard control catheter and antibiotic infused(2015). One manufacturer of this urinary catheter has planned to stop manufacturing this type of catheter(2015). My idea is on top of all the other measures, why not include the other urinary catheter? Though the extra cost might be around $5.00 (2015)extra instead of the regular cost of a non-antimicrobial catheter. Good hand hygiene and aseptic technique is also of benefit. Nurses should use their nursing judgment also. If my patient does not have a clinical need for a urinary catheter, take it out or simply do not put it in. If they can walk, talk, urinate and are able, then let them urinate naturally. Nurses should also advocate for their patients, but if a urinary catheter is needed follow all the guidelines of Evidence based practice. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.

Mary (n.d.). Retrieved March 6, 2015, from


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: HealthyPeople-(WK1)-Coppee           Erica Meyerhofer Email this Author         3/6/2015 5:10:57 PM

It is great that your facility has a nurse driven protocol on when a Foley should be removed.  I think all facilities should have nurse protocols and health care professionals who provide high standard of care toward patients to reduce their risks of CAUTI.  I have to sadly say I don’t believe I was given high standard of care.  I was discharged yesterday post surgical (vaginal hysterectomy and bladder sling placement) and I was instructed after 12 hours of bed rest they would remove the Foley well do to unclear orders from the surgeons the Foley remained in for 24 hours.  Besides the catheter remaining in place longer than expected the bag was not drained all day. In and out of consciousness I looked down at the bag at 1 am and noticed my bag was completely full I thought to myself what ever happened to I & O’s especially because of the nature of my surgeries and that I was given bolus fluids for hypotension.  Why was I the patient in charge of my own prevention?  My risks continued to rise the next morning when I called the aid in because I noticed my bag was not draining and and I had quite a bit of bladder pressure when she re-positioned the tube 500 cc’s filled the bag. The good news is that I was on IV antibiotics and sent home on Levaquin to prevent post surgical infection so I should be protected against CAUTI.  I feel bad for all the unknowing patients who don’t advocate for themselves and depend solely on the health care professionals to protect them.  I work ambulatory care and will not claim to be one without fault but times like this make me really glad that I am a nurse and can advocate for myself and for my family and community.


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: HealthyPeople-(WK1)-Coppee           Rose Coppee Email this Author  3/8/2015 7:39:22 PM


I agree, health care professional definitely need to take more responsibility. Similar to Health People, the Joint Commission website one of the 2015 National Patient safety Goals for hospitals is Prevention of Infection. This is actually a common goal every year with the Joint Commission. National patient safety goal emphasize using hand cleaning guidelines from the center for disease control and prevention or the world health organization. They strongly suggest all hospitals set goals for improving hand hygiene. They believe such goals help prevent infections that are difficult to treat, prevent infection of blood from central lines, help prevent infection after surgery and help prevent infection of urinary tract (AKA CAUTI) that are caused by catheters. For this very reason in my hospital (and most other hospitals) when it comes to hand hygiene: they require that you wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds when you hands get soiled or when you leave a patients room. As for central lines, the area for the central line must be cleaned with Chlorhexidine prior to insertion of the central line and every time you change the dressing. When it comes to indwelling catheters, prior to insertion, the skin must be cleaned and prepped with betadine. All these guidelines are set in place as preventative measures against infections. I currently follow all hospital protocols to prevent infections.

My hospital has protocol for Central lines and Cauti. My unit uses the bio-patch. The transparent dressing along with the bio-patch is replaced every 7days to prevent central line infections. As for the indwelling catheter we also use the adhesive secure patch to the inner thigh to keep the catheter in place. Every shift the nurse is to assess the catheter for leakage and the security of the patch….which is only be removed with alcohol. All of these protocols is health care professionals way of taking responsibility.



Collapse              Mark as Read    Immunizations and Infectious Diseases Ina James Moore Email this Author          3/4/2015 1:40:57 PM

Dr. Hamilton and class,

In the last several years, the topic of immunizations has been a very hot subject. Unfortunately, due to individuals being under vaccinated or not vaccinated at all, as lead to the resurgence of preventable infectious diseases such as measles, causing serious health issues and death in the United States.

As a community health nurse, I think that this is a topic that has to be approached very early on. Having just had a baby, the topic of immunizations is not addressed until your child is born and seeing the pediatrician, but I think it is a subject that should be offered during maternity classes and/or while in the hospital at delivery. Parents have many misconceptions about vaccines and by directing parents to sites such as and having pamphlets available that discuss the importance of vaccines, it can help facilitate a conversation about their concerns regarding vaccines and alternatives to the schedule. Also, reinforcing the importance during school years is important. Providing handouts to parents during school events and providing on site immunizations, in the clinic, could be another way to promote changes NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.


Reference retrieved on March 4, 2015


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Immunizations and Infectious Diseases          Christina Segura Email this Author                3/4/2015 4:50:25 PM

Modified:3/5/2015 4:15 PM


“What do Libya, Russia, China, Zimbabwe and Iran have in common? According to the World Health Organization, they have a higher measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds than the United States” (Noack, 2015).

This a very relevant and current topic you have chosen.  It is one that needs to be addressed over and over with evidence based facts as we have new parents everyday. Our patient population is smarter than ever before with accessibility to the internet allowing them to conduct their own research on medical topics and choices.  However, the information available is not always credible thus leading to misinformed choices.  Measles vaccination is at 91% in the US and provides a stark vulnerability to an outbreak (Noack, 2015).  Per this week’s lesso, ,in the 1920s, “Community nurses needed specialized skills and education that are different from that of a hospital nurse” (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2015).  This is also true today.  Addressing topics such as education for immunization would be one that a community health nurse would definitely address.


Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2015). NR-443, Week 1.  Community Health Nursing.  Downers Grove, IL: DeVry Education Group.

Noack, R. (February 3, 2015). Map: 113 countries have higher measles immunization rates than the U.S. for 1-year-olds. The Washington Post. Retrieved from


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Immunizations and Infectious Diseases          Claudia Rudd Email this Author  3/7/2015 11:27:11 AM


I could not agree with you more on the importance of educating new parents on vaccinating their children. Parents that are now refusing to vaccinate their children against infectious diseases such as measles are putting other children at risk, as evident by what we have all heard in the news. As community health nurses, we can provide so much information on the importance of vaccinations and the adverse effects of not vaccinating your child. I would speculate that the parents who recently have decided for some reason not to vaccinate their children were their selves vaccinated with no adverse effects as children. Just my thought. Good job! NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.


Collapse              Mark as Read    Health Communication and Health Information Technology         Vanessa Machado Email this Author  3/4/2015 3:29:54 PM

Dear Professor and Classmates,

Healthy People is used as a tool for strategic management by the federal government, states, communities, and many other public- and private-sector partners.  One of the goals of Healthy People 2020 is to  “Increase public awareness and understanding of the determinants of health, disease, and disability and the opportunities for progress.”

I chose to focus on Health Communication and Health Information Technology.  With the advancement of health information technology and telehealth services, people have greater access than ever before to their health information and tools and resources to manage their own health.

Some of the objectives related to this area are the following:

–           Increase the proportion of patients whose doctor recommends personalized health information resources to help them manage their health

–           Increase the proportion of persons who use the Internet to keep track of personal health information such as care received, test results,

or upcoming medical appointments

–           Increase the proportion of online health information seekers who report easily accessing health information

Personal Health Records (PHR) are defined as “electronic systems that allow people to record, access, and share health-related information in order to help them better manage their health and healthcare” (Hebda & Czar, 2013).

Many advantages exist through the use of PHR’s. Through a secure connection, consumers can access information such as active medication lists, test results, laboratory results, and visit histories.  The use of PHR’s can also promote compliance with management of chronic conditions as patients can also schedule appointments, and email their physicians with any concerns.  Some additional functions include online medication refills.  Patients are able to update information as well, including medical history, family member health information, and current medications.  PHR’s may provide improvement to medical intervention, satisfaction, and empowerment when medical records are easily accessible.

The idea that patient’s should be given full access to their own medical records is not new.  Few people gain access to their records because of lack of awareness.  Woods, Schwarts, Tuepker, Press, Nazi, Turvery, & Nichol (2013) concluded that patients who had access to PHR’s were more engaged in their health and had greater satisfaction with their care.  According to Woods, et. al., “Patients reported that seeing their records had a positive effect on care communication between visits as well as during encounters [and] access was felt to improve patients’ knowledge about their own health and prompted greater desire for self-care” (2013).

Some disadvantages also exist around the concept of PHR’s.  Awareness, access, usability, literacy, and privacy are important to consider.  In order for the implementation of PHR’s to be successful, patients must first be made aware that PHR’s exist.  Any healthcare provider, suh as nurses in the community, can advocate for patients to become more involved in their healthcare, and this is one way to do it. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. Nurses can help teach patients the advantages of PHR’s, introduce them to the patient portal, and provide reassurance about privacy and other concerns the patient may have.  Fischoff states, “Patients who are more knowledgeable about their conditions, participate more actively in medical visits, and feel more confident about managing their conditions are more likely to follow through with treatment and achieve better outcomes” (2011). NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.

Thank You,

Vanessa Machado


Fischoff, B. (2011). Communicating risks and benefits: An evidenced based users guide.

Hebda, T., & Czar, P., (2013) Handbook of informatics for nurses & healthcare professionals (5th ed.). Upper Saddle RIver, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Healthy People 2020: Sexually Transmitted Diseases.  Retrieved from

Woods, S. S., Schwartz, E., Tuepker, A., Press, N. A., Nazi, K. M., Turvey, C. L., & Nichol, W. P. (2013). Patient experiences with full electronic access to health records and clinical notes through the My HealtheVet Personal Health Record Pilot: qualitative study. Journal of medical Internet research, 15(3).  Retreived from:


(an instructor response)

Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Health Communication and Health Information Technology  Instructor Hamilton Email this Author         3/6/2015 3:33:01 PM

Vanessa and Class: When my children were young they brought home school projects etc that was quite some time ago….now I can see with the technology and the online resources such as fitness pal and rate my plate how families can build a healthy lifestyle together…so often I hear people associate childhood obesity with poor school lunches etc….Do you believe the behaviors should start within the home and carry forth to the schools or vice versus, or is this something to share between the two. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. I am curious based on your comment, some regions have year round school I was not sure if this was the case here as well, but not in my area, thanks in advance for your reply 🙂

Dr Hamilton


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Health Communication and Health Information Technology  Vanessa Machado Email this Author  3/8/2015 9:37:16 PM

Dr. Hamilton,

I believe the behaviors should start at home, especially with all the available technology today for families to plan healthful meals.  As children learn these behaviors from home, they can carry this knowledge with them into the schools and educate others, their classmates, for example.  I think just talking about their meals, for example, formally or informally, in school can start engaging conversations between students and this is how knowledge is spread, through communication.  I would also state the importance of introducing the topic to students, and a school nurse could promote this in the school she works for.

Thank You,

Vanessa Machado


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Rachel Foreman Email this Author            3/4/2015 3:33:21 PM

Modified:3/4/2015 3:39 PM

I decided to use the nutrition and weight status as my Healthy People 2020 objective topic.

According to the CDC more than 1/3 of the United States population, or over 78 million people, are obese. In other countries malnutrition is more of a problem than obesity, not that Americans do not suffer from malnutrition, obesity is just a major issue here. Nutrition is important for your overall health. According to Healthy People 2020, if you do not have adequate nutrition you are at risk for obesity, malnutrition, iron-deficiencies, heart diseases, hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis, cancers, and several other diseases and illnesses. Americans, and anyone for that matter, need to consume a healthy diet. According to Healthy People 2020, we need to “consume a variety of nutrient-dense foods” which include grains, fruits, veggies, lean meats, and good fats. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. You do not want to consume foods that are rich in saturated fats, trans fats, sodium, sugar additives, or alcohol. As Americans we consume way more than the recommended caloric intake, in order to keep weight down we need to watch our caloric intake.

As a community health nurse I can provide my patients with a list of healthy foods that they can eat. A lot of people complain about not having a lot of time to cook during the week and that is why they do take-out or fast-food every other night of the week. I can provide them with simple recipes with few ingredients that don’t take a lot of time to prepare, taste good, and are healthy for them and their families.

As a community healthy nurse I would advocate for fast food restaurants be shut down. These joints only encourage individuals to not eat properly. If we want a healthy community we need to have the people living here have healthy choices easily available. If we replace a fast-food place with a healthier option more individuals would be getting correctly.

I read an article earlier this year and it was about school lunches in countries all over the world. Every country had meals that were healthy, they had a variety of foods that fit the children’s needs, except for in the United States. Here in the United States the meal consisted of fried (fake) chicken, mashed potatoes and peas (two starches), a cookie, a fruit cup and ketchup (all have sugar, and worse, sugar substitutes). Now we wonder why children in America are obese. The kids don’t know that they should not be eating that junk.

Center for Disease Control (2015). Overweight and Obesity.

Healthy People 2020 (2015). Nutrition and Weight Status.


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Anzhelika Antyasova Email this Author   3/4/2015 8:06:25 PM

Rachel, thank for your post. I would add more about childhood obesity .

NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers Being overweight or obese increases the risk of health conditions and deceases. An estimated 1.4 million young New Yorkers are considered obese or overweight. Childhood overweight and obesity prevalence rates in the NYS and U.S. are steadily increasing. According to the New York State Department of Health (DOH), 17 % of New Yorkers under 18-or approximately 735,000 young people –are obese. National data shows that the percentage of children aged 10 and 17 who are considered overweight or obese is higher in New York than in two-thirds of the 50 states. Although, obesity is among the easiest medical conditions to recognize but it is most difficult to treat. Increased consumption of unhealthy food and consequently reducing the amount of physical activities leads to weight gain. Furthermore, obesity leads to serious physical health problems such as diabetes and asthma, as well as depression.

It is essentially to create policies that will combat childhood obesity. In 2008 The First Lady, Michelle Obama launches the Let’s Move Campaign to tackle childhood obesity through exercises and healthy eating. She is using her leading position and influence to control and curtail the childhood obesity epidemic.

Thank you.

Retrieved from:

New York State Department of Health. Strategic Plan for Overweight and Obesity /

Prevention. Retrieved August 7, 2014 from


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Kathryn Dore Email this Author  3/5/2015 10:29:05 AM

Hi Rachel,

I also feel like this is a great topic.  As a community nurse it is important to stress healthy options for families.  I saw that in my own life, it is easier to order out or pick up something then make a home cooked meal.  There are healthier options and I have learned that we can order out or pick up food, but we make healthier choices.  For example, we don’t get fast food, we never really have, don’t like it and feel bad after eating it.  We order healthier options, for examples we order lean meats and lots of vegetables.

I agree school lunches are awful. I think it school be collaborated with a Dietitian with the use of the food pyramid.  Children are sponges and will learn the proper way to eat if we give them the tools.  School age children are willing to try new foods and most of the time do like healthier options.  The downside to all of this is the healthier options are usually more money and some families can not afford these options. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.


(an instructor response)

Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Instructor Hamilton Email this Author     3/5/2015 6:07:51 PM


Great comments and thanks for sharing, when discussing what the community health nurse can do one main factor is educate…educate the community and provide reliable resources. Too often people obtain and often share with friends certain fads or myths pertaining to optimal health…here is a link I like to share…

~Dr Hamilton


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Rachel Foreman Email this Author            3/8/2015 6:57:40 PM

I love educating. When at work and educating we have a link with resources and facts that we can give to our patients. I think as a community health nurse, when you are out and about educating, you would have to come prepared. I would bring flyers with tips or facts and even make a poster board with additional information that the community could read. Or if you are in an office you could print the information for the patient. I find that when educating my patients you have to do more than one type of education. I will always talk to the patient and their family but then in addition to that I print them something to go home with and even provide them online resources if they have access to the internet (we provide for extremely low income areas). If they did not have access I always print them the addition information NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.


Collapse              Mark as Read    Healthy People 2020       Kathryn Dore Email this Author  3/4/2015 5:16:17 PM

I have chosen Family Planning as my objective.

Family Planning include:

Contraceptive and broader reproductive health services, including patient education and counseling

Breast and pelvic examinations

Breast and cervical cancer screening

Sexually transmitted infection (STI) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention education, counseling, testing, and referral

Pregnancy diagnosis and counseling

I choose this topic because I work in a poor community and there is a need for education for men and women how to protect themselves from STD’s and pregnancy. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. I think the public needs to know that family planning is not just about contraceptive devices, it is about screening exams and tools that are available to them.  Planned parenthood is available to everyone to access healthcare and education no matter the persons education level and level of income.  Planned parenthood has people who speak different languages so they understand their options.   As a Community RN, I would speak to men and women, young and old about screening options, the importance of it.  I would explain that it is important to have screening, testing and prevention.  I think that once people know where to go to find information, they will continue with care. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.



Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Ashley Peterson Email this Author           3/4/2015 9:32:41 PM


This is a great topic to cover under healthy people 2020, prevention is a big part of keeping people healthy. I agree if we can educate others about preventing STDs and safety, we can prevent the spread of it. Another part of healthy people 2020 is self breast exams. By women completing their own self breast exams this can be a good early detection tool. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.



(an instructor response)

Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People 2020               Instructor Hamilton Email this Author     3/6/2015 3:45:42 PM

Kathryn and Class

Teen pregnancy rate is lower but STDs are on the rise…there is a breakdown in education or follow through somewhere…~Dr Hamilton

Check this out…


Collapse              Mark as Read    Healthy People – Mental Health                Pamela Mintz Email this Author 3/4/2015 6:39:36 PM

Class & Dr. Hamilton –

Being that I work in the mental health field, I am exploring that topic specifically in the Health People website. I did notice that many other topics go hand in hand with this one as well, like Tobacco Use, Access to Health Services, Nutrition and Weight Status, as well as others. As the Healthy People (2015) website stated, “mental disorders are among the most common causes of disability…the resulting disease burden of mental illness is among the highest of all diseases” (Why Is Mental Health Important section, para. 1).

Access to care is a huge issue. There are a variety of outpatient centers in the county and surrounding counties that I reside/work in, each with their own pros/cons. Many have an extremely long waiting list to get an initial psychiatric evaluation, which is a problem. When a patient is discharged from a hospital, or decides on their own to seek treatment, there can be a delay of weeks to months before a prescriber can lay eyes on them. The state of Ohio is undergoing some major budget changes in the upcoming months, and there are many discussions about how this will impact mental/behavioral health. The state’s own website, is full of resources, as well is, which stands for National Alliance on Mental Health. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers My CEO is a RN, and she is very active both locally and state wide in talks and forums discussing mental health and issues surrounding this field. I think being active and involved in local and state groups like these are great ways to stay current on the field and become an active participant in it as well.

There have been many changes in the last few decades in mental health and there continue to be new changes presently. From Managed Care Plans recently in our state, to the public’s awareness of mental health. Case in point: I just saw headlines of Leonardo DiCaprio’s new movie “The Crowded Room…playing Billy Milligan, infamous for using the defense of multiple personalities for violent crime” in which he kidnapped and raped women in the surrounding area of the OSU campus in Columbus, Ohio (Barnes, 2015, para. 1)



Healthy People. (2015). Mental Health and Mental Disorders. Retrieved from

Barnes, R. (2015, March 4). Leonardo DiCaprio to play infamous Athens Mental Health Center patient in movie. The Post Athens. Retrieved from


(an instructor response)

Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People – Mental Health         Instructor Hamilton Email this Author     3/4/2015 7:08:50 PM


The lack of mental health funding is a huge national problem.  State institutions are closed all over the country, nothing is opened to fill this gap and it just continues.  We will see in many of our units how these people who need services end up on the street, then to the hospital and then to jail when all they really need is mental health services.  Tragic.~Dr Hamilton


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People – Mental Health         Kathryn Dore Email this Author  3/5/2015 10:34:35 AM

Hi Dr. Hamilton and Pam,

I agree the lack of funding and programs is a huge problem.  I work in an Emergency Department and I see a revolving door of patients that come in.  We stress follow up care and the answer is always the same, they go to a clinic and can’t get in for several weeks or months.  Theses patients are trying to get help with consistent care, but can’t because there are not resources out for them.  And I find that help for children is even worse.  We have to house children in the Emergency Department for days until a inpatient bed opens up for them.  Meanwhile these children can really use the help.  It is very frustrating! NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.



Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People – Mental Health         Ina James Moore Email this Author          3/8/2015 10:02:58 AM

Hi Dr. Hamilton and Kathryn,

I join you in the same frustration. I work in the ER as well, and time and time, again I see the same faces looking for help, but unable to get it due to lack of resources available in the state of Georgia. In 2009, a lawsuit was filed by the Department of Justice against the State of Georgia regarding how mental health patients were being treated. The investigation found that there were numerous preventable deaths, suicides, and assaults that were occurring within the hospitals. The state of Georgia reached a settlement with the Dept of Justice, but it left many mental health patients with little to no resources NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. In the settlement, several state psychiatric facilities were closed down and community resources were supposed to increase. Now this may be happening, but I have seen when patients on an involuntary hold in the ER, wait for 72 hours or greater for placement. As a country, I think we are failing these patients and unfortunately, there are not enough public and community health workers to assist them.

Ina retrieved on March 8, 2015. retrieved on March 8, 2015.


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People – Mental Health         Erica Meyerhofer Email this Author         3/6/2015 5:19:32 PM

Mental health is a growing concern even in the small rural community I live in.  I work in ambulatory care and many times patients arrive seeking treatment and we make 10 – 20 calls trying to find a facilities or a provider who will see them to only fail them.  We have actually told patients that if they feel unsafe to go to the ED before they hurt themselves or someone else.  At least they will be safe for a few days.  The primary reason we find that providers will not accept these patients is because the have Medicaid or no insurance.  How does society expect these people to become productive members of society when we can’t even offer them a chance?  Very frustrated we spend so much money over sea’s helping other countries only to fail the members of our own country.


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People – Mental Health         Pamela Mintz Email this Author 3/7/2015 3:47:03 PM

Dr. Hamilton & Class – I remember growing up hearing about the psych institutions and seeing movies about them. I had envisioned myself working in one of those. Years later, come to find out they do not exist anymore! With the shift in mindset of not institutionalizing those with mental health problems, but having them live within the community, there are not enough community resources and funding to help them all. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. There are times when the local hospitals in my area will fill up the psych units, and patients then have to be driven hours and hours away to another facility with an open bed. Then patients are released from inpatient with a month’s worth of medications (if they are lucky to even get the 30 day supply) and then cannot be seen in an outpatient setting for weeks to months – is not there something wrong with that picture?



Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People – Mental Health         Gloria Rundle Email this Author 3/6/2015 7:34:30 PM


I also currently work in the mental health field. We also are experiencing a major problem with people getting access to mental health services. A lot of these people are not able to get mental health services because insurance isn’t covering expenses and people are not able to afford out of pocket expense. Our office is over whelmed with the amount of patients we are seeing and not enough providers. We have lost providers in our office and have tried to refer patients to other mental health care providers but these offices are also over whelmed. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers.

As you mentioned the waiting lists to get help is long and patients are going with proper care and are suffering

I feel that mental health services always take a back seat to other health care issues. Reimbursement seems to be an issue or lack of that people are not able to have affordable care for mental health issues.



Collapse              Mark as Read    Healthy People Gloria Rundle Email this Author 3/4/2015 6:58:20 PM

Professor Hamilton and Classmates

The Healthy People 2020 objectie I selected is MHMD-2:Reduce suicide attempts by adolescents.(Healthy People 2020,2015)

I currently am working with Psychiatrists and Psychologists in an office setting. I see our clientele that comes into the office. Young children that are coming into office diagnosed with depression and anxiety as well as other disorders. My previous job was working in a free clinic setting. Alot of the children were from single parent homes or broken homes. Alot of what we did in the free clinic was to help families with services we could provide. We also would have a social worker in the office to help counsel families as well as a child psychologist that provided counseling to children.

We are seeing more and more adolescents attempting and committing suicide. One way to help reduce suiced attempts among depressed teens is to help identify at risk teens. A new screening tool that helps identify at risk teens could help. NIMH has developed a new screening tool used in Emergency Departments to help screen at risk teens.

A community health nurse can help screen at risk teens and families as well a providing education to teachers to help screen at risk teens.

References: mental-disorders/objectives


Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People          Stephanie Stalter Email this Author          3/5/2015 11:47:54 AM


I really appreciate your post on this very important and relevant topic. It is incredible the number of teens that attempting suicide. So sad that things such as bullying and social pressure can push these kids to this limit. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers. It is so important to identify these “at-risk” teens, as you pointed out. But I’m sure that many of them also fall through the cracks of this identification process. Sometimes, I feel that these ideas come on quickly and are executed before anyone has the chance to identify these kids. I feel it would also be important to address the things that are pushing these adolescents to these limits. Whether it is bullying, social media, or drugs, these things must also be addressed and dealt with.


(an instructor response)

Collapse              Mark as Read    RE: Healthy People          Instructor Hamilton Email this Author     3/6/2015 3:37:19 PM

Gloria and Stephanie, your post and conversation reminded me of this regarding teens and social media….the use of all the apps and links can become an addictive behavior which people cannot stop checking their phones or social media pages for fear of missing something important. This also has been shown to create a paranoia among people, stalking, and bullying opportunities. This can snowball into something much worse. NR 443 Healthy People 2020 essay assignment discussion papers For some unknown reason people are more apt to be bold on line than in person…~Dr Hamilton

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