NRS 429VN – Transtheoretical model (TTM)
NRS 429VN – Transtheoretical model (TTM)
A health promotion model used for behavioral change is the transtheoretical model (TTM). An example of a behavioral change is smoking cessation. According to Whitney (2018), this method helps to identify a patient’s level of readiness to make necessary to changes to improve their health. It is broken down into 6 stages:
- Precontemplation
- Contemplation
- Preparation
- Action
- Maintenance
- Termination
This model aids in behavioral changes by using it as an assessment tool. It helps to identify in what stage a person is in to begin a behavioral change. Knowing what stage a person is in can help guide behavioral strategies that can influence behaviors towards a better health outcome. The first stage of this model is the first barrier that can affect the patient’s ability to learn. The precontemplation stage is when a person is not even considering making a change, they may have thought about it, but they don’t have the confidence or will to make a change. They know smoking is bad for them they know the side effects, but they are just not mentally ready to even think about smoking cessation. If a patient is not ready or motivated to learn or change their behavior, a positive learning outcome will not be met.
Whitney, S. (2018). Teaching and Learning Styles. Retrieved October 7, 2021, from
Describe a health promotion model used to initiate behavioral changes. How does this model help in teaching behavioral changes? What are some of the barriers that affect a patient’s ability to learn? How does a patient’s readiness to learn, or readiness to change, affect learning outcomes?
The transtheoretical model is a good theory for patients to self reflect. This model holds the patient accountable to really understand what the real problem is. Also the great thing about this theory is that it is done in stages, or baby steps to the patient.The theory helps with staying motivated to continue reaching the next goal. By assessing the patient’s readiness to change, the nurse can create appropriate behavioral objectives for the patient’s current stage (Whitney, 2018). I do agree with you that if a patient is not ready or motivated to learn or change their behavior no goals will be met.
Whitney, S. (2018). Teaching and Learning Styles. Retrieved October 7, 2021, from