NUR 343 Nurse as Consumer of Research Study Scenario Exercise
NUR 343 Nurse as Consumer of Research Study Scenario Exercise
Nursing Research Study Scenario Exercise
NUR 343 Nurse as Consumer of Research Worth 25%
“Investigation of Self-Concept in Pregnant Adolescents”
This nursing research study scenario asks students to apply research principles, decision-making, and critical analysis. The nursing research study scenario presents information that addresses research steps such as: the problem/area of interest, population of interest, intervention, data collection, data analysis, interpretation of findings, communication of findings, and use of findings in practice.
Review the scenario. Scroll down. Type your responses directly into the Template for Student’s Reponses. The table will expand as your type in your responses to each item/question. The numeric value is listed for each item/section of the template. Total possible numeric value = 100 points. NUR 343 Nurse as Consumer of Research Study Scenario Exercise
A nurse researcher hypothesized that subjects who participated in the program “Build Your Self-Concept During Pregnancy” to improve self-concept would score higher on the Adolescent Self-Concept Measuring Device (ASMD) than subjects who did not participate in the program “Build Your Self-Concept During Pregnancy” to improve self-concept.
The purpose of the study was to examine and compare the Adolescent Self-Concept Measuring Device (ASMD) scores of pregnant adolescents who participated in the program “Build Your Self-Concept During Pregnancy” and the ASMD scores of pregnant adolescents who did not participate in the program “Build Your Self-Concept During Pregnancy”.
Self-concept was operationalized as measured by the ASMD. This instrument has been evaluated for content and construct validity. The instrument has a Cronbach’s alpha co-efficient (.93). The tool consists of 20 items with each item scored at intervals of 0-5 to represent each subject’s evaluation of her self-concept. Possible scores on the tool are from 0 to 100.
The nurse researcher used the ASMD to collect self-concept data from an experimental and a control group. The table below displays the scores from the experimental group. The mean score = 63.85 The nurse researcher set her “p” level at p less than or equal to .05 NUR 343 Nurse as Consumer of Research Study Scenario Exercise
Score on ASMD | Frequency of Score |
15 | 3 |
20 | 4 |
40 | 2 |
75 | 8 |
95 | 9 |
Use the scenario and course information to respond to the following items and questions.
Template for Student’s Responses | Point value & score |
What is “the problem”(area of interest, issue, need) that is of interest to this nurse researcher? | /5 |
REVIEW of LITERATURE (2 items worth total of 5 possible points) | Total = 5 |
What topics would you expect the researcher to explore? Name two topics. 1- 2- |
/2.5 |
What “types” of literature sources would you expect the researcher to explore? Name two types. 1- 2- |
/2.5 |
VARIABLES (2 items worth total of 5 possible points) | Total = 5 |
What are the variables of interest? 1- 2- |
/2.5 |
What is the independent variable [intervention]?
What is the dependent variable [outcome]? |
/2.5 |
Write two research questions that the nurse researcher might pose. 1- 2- |
/5 |
HYPOTHESES (4 items worth total of 6 possible points) | Total = 6 |
State the research hypothesis. | /1.5 |
Is the research hypothesis simple or complex? Why? | /1.5 |
Is the research hypothesis directional or nondirectional? Why? | /1.5 |
State the null hypothesis (write in correct format and include all relevant elements). | /1.5 |
THEORETICAL/CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK (2 items worth total of 5 possible points) | Total = 5 |
What is a potential theoretical/conceptual framework that the nurse researcher might use to guide the study? | /2.5 |
How might the nurse researcher conceptually define “self-concept”? (explore definitions and cite source of the definition that you select as your response) | /2.5 |
ETHICS (2 items worth total of 5 possible points) | Total = 5 |
State two ethical considerations related to this study. 1- 2- |
/2.5 |
Discuss the concept of “vulnerable population” related to this study. | /2.5 |
INTERVENTION (2 items worth total of 5 possible points) | Total = 5 |
Describe two contents that you think the “Build Your Self-Concept During Pregnancy” program (intervention) might contain. 1- 2- |
/2.5 |
Describe two activities that you think the “Build Your Self-Concept During Pregnancy” program (intervention) might contain. 1- 2- |
/2.5 |
DATA COLLECTION TOOLS (4 items worth total of 6 possible points) | Total = 6 |
What are two demographic data might the researcher collect? 1- 2- |
/1.5 |
What are two areas that the ASMD data collection tool might explore in order to measure variables of interest in pregnant adolescents? 1- 2- |
/1.5 |
Interpret this statement: The ASMD has a Cronbach’s alpha co-efficient (.93) | /1.5 |
Explain what the phrase “self-concept was operationalized as measured by the ASMD” means. | /1.5 |
DATA COLLECTION METHODS (2 items worth total of 5 possible points) | Total = 5 |
What are two quantitative data collection methods that the nurse researcher might use? 1- 2- |
/2.5 |
What are two qualitative data collection methods that the nurse researcher might use? 1- 2- |
/2.5 |
STUDY DESIGN (3 items worth total of 5.01 possible points) | Total = 5.01 |
What are two types of research study designs that describe this study? 1- 2- |
/1.67 |
Discuss the terms of “experimental” and “control” group. Experimental – Control – |
/1.67 |
Identify one threat to internal validity and one threat to external validity in this study. Internal – External – |
/1.67 |
DATA ANALYSIS DECISIONS (4 items worth total of 8 possible points) | Total = 8 |
What statistical test would you expect the researcher to use to analyze the ASMD data if data were interval level? | /2 |
What statistical test would you expect the researcher to use to analyze the ASMD data if the data were ordinal level? BUY A PLAGIARISM-FREE RESEARCH STUDY EXERCISE HERE |
/2 |
What statistical test would you expect the researcher to use to analyze the ASMD data if the control and experimental groups were randomly selected and randomly assigned? NUR 343 Nurse as Consumer of Research Study Scenario Exercise | /2 |
What statistical test would you expect the researcher to use to analyze the ASMD data if the control and experimental groups were selected by convenience sampling? | /2 |
DATA ANALYSIS RESULTS (6 items worth total of 12 possible points) | Total = 12 |
What are two types of descriptive statistics that the researcher uses? 1- 2- |
/2 |
What is the “n” of the experimental group? | /2 |
What is the mean, median, and the mode of the experimental group’s scores? Mean = Median = Mode = | /2 |
What is the level of measurement of the ASMD? Why? Level of measurement – Why? – |
/2 |
To what does “the mean score= 63.85” refer? | /2 |
In a normal distribution, what does it mean that “the ASMD score of 75 was 2 standard deviations away from the mean”? | /2 |
DATA ANALYSIS INTERPRETATIONS (Correlations and p-value items) (4 correlation items worth total of 10 possible points) | Total = 10 |
Correlations – Discuss each of these four dimensions for each correlation below: 1- direction [positive or negative] 2- strength/magnitude 3- type of relationship [direct or indirect] 4- meaning of the relationship between the variables of these correlations **(be sure to use the wording that each correlation statement uses as you write the meaning of the relationship between the variables) NUR 343 Nurse as Consumer of Research Study Scenario Exercise |
Each of 4 correlations = worth 1 point (with .25 point for each dimension) |
>Participants’ length of their pregnancy correlated with their ASMD self-concept scores at r = -.60 (note minus sign) 1- direction [positive or negative] = 2-strength/magnitude = 3- type of relationship [direct or indirect] = 4- meaning of the relationship between the variables = |
/1 |
>Participants’ age correlated with their ASMD self-concept scores at r = .25 1- direction [positive or negative] = 2-strength/magnitude = 3- type of relationship [direct or indirect] = 4- meaning of the relationship between the variables = |
/1 |
>Participants’ reported amount of social support correlated with their ASMD self-concept scores at r = .85 1- direction [positive or negative] = 2-strength/magnitude = 3- type of relationship [direct or indirect] = 4- meaning of the relationship between the variables =
/1 |
>Participants’ reported fears about labor and delivery correlated with their ASMD self-concept scores at r = -.94 (note minus sign) 1- direction [positive or negative] = 2-strength/magnitude = 3- type of relationship [direct or indirect] = 4- meaning of the relationship between the variables = |
/1 |
What does it mean when “the nurse researcher set her p – level at less than or equal to .05”? | /2 |
When the researcher analyzes her data, the computer prints out (p = .67). If the researcher tested for statistical significance at p is less than or equal to .05, what does p = .67 mean in relation to the null hypothesis? In relation to the research hypothesis? Null hypothesis decision – Research hypothesis decision – |
/2 |
When the researcher analyzes her data, the computer prints out (p = .001). If the researcher tested for statistical significance at p is less than or equal to .05, what does p = .001 mean in relation to the null hypothesis? In relation to the research hypothesis? Null hypothesis decision – Research hypothesis decision – |
/2 |
PRESENTATION OF FINDINGS (3 items worth total of 5.01 possible points) | Total = 5.01 |
What are two methods that the nurse researcher might use to display findings? 1- 2- |
/1.67 |
What are two facts that you know by reading the frequency distribution table of scores from the experimental group? NUR 343 Nurse as Consumer of Research Study Scenario Exercise 1- 2- |
/1.67 |
Would you use a bar graph or a histogram to display data such as “no social support, limited social support, moderate social support, high social support”?
Would you use a bar graph or a histogram to display data such as “pregnant adolescents’ ASMD scores”? |
/1.67 |
COMMUNICATION OF FINDINGS (2 items worth total of 5 possible points) | Total = 5 |
What are two methods that the nurse researcher might use to communicate these research study findings? 1- 2- | /2.5 |
What are two databases that a nurse might use to obtain an abstract or full report of this research study? 1- 2- | /2.5 |
Suggest two areas of nursing practice that might use these research study findings. 1- 2- | /2.98 |
Faculty feedback to student: | Enter Total Score Here: /100 possible points |
NUR 343 Nurse as Consumer of Research Study Scenario Exercise
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