NURS 389 Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice Annotated Bibliography
NURS 389 Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice Annotated Bibliography
Research today on nursing turnover rates are focused on the causes and prevention, but not many studies are geared towards hospitals dealing with the results of nursing turnover rates and shortages. (Havens et al., 2013, 928) Researchers Havens et al argue that increasing work engagement (vigor, dedication, and absorption) can help improve the quality of patient care which can be greatly impacted by nursing shortages. In addition, nurses in the workforce today can be categorized by generation which can help administrations design strategy for enhancement of work engagement. (Havens et al., 2013, 928-929)
Researchers Havens et al. conducted a descriptive, correlational quantitative study. Non-experimental, cross-sectional surveys were distributed to 747 nurses from 5 rural hospitals in Pennsylvania. Each participant was grouped according to their generational cohort (e.g. Veterans, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y). (Havens et al., 2013, 929-930) The results showed that work engagement differed throughout cohorts with Veterans as the most engaged and Generation X as the least engaged. (Havens et al., 2013, 935-936). NURS 389 Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice Annotated Bibliography
Little research is done on nurse work engagement and how it may vary across generations, and this study adds knowledge to the existing literature on turnover rates and how to manage with it. In addition, more knowledge on dealing with work engagement in different generations provides a strategy to improve the practice environments at an administrative level. (Havens et al., 2013, 928) The tools that were used in this study included Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9), Decisional Involvement Scale (DIS), Relational Coordination Scale (RCS), and Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index were used, and the Cronbach’s alpha showed they were valid; these tools were also used in previous studies by other researchers. (Havens et al., 2013, 930-931) The researchers all had PhDs which meant they knew how to conduct research. In addition, it included the common elements of a research article such as an introduction, methods, design, results, discussion and conclusion.
Unfortunately, research was conducted on only one state, which makes generalizing the evidence difficult; this is a limitation of the study. And, the level of education of the participants were not tested as well, which can be considered an extraneous variable. (Havens et al., 2013, 936) Overall, the researchers described and compared work engagement at a generational level, provided predictors of work engagement (e.g. tenure, practice environment, relational coordination), and advised on approaches to improve practice environment which is the main predictor across all generations.
The research article on work-to-family conflict by Chen et al. is very different from this article written by Havens et al. The previous article addressed the cause of turnover intention (job satisfaction, conflict at home), while the latter study focused on the solution (increase work engagement) in the presence of such an issue as high turnover rates. Nonetheless, both studies were conducted by respectable individuals, and their efforts provide more understanding on turnover rates that can be used in clinical practice. NURS 389 Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice Annotated Bibliography.
More perspective was gained by reading this article. Turnover rates seemed like an impossible issue, but with more engaged nurses the issue doesn’t seem as grave and this study helped me to understand that. Also, I was planning on discussing the different causes of turnover rates, but with more evidence I will be able to share the effect and possible interventions to high turnover rates; my project will be altogether more well-rounded. Overall, the direction of my project is slightly changed but nonetheless the same.
NURS 389 Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice Annotated Bibliography
Chen, I.-H., Brown, R., Bowers, B. J., & Chang, W.-Y. (2015). Work-to-family conflict as a mediator of the relationship between jaob satisfaction and turnover intention. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2350-2361.
Sullivan Havens, D., Warshawsky, N. E., & Vasey, J. (2013). RN work engagement in generational cohorts: the view from rural US hospitals. Journal of Nursing Management, 927-939.
Department of Nursing
NURS 389 Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice
Annotated Bibliography Grading Criteria
Student’s Name: ___________________________________ Date ______________
Professor: ____________________________________________________________
Grading Criteria | Possible Points | Student’s Score |
I. Format | 10 | |
A. Title page that includes name, topic, course title, date, instructor.
1 | .8 |
B. Structure 1. Neatly typewritten 2. Spelling and grammar 3. Logical topic development
5 | 5 |
C. Length (1 – 2 page[s] not counting title page)
2 | 2 |
D. APA general formatting rules and citations throughout paper
NURS 389 Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice Annotated Bibliography |
2 | 2 |
II. Content | ||
A. Summarize: 1. What are the main arguments? 2. What type of research & design? 3. What is the point of this article? What topics are covered? · If someone asked what this article is about, what would you say?
30 | 30 |
B. Assess: 1. How is this a useful source? 2. How does it compare with other sources in your bibliography? 3. Is the information reliable? p. 323 – 324 2.What are possible extraneous variables and limitations? p. 37-38, 154 3.What is the goal (objective statement) of this source? How do the findings describe meeting (or not meeting) this goal?
25 | 25 |
C. Reflect: 1. How it fits into your research. 2. How this source is helpful to your RU project. § Specific contributions in helping shape your argument. 2. Ways this article has changed how you think about your topic. NURS 389 Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice Annotated Bibliography |
25 | 25 |
III. References | 10 | 10 |
1.APA style 2. Article criteria: <5 years, nurse authored, peer 3.Reviewed, USA published Only obligatory: an empirical research reference is the article itself – reference at top of bibliography per example on OWL website. Please use headings as reflected in A, B, & C.
Total Points | 100 | 99.8 |
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Professor’s comments: ________________________________________________________________
NURS 389 Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice Annotated Bibliography
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