NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

This course focuses on the basic elements of the research process in discovery of new knowledge and models for applying evidence to inform clinical decisions and improve nursing practice and patient outcomes. Consideration is given to the ethical conduct of research and scholarly work as well as the nurse’s role in the collection, documentation, analysis, interpretation, dissemination, and utilization of research data.


NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Introduction to Weekly Tips

In NURS 4000/4001, you have weekly assignments that require specific writing skills. To make these skills easier to master, we have provided writing information based on this course’s particular weekly assignments. Click on the week (at the left of the screen) that corresponds with the current week of the course. Once you’ve clicked on the appropriate week, you will find definitions, resources, and useful tips to help you complete each assignment successfully!

Week 1: Brainstorm and Organize Your Paper

Welcome to the first week of your course!

For your application assignment, you must write a 4-5-page paper focusing on a significant clinical problem. Having trouble choosing a topic and getting started? Follow these suggestions:

  • Use a pre-formatted template. Go to the Writing Center and download the School of Nursing Sample Paper Template. Save it to your computer and then replace the current text (including the headings) with your own; the title page, running head, page numbers, and margin formatting are already done for you. You can use this template to start each application assignment.
  • Download the NURS 4000 Week 1 Application Rubric from the Course Info area of Blackboard. Keep it handy to ensure you are hitting the required components and using the correct headings. This rubric can act as an outline for the paper.
  • Brainstorm a problem that you have witnessed at your health care institution. You will be more engaged and write more effectively if you are genuinely interested in the issue you’ve chosen.
  • Build your paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on one idea. This idea is expressed in a topic sentence, usually at the beginning. Add supporting details and analysis to develop and clarify that idea.

NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Week 2: Write a Comparison-Contrast

This week’s discussion helps you pinpoint the differences between scholarly and popular publications and evaluate their trustworthiness. Before starting to write your post, think about how you will structure your argument. For example, will you provide a brief summary of the publications first and then compare them? Will you list all the similarities and then all the differences?

See  this tutorial on Comparing and Contrasting for help in crafting your comparison. You could even create a Venn diagram or comparison table to visualize how the publications differ and relate.

NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Week 3: Critically Read Articles

Writing a 5-6-page article summary and evaluation requires that you read very carefully. For this assignment, you need to choose two articles from the Week 3 Articles list. As you read each article, pay attention to the key details of author, research problem, study design, sample, and results. Jot down notes or highlight where these details can be found.

Remember: For this assignment, you must move beyond summary to assess each study’s strengths and weaknesses. In addition to thinking about key details then, ask yourself questions:

  • Is the article scholarly and current?
  • Is the design suited to the study’s problem and purpose?
  • Did researchers show bias?
  • Is the sample size appropriate?
  • Does the research exhibit (as applicable) credibility, transferability, dependability, confirmability, validity, and reliability?

See this page for more information on reading like a scholar.

NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Week 4: Write Your Rough Draft

You have a big project due in Week 5. Remember to get started on the assignment early so that you are not researching, reading, and writing all at the last minute.

Here are some tips for approaching this project:

  • Download the NURS 4000 Week 5 Application Rubric and use it as a guide.
  • Allow for a very rough draft.
  • If you find that you are not meeting the 6-7-page requirement, read through your current draft, noting
    • topics that you can split into subtopics
    • paragraphs that are underdeveloped (fewer than 3 sentences)
    • any evidence that you have not adequately explained
    • opportunities for additional library research
  • Include information from at least seven sources and give the authors credit.
  • Build in time for review and revision.

NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Week 5: Create a PowerPoint Presentation

Creating a successful PowerPoint presentation is different than writing a traditional discussion post. With slides, we need to think about image and color in addition to text. Read about the basics of design to make this week’s presentation informative and engaging for your colleagues. Also feel free to use this PowerPoint template for your slides.

NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Week 6: Use Detail and Evidence in Your Writing

Congratulations! You’ve almost reached the conclusion of the course. In Discussion 1, you are analyzing potential ethical violations in a case study. Remember to

  • Include enough details from the case that the reader can follow your argument.
  • Support your critique with evidence. Read and view the course resources to find evidence that answers the “why?” question. Why is something an ethical violation? Use “because” language to explain: This researcher violates ______ principles because ________.
  • Proofread your post for flow, grammar, and clarity.

NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

Welcome to your course guide

Please find your required library readings below. See the links on the left for library skills assignment support and writing tutor.

If you have problems with the links below, please contact the Library. If you have APA questions about these materials, please contact the Writing Center.

NURS 4001 Required Course Readings

After clicking on a citation below, enter your myWalden user name and password at the prompt.

Please Ask a Librarian if you have any questions about the links.

**NOTE: Week 3 articles are listed in the box below this one. **

Ashton S. (2014) Researcher or nurse? Difficulties of undertaking semi-structured interviews on sensitive topics. Nurse Researcher22(1), 27-31. doi: 10.7748/nr.22.1.27.e1255

Cornell, P., Gervis, M.T., Yates, L. & Vardaman, J.M. (2014). Impact of SBAR on nurse shift reports and staff rounding. MedSurg Nursing23(5), 334-342. NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

Hurlbut, J.M., Robbins, L.K. & Hoke, M.M. (2011). Correlations between spirituality and health-promoting behaviors among sheltered homeless women. Journal of Community Health Nursing28(2), 81-91. DOI:10.1080/07370016.2011.564064

Kerfoot, K.M. & Douglas, K.S. (2013a). The impact of research on staffing: An interview with Linda Aiken-Part I. Nursing Economic$31(5), 216-219, 253.

Kerfoot, K.M. & Douglas, K.S. (2013b). The impact of research on staffing: An interview with Linda Aiken-Part II. Nursing Economic$, 31(6), 273-276,306.

Makaroff, K.S., Storch, J., Pauly, B., & Newton, L. (2014). Searching for ethical leadership in nursing. Nursing Ethics, 21(6), 642-658. NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

Makic, M.B.F., Martin, S.A., Burns, S., Philbrick, D., & Rauen, C. (2013). Putting evidence into nursing practice: Four traditional practices not supported by the evidence. Critical Care Nurse, 33(2), 28-44. doi: 10.4037/ccn2013787

Montalvo, W & Larson, E. (2014). Participant comprehension of research for which they volunteer: A systematic review. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 46(6), 423-431. doi: 10.1111/jnu.12097

Schmelzer, M. (2000). Understanding the research methodology: Should we trust the researchers’ conclusions? Gastroenterology Nursing, 23(6), 269–274.

Schmelzer, M. (2004). Understanding statistics: What is alpha (á)? Gastroenterology Nursing, 27(6), 292–293. NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice.

Schrems, B.M. (2014). Informed consent, vulnerability and the risks of group-specific attribution. Nursing Ethics, 21(7), 829-843. 10.1177/0969733013518448

Tinkham, M.R. (2014). Magnet insights: The value of research councils and journal clubs. AORN Journal, 100(2), 206-209, doi: 10.1016/j.aorn.2014.05.004. NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

Webb, M.S., Passmore, D., Cline, G., & Maguire, D. (2014). Ethical issues related to caring for low birth weight infants. Nursing Ethics, 21(6), 731-741. doi: 10.1177/0969733013513919

Week 3 Articles

Enter your myWalden user name and password at the prompt.

Qualitative Articles (Choose one)

Cahill, S & Diaz-Ponce, A.M. (2011). ‘I hate having nobody here. I’d like to know where they all are’: Can qualitative research detect differences in quality of life among nursing home residents with different levels of cognitive impairment? Aging & Mental Health, 15(5), 561-572. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2010.551342

Hamilton, G., Corlett, J. & Dowling, M. (2014). Adult-trained perioperative nurses’ practice of family-centered care. British Journal of Nursing, 23(9), 477-482. doi: 10.12968/bjon.2014.23.9.477. NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

Lavoie-Tremblay, M., O’Connor, P., Lavigne, G.L., Biron, A., Ringer, J., Baillargeon, S. MacGibbon, B., Cyr, G., & Briand, A. (2014). Transforming care at the bedside: Manager’s and health care providers’ perceptions of their change capacities. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 45(11), 514-520. doi:10.3928/00220124-20141023-02. NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

Vandenberg, H. & Kalischuk, R.G. (2014). Conceptualizations of culture and cultural care among undergraduate nursing students: An exploration and critique of cultural education. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 21(3), 99-107.

Quantitative Articles (Choose one)

Duncan, C., Riley, T.V. Carson, K.C., Budgeon, C.A. & Siffleet, J. (2013). The effect of an acidic cleanser versus soap on the skin pH and micro-flora of adult patients: A non-randomized two group crossover study in an intensive care unit. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 29, 291-296. doi; 10.1016/j.iccn.2013.03.005

Kalisch, B.J., Xie, B. & Ronis, D.L. (2013). Train-the-trainer intervention to increase nursing teamwork and decrease missed nursing care in acute are patient units. Nursing Research, 62(6), 405-413. doi: 10.1097/NNR.0b013e3182a7a15d. NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

Pokrywka, M., Feigel., J., Douglas, B., Grossberger, S., Hensler, A., & Weber, D. (2014). A bundle strategy including patient hand hygiene to decrease clostridium difficile infections. MedSurg Nursing, 23(3), 145-164.

Sarna, L. P., Bialous, S. A., Kraliková, E., Kmetova, A., Felbrová, V., Kulovaná, S., & … Brook, J. K. (2014). Impact of a smoking cessation educational program on nurses’ interventions. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 46(5), 314-321. doi:10.1111/jnu.12086

NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

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