Nurs 6051 Transforming Nursing and Healthcare Week 1 Discussion Essay
Nurs 6051 Transforming Nursing and Healthcare Week 1 Discussion Essay
Health information technology can improve patient safety and patient health tremendously. Information processes must be streamlined with the idea of preventing error. Although it is okay to make mistakes, errors in healthcare should not be the norm. As nursing professionals, we are held to very high standards. Nursing educators must ensure that nursing and the lives of others is not taken without extreme caution and attentiveness to detail. Training on technology processes should be continually provided as well as monitored. With the rise in technological innovations in health care, the need for health information nurse specialists is in high demand. I agree we should encourage the free flow of information and error reporting. Nurs 6051 Transforming Nursing and Healthcare Week 1 Discussion Essay. I disagree that we should put all the responsibility of a mistake on a machine and its processes. With more technological systems in place, more professionals feel they have the ability to rely on the intelligence of machines simply. Nurs 6051 Transforming Nursing and Healthcare Week 1 Discussion Essay.
Creation of Health Information Technology Safety Centers is on the rise. The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (HIT) was created to supervise the safety of technological processes and its functions. Patient safety should be monitored by HIT safety centers and work cogently with stakeholders, organizations, vendors and administrators to improve care. Four ways to achieve this are through 1.) post-marketing surveillance of security events; 2.) investigation of significant HIT-related safety occurrences; 3.) create random assessments of infrastructures; 4.) coordinate and advocate HIT safety with governmental and private healthcare credentialing bodies. It is interesting to note the importance of federally supported HIT safety centers in revolutionizing the delivery of health care. Nurs 6051 Transforming Nursing and Healthcare Week 1 Discussion Essay.
Care is based primarily on visits rather than on continuous healing relationships is practiced in many facilities. Unfortunately, inadequate staffing/supplies diminish the opportunity to provide best evidence-based care. Whether intentional or not, administrators are dictating the type of care provided based on visits. In this scenario, professionals instead of patients control the care.
Patient safety goals for the proposed Federal Health (n.d.). Retrieved from Patient safety goals for the proposed Federal Health (n.d.). Retrieved from
Sittig, D. F., Classen, D. C., & Singh, H. (2015). Patient safety goals for the proposed Federal Health Information Technology Safety Center. Journal Of The American Medical Informatics Association: JAMIA, 22(2), 472-478. doi:10.1136/amiajnl-2014-002988 Nurs 6051 Transforming Nursing and Healthcare Week 1 Discussion Essay
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