Nurs 6551 Abortion discussion Essay
Nurs 6551 Abortion discussion Essay
To prepare:
- Review this week’s media presentation, as well as Chapter 1 of the Schuiling and Likis text.
- Select and research one of the following women’s health issues: birth control, abortion, family planning, human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in women, or another issue approved by the course Instructor.
- Consider the impact of political, social, and sociocultural factors on the women’s health issue you selected.
- Reflect on how the personal perceptions of providers might influence their ability or willingness to care for women in relation to this issue. Nurs 6551 Abortion discussion Essay.
By Day 3
Post an explanation of the women’s health issue you selected, including the impact of political, social, and sociocultural factors on this issue. Explain how personal perceptions of providers might influence their ability or willingness to care for women in relation to this issue. Nurs 6551 Abortion discussion Essay.
Abortion is something that is talked about a lot in today’s society. The decision to keep or terminate a pregnancy is a dilemma that young women face today when an unplanned pregnancy occurs. More and more people are viewing abortion as something that is okay. There was a total of 638,169 abortions reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from 49 reportable areas, these areas exclude California, Maryland, and New Hampshire (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018). From 2014 to 2015 there was a 2% decrease in the number of reported abortions (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018).
Political, Social, and Sociocultural Factors Impact Abortion
Political: Politics’ has the ability to impact abortion rates significantly. Since Roe vs. Wade abortion has been a very heated political subject particularly between the left and right political parties in America. This issue has been further polarized with some state senate’s trying to ban abortion while others try to expand its use. An example of this would be the Reproduction Health Act that was passed in New York or the Heartbeat Bill passed in Ohio. The Reproduction Health Act that became affected as of January 22, 2019, allows for abortion to be legal within the first 24 week or after the first 24 weeks if it is to preserve the mother’s health or if the fetus isn’t viable (Find Law, 2019). It makes it where providers acting in good faith cannot be penalized (Find Law, 2019). In Ohio the House Bill 258 (Heartbeat Bill) prohibit an abortion of unborn child if a heartbeat is detected (Ohio Legislature, 2019) Nurs 6551 Abortion discussion Essay. Political polarization in America has caused the topic of abortion to be stigmatized or destigmatized, depending on the political faction one falls in.
Social: Social opinion is well verbalized regarding abortion today. It is not uncommon for women to talk about abortion openly. There is even activist known as a pro-choice activist that verbalize that abortion is okay. Pro-choice activist strongly believe reproductive rights are human rights and that reproductive health care options including birth control and abortion care should be affordable (NARAL Pro-Choice America, n.d.). This is something that would not have been socially accepted years ago.
Sociocultural: Women that experience the dilemma on whether they should or shouldn’t abort their child are subject to sociocultural and economic barriers that tend to limit their autonomy and places vulnerable pressure that influences or forces their decision on abortion (Frederico, Michielsen, Arnaldo, & Decat, 2018) Nurs 6551 Abortion discussion Essay.
Personal Perception of Providers regarding Abortion
Personal perception should not play a role in providers ability or willingness to provide abortions. If a provider chooses to work at a facility that performs abortion, they should be willing to perform an abortion due to the code of ethics on autonomy. Autonomy allows patients to make their own decision without judgment or coercion from the person caring for them (Registered Nursing, n.d.). If the provider is not willing to participate in this activity, they need to ensure the place they become employed is against abortion practice. As healthcare professional it is not our job to judge the patient, it is just our job to care for a patient and respect their wishes. Nurs 6551 Abortion discussion Essay
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018, November 23). Abortion surveillance – United States, 2015. Retrieved February 22, 2019, from
Find Law. (2019). New York abortion laws. Retrieved February 24, 2019, from
Frederico, M., Michielsen, K., Arnaldo, C., & Decat, P. (2018). Factors influencing abortion decision-making processes among young women. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(2), 329. doi: 10.3390/ijerph15020329
NARAL Pro-Choice America. (n.d.). Reproduction rights are human rights. Retrieved February 24, 2019, from
Ohio Legislature. (2019). House bill 258. Retrieved February 24, 2019, from
Registered Nursing. (n.d.) Ethical practice: NCLEX-RN. Retrieved February 24, 2019, from Nurs 6551 Abortion discussion Essay
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