NURS 6650 Psychotherapy with Groups and Families Midterm & Final Exam Questions and Answers

NURS 6650 Psychotherapy with Groups and Families Midterm & Final Exam Questions and Answers

  1. The PMHNP is working with a family during their first therapy session. According to the Gestalt school of perception, what must the PMHNP do to change the group behavior?
A. Create a process/content distinction with the family
D. None of the above



  1. The PMHNP is meeting with the parents of a school-aged girl. The mother reports feeling frustrated, because they cannot get their daughter to do her homework. “All she wants to do is play on her phone,” the father reports. The mother tells the PMHNP that they have tried threatening her by telling her that she won’t be able to have her friends over and that she won’t be allowed to watch TV. Which of the following responses made by the PMHNP demonstrates use of the Premack principle? NURS 6650 Psychotherapy with Groups and Families Midterm & Final Exam Questions and Answers.
A. “Do you know what other parents do for their kids, and does it work for them?”
B. “Have you tried making her phone privileges contingent on finishing her homework?”
C. “Why do you think your daughter doesn’t want to do her homework?”
D. “Can you think of a time when your daughter did her homework without you having to ask her?”


  1. During a family therapy session, the mother says, “I don’t know why my son is always in trouble at school. He does what he wants to do.” The father adds, “He’s almost 14 years old. It’s up to him to get his life in order.” What is the most appropriate intervention by the PMHNP?
A. Encourage the family to spend some time at home becoming enmeshed
B. Ask the parents to elaborate on why they don’t know much about their son’s life
C. Give the family an assignment to spend quality time together before the next session
D. Ask the parents to experiment with being excessively involved in their son’s life




  1. The PMHNP is discussing problem-solving techniques with a married couple. What recommendation will the PMHNP provid
  2. e to the couple?
B. “Avoid trying to ”
D. “Speak on behalf of your partner to show that you understand.”
  1. During a family therapy session, the PMHNP hears the father say to the son, “You shouldn’t play video games where you shoot people.” According to the Bion school of thought, what is the content of the message that the father is trying to express? NURS 6650 Psychotherapy with Groups and Families Midterm & Final Exam Questions and Answers
C. “You’re better at other types of video games.”
  1. A couple and their 13-year-old daughter have been in family therapy. The mother explains that her daughter is unhappy at private school and would like to be in public school. The father has been listening quietly and then says, “We are upset that our daughter wants to leave private school.” When using a systemic family therapy approach, what is the appropriate response by the PMHNP to the father?
B. “I’d like for you to rephrase your statement starting with ‘I am upset.’”
D. “If I understand correctly, you are both upset about this situation.”
 NURS 6650 Psychotherapy with Groups and Families Midterm & Final Exam Questions and Answers
  1. The PMHNP is working with a father and his son, who is 7 years old. According to the father, the son frequently experiences outbursts and poor impulse control. Using the differentiation of self-concept, what advice does the PMHNP offer the child?
B. “You should practice agreeing with your father when he tells you to do something.”
D. “Let your father know when something he does triggers you to feel bad.”



  1. The PMHNP is assessing a 19-year-old patient who reports feeling burdened and constrained by her family. “I feel like I can’t live my own life, and like I need their approval for everything I do,” she says during the assessment. Which response by the PMHNP supports the principles of family therapy?
D. “Family is there for unconditional acceptance of you and your life.”



  1. The PMHNP is meeting with a woman and her 11-year-old child, who was a victim of sexual abuse. The offender is the child’s stepfather, who is currently in jail. What action does the PMHNP employ with the child and mother during the first session?
A. Providing the child and mother an outline of the things to cover during the session, to make it easier for them to open up
B. Asking the child and mother to describe the sexual abuse as it occurred
C. Telling the child to pretend that the stepfather is in the room now, to discuss how the child feels
D. Giving the child and mother a choice about how much to discuss



  1. The PMHNP is working with a patient who is sleep deprived and depressed. Which of the following is an appropriate scaling question for the PMHNP to ask?
B. NURS 6650 Psychotherapy with Groups and Families Midterm & Final Exam Questions and Answers
D. “How many”


  1. The PMHNP is providing family therapy to two parents and their twin 14-year-old children. The children become defiant around bedtime and are still working on their homework late into the night. How does the PMHNP employ an experiential technique of family sculpting? NURS 6650 Psychotherapy with Groups and Families Midterm & Final Exam Questions and Answers
A. Asks one of the parents to arrange the family into a typical bedtime scene
B. Asks each person to comment on bedtime challenges
  1. Using a systemic family therapy approach, a PMHNP is meeting with a couple for an initial session and is asking each member to describe why he or she came to family therapy. After creating a genogram, the PMHNP says, “I can see that the men in your family are often the sole providers, and the women have been in charge of running the household.” Which is the most appropriate next response by the PMHNP?
A. “Do you think this pattern is contributing to your issues?”
B. “Do you see why this may be causing a dysfunctional relationship?”
C. “This is likely the reason for your problems.”
D. “These days, traditional roles are not the norm.”



  1. A PMHNP learns that the family has been experiencing dysfunction because a mother and her teenage son have been getting easily annoyed and yelling at each other. When using a strategic family therapy approach, which directive should the PMHNP suggest to solve the problem?
D. All of the above


  1. The PMHNP is meeting with parents who are having difficulty disciplining their child at home during his emotional and behavioral outbursts. The mother feels that the father is too strict but realizes that she is tired of getting “walked on” by their child. Which statement made by the PMHNP demonstrates the use of internal family systems therapy model?
A. “Each person in the family has certain roles to fulfill. You might be taking on a less active role when it comes to disciplining your child because of the experiences you had in your own childhood.”
B. “As a parent, you can create the dynamic and relationships you want. Maybe you could try asking your husband to be less strict with your child and see what kind of response you get from your child.”
C. “It sounds like there’s a part of you that thinks your husband is too strict, but another part of you that thinks you should be stricter yourself. What does that second part of you look or sound like?”
D. NURS 6650 Psychotherapy with Groups and Families Midterm & Final Exam Questions and Answers



  1. The PMHNP is meeting with a married couple. The woman feels very insecure, particularly when it comes to her husband working with women in his office. She reports, “My girlfriends say that it’s not attractive to be insecure like I am, so I’m really making the problem worse by being so insecure.” How can the PMHNP externalize the woman’s problem?
A. Have the woman talk to her husband directly about her concerns
B. Help the woman free herself from the label of “insecure”
C. Have the woman make a list of all the things about which she is insecure
D. None of the above



  1. The PMHNP is working with a married couple who have agreed to seek sex therapy due to the wife’s gradual decrease in interest in sex. The wife explains that she feels as though she cannot feel comfortable naked and enjoying being intimate. The PMHNP recognizes that the couple could possibly benefit from sensate focus. To apply the sensate focus exercise, the PMHNP suggests the couple first do what?
A. Practice desensitizing themselves from sex so that they do not feel any anxiety
D. Practice touching one another intimately
  1. The PMHNP works with a husband and a wife, but in separate sessions, to address marital issues. One day, the wife asks the PMHNP how her husband is progressing with his therapy. Which response made by the PMHNP is most appropriate?
A. “I’m sorry, ”
B. “I can .”
C. NURS 6650 Psychotherapy with Groups and Families Midterm & Final Exam Questions and Answers
D. All of the above


  1. The PMHNP is meeting with a family composed of two parents and their two children. The PMHNP observes that the mother projects her concerns onto one of the children, and that child seems to conform to the parents’ way of thinking. The other child seems to be less involved in the family’s fusion. What action taken by the PMHNP demonstrates the use of the Bowen Family Systems Therapy model? NURS 6650 Psychotherapy with Groups and Families Midterm & Final Exam Questions and Answers.
C. A and B
D. None of the above



  1. The PMHNP is performing an intake assessment on parents who had their son later in life. Since their son left for college 6 months ago, the couple reports arguing a lot and not getting along in general. When applying the theory of the family life cycle, what does the PMHNP say in response to this concern?
A. “These sorts of e
B. “It’s very co.”
C. “This is an issue”
D. None of the above.


  1. The PMHNP is meeting with a married couple who have recently had a baby. The transition of becoming new parents has caused a lot of friction and tension in the household. The wife wishes the husband would help out at least once with the nighttime feedings so she can get more than 3 hours of sleep at night. The husband feels like this is an unfair request, because the wife no longer works, but she still asks the husband to do a lot of errands during the day. What does the PMHNP do to create a quid pro quo contract between the husband and wife?
A. Suggest the wife to agree to do more errands during the day, and then have the husband agree to do one nighttime feeding
B. Convince the couple that this transition period with a new baby is normal and is not permanent, because soon the baby will start sleeping longer during the night
C. Recommend that the husband and wife spend more quality time together outside of the home and without the baby around
D. NURS 6650 Psychotherapy with Groups and Families Midterm & Final Exam Questions and Answers


  1. The PMHNP is working with a family consisting of a father, a mother, and a daughter who is a sophomore in high school. The issue being discussed has to do with the daughter’s emotional outbursts about wanting to spend more time with her friends. Recently, the daughter blew up at the parents over the fact that they wouldn’t let her go to a party, since older kids from the school were throwing it. This outburst led to arguments in the household, which led to the daughter getting grounded for 2 weeks. Which theory does the PMHNP recognize as the most applicable?
A. Systems theory
C. NURS 6650 Psychotherapy with Groups and Families Midterm & Final Exam Questions and Answers


  1. The PMHNP is meeting with a mother and her 9-year-old child. The child is upset that the father left the house and hasn’t been back in a long time. Which action will the PMHNP perform to employ the role-playing technique with the child?
A. Have the child draw his relationship to his father on a piece of paper
D. Ask the child to discuss how he feels about his father being gone


  1. The PMHNP is working with a family that includes two parents and their two children. The PMHNP defined the problem and goal in a previous session. Today, the PMHNP wants to find out whether the family has experienced any attempted solutions. What does the PMHNP identify as an attempted solution that actually perpetuates the family problem?
A. The parents fail to punish both children for stealing alcohol from the kitchen and drinking in their rooms.
B. The children crave attention and affection, so the parents buy them each a motorized scooter.
C. The wife wishes the husband would spend more time at home, and the husband tries to make her feel better by paying for a trip to visit her sister.
D. All of the above




  1. The PMHNP is working with parents who argue about ways to discipline their school-aged son. The PMHNP initiates enactment, telling the parents to discuss the disciplinary choices directly with each other. At what point does the PMHNP determine that the parents are demonstrating enmeshment?
A. The mother interrupts the father while he is speaking.
C. NURS 6650 Psychotherapy with Groups and Families Midterm & Final Exam Questions and Answers
D. All of the above.


  1. The PMHNP is working with 12-year-old twin sisters. Their parents report that the twins got into a big fight recently, which they haven’t been able to overcome. Which cognitive interaction can the PMHNP use to help the sisters gain a new perspective of the argument to help soften their own opinion of it?
B. Encourage the sisters to write down why they believe they are right
D. Suggest the sisters find something they both like and can relate to



  1. The PMHNP has just completed an intake assessment on a 15-year-old patient and believes the patient would benefit from family therapy. How does the PMHNP describe the goals of the therapy to the patient and the patient’s parents?
B. “Our goal is to strengthen the patient’s internal influences.”
D. All of the above


  1. The PMHNP is working with a family in a group setting. When employing the experiential technique, what action will the PMHNP take with the family during assessment?
C. Analyze
D. Ask the family members to




  1. The PMHNP is meeting with a single father and his adolescent daughter. They have been “butting heads” because of the daughter’s differing opinions about her curfew and social life. They haven’t been able to communicate well. The PMHNP tries an experiential technique of family drawing. What will the PMHNP have the father and daughter do for this technique?
A. Draw a picture as they see themselves in relation to one another
B. Draw a picture of what they wish they could say to each other
C. Draw a picture of their behaviors and actions, without using any words
D. All of the above


  1. The PMHNP wants to identify the unique outcomes of a married couple who are having arguments about finances. In particular, the wife is concerned about her husband splurging without consulting her. What question will the PMHNP ask to arrive at the unique outcomes?
A. “How do these money problems affect you?”
B. “How do these money problems influence your ideas about yourself?”
C. “How does the money problem affect the relationship you have with each other?”
D. All of the above


  1. The PMHNP is meeting with a mother and her teenage daughter; they are having trouble getting along. The mother complains that the daughter is defiant and never listens or goes out whenever she wants to. The daughter complains that the mother is too strict and won’t let her see her friends. What does the PMHNP do to employ the use of the paradoxical intervention technique?
A. Tell the mother to be stricter with her daughter by imposing harsher consequences
B. Tell the daughter to make plans with her friends whenever she wants to
C. Tell the mother and daughter to discuss how their actions affect each others’ feelings
D. A and B


  1. The PMHNP meets with an older adult couple having marital problems. The husband and wife both admit to the PMHNP that it is difficult for them to speak to each other because of how much they disagree on things lately. The husband complains that the wife is always talking about their issues to their adult daughter. The wife reports that the husband does the same thing. Using the Bowen Family Systems Therapy model, what does the PMHNP interpret about this family dynamic?
A. There is an emotional cutoff between the parents and their adult daughter.
D. All of the above


  1. The PMHNP is meeting with a husband and wife who have separated but are trying to rekindle the marriage. The PMHNP asks the couple what they hope to gain from the sessions, and they provide the PMHNP with vague answers. What can the PMHNP can ask the couple to help them create better defined goals?
B. “How will you know when you solved your problem?”
C. “What will be the first sign that tells you that you are moving in the right direction?”


  1. During a family therapy session, a 10-year-old girl says to her father, “You are at work all the time and are never around.” What is the most appropriate response by the PMHNP to improve communication?
A. Suggest that the daughter now say something positive to her father
B. Ask the father what he heard when his daughter made that comment
C. Tell the daughter that adults may have to work long hours sometimes
D. Give the father a chance to explain why he is working all the time


  1. The PMHNP is working with the parents of an 8-year-old. They are facing challenges with their daughter’s school because of her behavior toward other students. “Our daughter has become a problem,” they explain. Which statement(s) made by the PMHNP supports the use of the narrative therapy model?
A. “Your daughter is facing a struggle against a problem but is not a problem herself.”
B. “The problem is the problem, but the problem is not your daughter.”
C. A and B
D. None of the above



  1. A group member realizes he gets anxious when making small talk and tends to talk only about himself. Using the principle of development of socializing techniques, what might the PMHNP recommend that the group do next?
A. Give the member feedback on what the group participants have noticed about his interaction style, for example, if he does in fact talk only about himself when he seems anxious
B. Share emotions about similar struggles to improve cohesiveness
C. Reflect on ways they can work together to achieve catharsis
D. Discuss how the original family unit might relate to the problem



  1. The PMHNP is working with the parents of an adolescent daughter. The parents complain that the daughter is misbehaving and having emotional outbursts on a nightly basis. However, the parents cannot agree on ways to discipline and deal with the daughter. This leads to arguments between them. What does the PMHNP do to support the strategic use of rituals? NURS 6650 Psychotherapy with Groups and Families Midterm & Final Exam Questions and Answers
A. Suggest the mom help the daughter with homework on even days of the week
B. Ask the dad how his daughter might describe the mother’s attitude in the house
C. Have the parents reframe their daughter’s symptoms to validate their own relationships
D. Advise the parents to solicit feedback from their daughter on why she has emotional outbursts



  1. The PMHNP is meeting with a husband and wife and observes that the husband is able to maintain his composure while the wife becomes more teary and emotional throughout the session. Which principle is used to describe this observation?
A. Complementary relationship
B. Symmetrical relationship
C. Family homeostasis
D. All of the above


NURS 6650 Psychotherapy with Groups and Families Midterm & Final Exam Questions and Answers

  1. The PMHNP is meeting with a family consisting of two parents and their 10-year-old son. The parents are concerned about the child’s behavior. “He keeps disobeying us. All he does is misbehave,” the mother cries. The PMHNP meets individually with the son for a few sessions to learn more about his behavior and identifies that he is participating in attention-seeking behaviors. When the PMHNP invites the parents and son back to a family group setting, what action made by the PMHNP supports the use of constructivism?
A. Providing the parents with consequences to use when the child misbehaves
C. Getting the parents to think about their child as being hyperactive, rather than misbehaving
  1. The PMHNP is working with a married couple in a family session setting. The wife reports feeling upset because her husband does not pay attention to her. Which statement made by the PMHNP will challenge the wife to see things differently?
A. “Why do you think your husband ignores you at home?”
B. “How does it make you feel when your husband ignores you?”
C. “How might you be contributing to your husband not paying you any attention?”
D. “What can you say to your husband to get him to change his actions?”



  1. The PMHNP is working with a father and his teenage daughter. The father has full custody of his daughter as of recently. He reports that the two of them get into arguments all the time over curfew, chores, and the daughter’s lack of responsibility that “she gets from her mother.” The daughter feels like the father never listens to her. Which of the following actions taken by the PMHNP demonstrates unbalancing the relationship?
A. Telling the father that he might be patient enough with the newness of having a teenage daughter in the house all the time
B. Asking the daughter to describe how she feels about the transition of living with her father full time
C. Inviting the father to speak directly to the daughter about what she can do to accommodate his lifestyle
D. Recommending the father find a hobby outside of the house to give his daughter alone time



  1. A man calls a PMHNP to set up an initial appointment for family therapy.  He explains, “My wife lost her job several months ago. She has been angry and less patient with the kids. All of the stress is taking a toll on me. I can’t focus at the office and I’m mentally exhausted at home.” Based on this phone contact, who would the PMHNP most likely choose to see for the first session?
A. The husband alone
B. The wife alone
C. The couple alone
D. The family as a unit


  1. The PMHNP is assessing a family that consists of a mother and a father and their daughter Rachel. The family is discussing the issue of time management in the home, particularly involving the daughter’s extracurricular schedule. The mother asks, “Rachel, how many times has your father been late to pick you up from soccer?” What does the PMHNP take away from this interaction?
A. The family uses a
B. The family is de
C. The family is involved in
D. The family requires




  1. The PMHNP meets with the parents of a 3-year-old boy, who was adopted at 6 months of age. The parents ask the PMHNP if he will see the child individually for therapy sessions on a weekly basis, based on the fact that the parents are having difficulty getting their son to listen to them. Which statement made by the PMHNP supports the systems theory approach to treatment?
A. “It would be difficult for me to make sense of your child’s behavior without the rest of the family around.”
B. “It would be better for us to meet as a group since your child likely has attachment issues.”


  1. The PMHNP is working with a married couple who are having trouble communicating. The wife wants to ask for things from the husband, but she doesn’t want to be perceived as a nag. The husband wants to tell the wife that he needs alone time, but he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings. Which pretend technique can the PMHNP use with the couple?
A. Ask the husband what he thinks the wife would say about his behavior
B. Ask the couple to engage in negotiation
C. Tell the husband to call the wife a nag three times a day
D. NURS 6650 Psychotherapy with Groups and Families Midterm & Final Exam Questions and Answers
  1. The PMHNP is working with a single mother and her adolescent son. The mother reports to the PMHNP that all she wants is for her son to call her when he is going to be late to dinner, so that she doesn’t worry about where he is. The son explains that his mom is “too paranoid” and calls or texts him constantly throughout the day, even if it doesn’t have to do with his whereabouts. How can the PMHNP advise the mother and son to accommodate one another?
A. Recommend the mother to limit her texts and calls to her son throughout the day
B. Recommend the son to send his mother a text when he is going to be late
C. Recommend the mother and son to stop being so hard on one another
  1. A PMHNP is using a structural family therapy approach. During a family therapy session, a child says, “Is that what you really mean?” Tracking the phrase, the PMHNP discovers that the family often uses sarcasm when communicating. What is the appropriate next step by the PMHNP?
A. Make each member apologize to the other whenever sarcasm is used during the session
B. Ask the family to point out when a statement is sarcastic so others know they are joking
C. Listen for the use of sarcasm and, when it occurs, help members communicate more directly
D. Have members put a quarter in the “sarcasm jar” each time a sarcastic statement is used



  1. The PMHNP is meeting with a set of parents and their 12-year-old son, who according to the parents is fearful of “nearly everything.” The son admits that he does not like to ride his bike, play with his friends, or participate in activities such as sports, in which he could hurt himself or become dirty. What does the PMHNP say to the son to personify the problem using externalizing conversation techniques?
A. “What can you do when you become scared of something?”
B. “How is being fearful controlling your life?”
C. “How often does fear make you do what it wants you to do?”
D. NURS 6650 Psychotherapy with Groups and Families Midterm & Final Exam Questions and Answers


  1. A PMHNP is working with a mother and daughter to help them improve their communication skills. The mother explains that they have had numerous arguments caused by miscommunication lately. Using a structural family therapy approach, what is the appropriate response by the PMHNP?
A. “Perhaps we can role play the scenario of a recent argument and then observe how it unfolds so you can find some underlying causes.”
B. “Please act out what happened during a recent argument, and then try that same enactment using a healthier approach.”
C. “I’m going to ask you to plan an event together while paying attention to your communication as a mother and as a daughter.”
D. All of the above



  1. During family therapy, a husband says to his spouse, “When you ignore me, I can’t help but shout.” Using an emotionally focused family therapy approach, the PMHNP comments to the husband, “You feel like you are invisible and need to be heard.” Why does the PMHNP make this comment?
A. To assist the couple in creating new attachment patterns
C. To help the client capture an elusive emotional experience


  1. A family is in therapy because they have been unable to resolve conflicts and are arguing frequently. When using a strategic family therapy approach, which of the following directives might the PMHNP suggest to create a sense of togetherness? NURS 6650 Psychotherapy with Groups and Families Midterm & Final Exam Questions and Answers
A. Encourage the family to address concerns by writing letters to each other
B. Direct the family to temporarily become overly dependent on one another
C. Ask the family to engage in pleasant activities following the problem behavior
D. Exaggerate in a fun family ritual by preparing for the event in a specific order



  1. The PMHNP is meeting with a family that consists of a husband, wife, and the wife’s mother and sister. The husband complains to the PMHNP that the way his mother-in-law and sister-in-law barge into their home whenever they want, without any warning, is becoming intrusive. He says, “Because, of course, everyone in the family has keys to our home.” Which pattern does the PMHNP identify in this family relationship?
A. The family is
B. The family is
C. The family is
D. The family is s.



  1. The PMHNP is meeting with two women, ages 35 and 42, who are concerned about their mother’s use of alcohol. During the meeting, what question(s) should the PMHNP ask the mother to help uncover the potential drinking problem?
A. “Why do you want to ?”
B. “How many ?”
C. “Do you ever ?”
D. B and C


  1. During the initial assessment of a newly married couple, the PMHNP learns that they decided to come to family therapy in order to address their communication problems. Which of the following actions taken by the PMHNP demonstrates the use of the solutions-focused approach? NURS 6650 Psychotherapy with Groups and Families Midterm & Final Exam Questions and Answers
A. Drawing a communication model for the couple and having them discuss where the communication breakdown occurs
B. Having the couple take turns describing, in their own words, what the communication problem is
C. Asking the couple how things will be different in their relationship once their communication problems are solved
D. NURS 6650 Psychotherapy with Groups and Families Midterm & Final Exam Questions and Answers


  1. The PMHNP is leading a group session when a group member who is usually quiet angrily interrupts another group member. He then apologizes for his outburst and explains that he has been having a hard time since his only child left for college. Using a person-centered approach to group psychotherapy, which of the following is the most appropriate response by the PMHNP?
A. “Thanks for your apology. Do you think the reason you are having a hard time might be related to your fear of abandonment?”
B. “You sound angry. Can you elaborate on what you are experiencing now as you share this story with the rest of the group?”
C. NURS 6650 Psychotherapy with Groups and Families Midterm & Final Exam Questions and Answers
D. “It’s understandable that you are having a hard time. Let’s ask group members to share about the experience of having an empty nest.”



  1. The PMHNP is meeting with a mother and her adult daughter, who report that they have had a hard time getting long. The adult daughter complains that her mother tells her what to do regarding her children, which puts strain on the adult daughter’s marriage. The mother denies this and explains that she is “only trying to help.” What does the PMHNP say to the mother or daughter to convey acceptance into this family?
B. “It sounds like you have a difficult time accepting your mom’s help when you don’t ask for it.”
C. “I have to side with your mom on this issue, since she is older and wiser.”
  1. Members of a therapy group have become aligned and are starting to take ownership of their group experience. They are sharing more and are being more open with each other. During the next session, the PMHNP decides to address termination of the group. Which of the following is the most appropriate response by the PMHNP when a group member expresses anxiety about termination?
A. NURS 6650 Psychotherapy with Groups and Families Midterm & Final Exam Questions and Answers
C. “I think all of you are ready to leave the group.”

NURS 6650 Psychotherapy with Groups and Families Midterm & Final Exam Questions and Answers

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