nurs 6660 pediatric bipolar depression disorder debate essay

nurs 6660 pediatric bipolar depression disorder debate essay

Evaluate diagnosis of pediatric bipolar depression disorder
Analyze consequences to diagnosing/failing to diagnose pediatric bipolar depression disorder
justify whether or not pediatric bipolar depression disorder should be diagnosed.


Evaluate the diagnosis of pediatric bipolar depression disorder

The diagnosis of pediatric bipolar depression disorder involves both physical evaluation and medical examination. In the physical evaluation, the psychiatric interviews the child and one parent. The interview allows the healthcare provider to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of all relevant clinical symptoms that are associated with mood disorders in children. Nonetheless, the information that is provided by the interviewees is likely to have some discrepancies. Therefore, the parents should observe the child with bipolar depression disorder closely for it is helpful for two week period before visiting a healthcare facility for the first time (Rizvi, Ong, & Youngstrom, 2014). In particular, child’s caregivers are supposed to monitor energy, mood, sleep, and any unusual behavior portrayed by the child and keep mood charting nurs 6660 pediatric bipolar depression disorder debate essay. Healthcare providers should enquire about the functioning of the child at school, home, and when with peers before ascertaining whether symptom of bipolar depression disorder is present or absent.

Bipolar depression disorder does not have any imaging or lab test. Nonetheless, the psychiatric need to conduct relevant laboratory testing and medical evaluation of any medical conditions or substance abuse that might result to mood symptoms. The laboratory testing or imaging results might be positive even if the patient had a normal physical examination or negative medical history. The clinician would conduct a complete blood count (CBC) and urinalysis during comprehensive evaluation. Additionally, the clinician would conduct differential with hematocrit and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) tests. Other recommended tests are serum electrolytes to test the level of potassium, sodium, chloride, phosphate, and calcium. Finally, the liver function test would be conducted to test aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and bilirubin (Renk et at, 2014).
Analyze consequences to diagnosing/failing to diagnose pediatric bipolar depression disorder
justify whether or not pediatric bipolar depression disorder should be diagnosed nurs 6660 pediatric bipolar depression disorder debate essay.

An argument against Diagnosing Pediatric Bipolar

Diagnosing pediatric bipolar depression disorder is associated with some shortcomings. First, psychiatrists tend to misdiagnose and give the wrong treatment to children with BP. Clinicians were not aware that this condition is likely to affect children. Consequently, they diagnosed and offered treatment for other mood disorders, including depression and anxiety. Additionally, the symptoms of BP are different in adults and children. Secondly, unlike in adults, children with bipolar disorder do not portray and clinical presentation. In cases the symptoms are present they are different from those portrayed by adults with this condition nurs 6660 pediatric bipolar depression disorder debate essay. Therefore, it is challenging for the healthcare provider to rule out whether a child is suffering from bipolar or other mood-related disorders. Furthermore, the drastic increase in the number of children diagnosed with bipolar disorder is due to redefinition of mania, which is among the major aspects considered in BP diagnosis.

Besides, most clinicians are diagnosing children with bipolar disorder rather than with conditions that could have been diagnosed in the past, including ADHD, conduct disorder (CD), oppositional defiant disorder [ODD], pervasive developmental disorders [PDD]), and learning disorder. Also, the diagnosis of children with bipolar disorder is likely to be palatable to individuals who are close to the child, including caregivers, teachers, and friends. Medical officers are likely to confuse the problematic moods and behaviors of a child to those of genetic disorder. The medications that are used in the treatment of bipolar disorder have also raised concern among critics. Some drugs might not reduce the severity of the symptoms of the condition but rather result in harmful side effects. In other words, the risks associated with the medication of bipolar disorder is overlooked. Diagnosing children with bipolar disorder will do them more harm than good.

An argument for Diagnosing Pediatric Bipolar

Diagnosing children with bipolar disorder accrues some benefits to the patients and their families. First, diagnosing this condition will give the clinician the basis of giving the appropriate medication to the patient. This medication will, in turn, reduce the risk associated with untreated cases of bipolar disorder (Axelson, 2016). Children with bipolar are at a high risk of performing poorly in school and being rejected by their peers (Campos et al, 2017). Additionally, these children are likely to cause physical injury, including committing suicide. These behaviors are likely to tear their families apart. Secondly, diagnosing the bipolar disorder is the most effective strategy of helping children with this condition nurs 6660 pediatric bipolar depression disorder debate essay. Clinicians can promote the level of attachment with children after diagnosis thus reducing the level of stress experienced by the patients and their families.

Also, psychiatric diagnoses are considered as the basis of descriptions of clusters of behaviors that are exhibited by individuals in society. Social institutions indicate that the impairment of the functioning of these behaviors is determined by human beings. Therefore, psychiatric diagnosis indicates that the health of human beings determines their behaviors. Diagnosis and appropriate treatment give people suffering from bipolar disorder an opportunity to flourish in life. Furthermore, the diagnosis will enable clinicians to differentiate the cluster of behaviors of bipolar disorder from those of millennia in various cultural practices. Finally, the pharmaceutical industry plays a significant role in shaping the values and interpretations of individuals. Therefore, it is evident that diagnosing children with bipolar disorder accrues benefits to the patients and their families.


Rizvi, S. H., Ong, M. L., & Youngstrom, E. A. (2014). Bipolar disorder in children and adolescents: an update on the diagnosis. Clinical Practice11(6), 665.

Renk, K., White, R., Lauer, B. A., McSwiggan, M., Puff, J., & Lowell, A. (2014). Bipolar disorder in children. Psychiatry journal2014 nurs 6660 pediatric bipolar depression disorder debate essay.

Campos, C. R. F., Oliveira, M. L. C., Mello, T. M. V. F. D., & Dantas, C. D. R. (2017). Academic performance of students who underwent psychiatric treatment at the students’ mental health service of a Brazilian university. Sao Paulo Medical Journal135(1), 23-28.

Axelson, D. (2016). Pediatric bipolar disorder: Overview of choosing treatment. UpToDate. Retrieved October 26, 2018 nurs 6660 pediatric bipolar depression disorder debate essay.

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