Nursing critique paper example

Through this Nursing critique paper example assignment, the student will:

Critique a peer-reviewed study, and in your own words, describe the research question, sample, design of study, data collection method, findings, and limitations of each. (CO 1, CO2,)
Summarize the research article and evaluate the significance to nursing. Do not just quote the author’s words. Paraphrase the information. (CO 4, CO5).
Guidelines to writing the Paper


Tips on how to complete this assignment may be found at (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Download the Research Article Critique List of Articles (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and select ONE to analyze. Nursing critique paper example.
Retrieve the full-text version of the article from the library. Read it thoroughly.
Introduction (one paragraph): The introduction should be interesting and capture the reader’s attention.
Provide a brief description of the research article to be discussed.
Discuss the purpose of your paper. The purpose statement of the paper should relate to the research article reviewed and the implications that it has to evidence based nursing practice.
You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
Describe the research question for this study in a paragraph.
Describe the research in greater detail. Nursing critique paper example.
Include your observations about this question.
Discuss events or trends that could have affected this question.
You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
Describe the research design of this study, and in your own words discuss the design.
Discuss the research design of the study. Nursing critique paper example.
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the type of design and hypothesize why the author utilized the design as opposed to others.
You will need to summarize the information from the article in your own words
Describe the sample.
Briefly describe the sample size used for this study
Make a judgment as to whether the sample size was adequate and defend your answer.
Describe the number or participants and determine if the number of participants was adequate compared to the research question and the intent of the study.
Are these numbers adequate? Discuss gaps in that you identified Nursing critique paper example.
You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
Describe the data collection method(s)’
Who collected the data?
What tools were used?
What were the ethical considerations addressed and discuss gaps you identified.
You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
Describe the limitations of the study. Nursing critique paper example.
Identify the limitations within the study
Describe how the limitations could be overcome in subsequent studies
Comment on why limitations are important to list and discuss within a study
You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
Describe the findings reported in the study.
Describe the findings reported in the study
Discuss whether the findings of the study answered the research question posed within the study
Discuss the credibility of the findings
If the findings do not support the research question posed within the study, what do you believe is the reason?
You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
Summary Nursing critique paper example.
Summarize important points from the body of your paper including the key components of the paper.
Include a statement about the research question and the findings.
Discuss the probability of implementation into practice. Based on these findings, is the evidence that you found on your topic strong enough to suggest a change in practice, or an idea for practice? Nursing critique paper example.
End with a concluding statement.

Cork, L. L. (2014). Nursing intuition as an assessment tool in predicting severity of injury in trauma patients. Journal of Trauma Nursing, 21(5), 244-252. doi:10.1097/JTN.0000000000000072

Research Article Critique Paper Rubric


Criteria Ratings Pts
Research Question

(Describe, analyze, and summarize the research question for this study your own words.)

Fully describes, analyzes, and summarizes the research question in detail

20.0 pts

Generally, describes, and analyzes the research question.

18.0 pts

Briefly summarizes the research question, but omits some aspects of the question.

16.0 pts

Incorrectly describes the research question.

8.0 pts

Does not describe the research question.

0.0 pts

20.0 pts Nursing critique paper example
Design of Study

(Describe, analyze, and summarize the research design of this study in your own words.)

Nursing critique paper example

Fully describes, analyzes, and summarizes the design of the study in detail.

20.0 pts

Generally, describes, and analyzes the design of the study.

18.0 pts

Briefly summarizes the design of the study, but omits some aspects of the design.

16.0 pts

Incorrectly describes the design of the study.

8.0 pts

Does not describe the design of the study.

0.0 pts

20.0 pts
Sample/Population of the Study

(Describe, analyze, and summarize the sample in your own words.)

Fully describes, analyzes, and summarizes the sample used in the study in detail.

25.0 pts

Generally, describes, and analyzes the sample used in the study.

22.0 pts

Briefly summarizes the sample used in the study, but omits some details.

20.0 pts

Incorrectly describes the sample in the study, or omits major details

10.0 pts

Does not describe the sample used in the study.

0.0 pts

25.0 pts
Data Collection Methods

(Describe, analyze, and summarize the data collection method(s)’ in your own words.)

Fully describes, analyzes, and summarizes all of the data collection methods used in the study.

25.0 pts

Generally, describes, and analyzes the majority of data collection methods used in the study.

22.0 pts

Briefly summarizes and describes parts of the data collection method used in the study.

20.0 pts

Nursing critique paper example

Incorrectly describes the data collection method used in the study.

10.0 pts

Does not describe the data collection method used in the study.

0.0 pts

25.0 pts

(Describe, analyze, and summarize the limitations of the study in your own words.)

Nursing critique paper example

Fully describes, analyzes, and summarizes the limitations found in the study in detail.

20.0 pts

Generally, describes, and analyzes the limitations found in the study.

18.0 pts

Briefly summarizes the limitations found in the study.

16.0 pts

Incorrectly describes the limitations found in the study.

8.0 pts

Does not describe the limitations found in the study.

0.0 pts

20.0 pts

(Describe, analyze, and summarize the findings reported in the study in your own words)

Fully describes, analyzes, and summarizes the findings of the study in detail.

20.0 pts

Generally, describes, and analyzes the findings of the study.

18.0 pts


Nursing critique paper example

Briefly summarizes the findings of the study.

16.0 pts

Incorrectly identifies the findings from the study

8.0 pts

Does not describe the findings of the study.

0.0 pts

20.0 pts
Summary of Article

(Summarize important points from the body of your paper including the key components of the paper and discuss the probability of implementation into practice.)

Summarizes study in detail and states specific rationale for whether a change in practice is warranted.

25.0 pts

Generally, summarizes study. Gives broad rationale for whether a change in practice is warranted.

22.0 pts

Briefly summarizes study and states rationale for whether a change in practice is warranted.

20.0 pts

Minimally summarizes study. Gives poor rationale for whether a change in practice is warranted.

10.0 pts

Does not summarize study and does not give rationale for whether a change in practice is warranted.

0.0 pts

25.0 pts
Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling/ APA Formatting

(No errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and APA formatting.)

No errors in grammar, punctuation, APA, and spelling.

20.0 pts

Nursing critique paper example

One to four errors in grammar, spelling.

18.0 pts

Five to eight errors in grammar, spelling, and syntax.

16.0 pts

Nine to twelve errors in grammar, spelling, and syntax.

8.0 pts

Thirteen or more errors to the point where it is difficult to understand the meaning of the student’s writing.

0.0 pts

20.0 pts
Total Points: 175.0 Nursing critique paper example


Nursing critique paper example

Article: Cork, L. L. (2014). Nursing Intuition as an Assessment Tool in Predicting Severity of Injury in Trauma Patients. Journal of Trauma Nursing, 21(5), 244-252.


The article introduces the concept of nursing intuition as a reliable assessment for use by trauma nurses. In fact, the article acknowledges that intuition has typically been used by charge nurses although it is not considered part of standard practice or even acknowledged in medical policies Nursing critique paper example. Applying a quantitative research approach, the research compares the performance of intuition against other conventional trauma assessment tools with the intention of determining whether intuition is a reliable and dependable trauma assessment tool.

Research Question

Although the research question has not been explicitly stated in the article, it is implied. In this case, the research question is: does nursing intuition offer a reliable and dependable trauma assessment tool when compared to other trauma assessment tools? Answering this question will ascertain the value of nursing intuition and support recommendations on whether or not intuition should be accepted in standard nursing practice. It is notable that the researcher acknowledges the use of nursing intuition, although this occurs at the nurses’ discretion. By answering this question, there will be tangible scientific proof on the use of intuition with a caveat that intuition is developed through extensive experience and knowledge. Nursing critique paper example.

Research Design

The research applies a descriptive, quantitative, cross-sectional approach. This is evidenced by the fact that it depicts the nurses and patients in a realistic manner by relying on their opinions and medical information collected through observation. Additionally, the opinions are collected from a sample of the population of interest that has been identified as trauma nurses. Besides that, it relies on quantifiable data as a measure of variables of interest. Also, it is identified as a cross-sectional study since the observations were made for the participants at a single point in time to examine the relationship between the variables of interest. Nursing critique paper example. Although the identified method is both convenient and attracts a lower cost, including elements of qualitative approaches such as interviews would have improved the value of the research results by allowing the participants to provide greater insight into the variables of interest.

Research Sample

The research sample comprised of trauma nurses who were considered as an appropriate source of information. The sample included 18 charge nurses who are qualified to work in a trauma center and are engaged in a rural emergence department. All the participants voluntarily participated in the study. Nursing critique paper example. They were considered for inclusion in the study because they have extensive knowledge of trauma management. Once identified, the participants’ management records were reviewed and performance compared to their use of intuition in making trauma assessments.

Data Collection Methods

Data collection relied on two methods: questionnaires and hospital records. The questionnaires collected the participants’ demographic information and their confidence in using intuition, also described as ‘gut instinct’. The hospital records evaluated the professional performance of the trauma nurses in making accurate assessments of their patients stabilization needs before transferring them to a higher-level trauma center. The tools were used on consideration of the participants’ rights, particularly their right to voluntary participation. Additionally, approval for the study was sought from the hospital and university institutional review boards before the study could proceed. Nursing critique paper example. Also, the patients’ records were de-identified before use in the research. Besides that, the research underwent Health Insurance Portability and Accountability training and certification that included a pledge to uphold confidentiality standards. Overall, appropriate methods were applied to ensure that the right data was collected even as the participants and their information was protected.


The researcher identified three limitations that are presented in the article. Firstly, only eight trauma nurses were recruited. This is a very small sample when it is considered that the total population of trauma nurses is very large. This reduced the results value, particularly generalizability to the whole population of trauma nurses. Secondly, not all of the required medical information was available to the researchers. Finally, not all the researchers were truthful since intuition is not based on science and the participants felt that they could be ridiculed for relying on non-scientific tools. Overall, these limitations reduced the research value. Nursing critique paper example.


The research results acknowledge that there is a strong positive correlation between intuition and other trauma assessment tools used by nurses (r=0.992; p≤ .001). Based on these results, nurses’ intuition should be included as one of the routinely used trauma assessment tools, although it should be applied alongside other tools to reduce the possibility of errors occurring. Still, the results include a stipulation that intuition should only be applied by the more experienced and knowledgeable trauma nurses, and that their less experienced counterparts should shadow them to train their intuition Nursing critique paper example.


The research article under review presents reviews the value that nurses intuition could hold for a trauma center, particularly when assigning trauma scores. This has been achieved by answering the question: does nursing intuition offer a reliable and dependable trauma assessment tool when compared to other trauma assessment tools? To answer this question, the research applied a descriptive, quantitative, cross-sectional approach although there is a concession that including qualitative research tools such as interviews would have offered greater insight. Data was collected using questionnaires and medical records as tools. The sample comprised of 18 charge nurses who are qualified to work in a trauma center and are engaged in a rural emergence department. Nursing critique paper example. Still, the researcher identified three limitations in the form of having a small sample, missing some of the required medical records, and untruthful participants who feared being ridiculed by their peers. The research acknowledged that there is a strong positive correlation between intuition and other trauma assessment tools used by nurses. Based on this results, the researcher recommended that intuition should be routinely applied by the more experienced and knowledgeable trauma nurses, and that their less experienced counterparts should shadow them to train their intuition. Nursing critique paper example.


Nursing critique paper example – Nursing Intuition as an Assessment Tool in Predicting Severity of Injury in Trauma Patients


In emergency cases, the charge nurses play a key role in assessment and making decisions on whether to institute a trauma code. While such decisions are derived from the established trauma assessment criterion, it has been suggested that in some cases the charge nurses decision is dependent on their gut feeling. However, the efficacy of charge nurses intuition-based decision has aroused a considerable debate amongst scholars. Consequently, in a bid to weigh in to the debate, Cork (2014) conducted a study investigating the extent and efficacy of intuition-based decisions by the charge nurses in trauma cases. Nursing critique paper example. In this study, the researcher observed that while gut feeling played a key role in trauma cases: its use and efficacy had a higher correlation with nurses experienced nurses rather than education level. As a contribution to the nursing practice, the researcher concluded that intuition had an integral role in the enactment of trauma code. Further, to maximize intuition benefits, the study recommends institutions to combine experienced nurses with the novice when dealing with trauma cases Nursing critique paper example.

Research question

To assess the efficacy of intuition as an assessment tool in trauma cases, the researcher focused on the accuracy of intuition based injury predictions in trauma cases. As such the underlying question for the study was how accurate are intuition based predictions when compared to the final injury severity score (ISS)? Through the question, the researcher hoped to highlight the extent of intuition based predictions among the charge nurses, and the accuracy of the predictions when compared to the quantified ISS. Nursing critique paper example In this case, the research question was adequate for the research since a higher comparison between the deducted ISS and intuition-based prediction would illustrate the efficacy of intuition as an assessment tool. Consequently, in case the ISS differed considerably with the intuition-based prediction, it would be an illustration of the insufficiency of intuition when predicting the severity of the injury.

Design of study,

In the study’s methodology, the researcher utilized descriptive, quantitate, cross-sectional approach. In this case, the approach was seemingly a merger of various designs in a bid to utilize their individual strengths. Descriptive design approach would facilitate survey data collection tools such as a questionnaire. Nursing critique paper example On the other hand, a quantitative attribute in the design would enable the researcher to analyze the earlier collected trauma data from the coordinator’s office. Consequently, the cross-sectional attribute would facilitate the design in setting a time frame – in this case, June 2010 to May 2012 – and  review the studies variables in the selected time period. Selection of this approach was possibly guided by its multifaceted nature which would enable the researcher to save data collection time and generalize results collected from a small sample.

Nursing critique paper example – Sampling

Sampling in this study factored in respondents (charge nurses) and the data from prerecorded trauma cases. To select the appropriate respondent sample, the study used purposeful sampling whose guiding parameters included nurses in a rural Sweden health care who were working in an emergency department and who were certified as Advanced Cardiac Life Support and Trauma Nurse Core Curriculum. In line with these parameters, the study narrowed down to eight charge nurses as suitable respondents for the study.

The Sampled prerecorded trauma cases included the records from June 2010 to May 2012, which had been filled out by the charge nurses selected in the first sample. The sampling was adequate for the study since it allowed the researcher to focus on the suitable respondents while the sampled prerecorded data would facilitate an objective reviewNursing critique paper example. However, a notable limitation of the sampling strategy was the likelihood of the researcher’s bias especially in the enactment of purposeful sampling. In this case, although, the researcher may have tried to counter the limitation by establishing selection criteria, the likely hood of coercion cannot be ruled out. Lastly, the accuracy of data from the trauma coordinator’s office was not guaranteed Nursing critique paper example.

Data collection method

The researcher used two phases to collect the data. In the first phase, the researcher collected the details of charge nurses from the trauma cases reception desk. Consequently, the participants were recruited. The primary data collection tool in this phase was the questionnaires, which were handed to the selected respondents to be filled in anonymously. In this phase, key considerations during data collection were anonymity when filling in questionnaires and the respondents’ consent. Consequently, the second phase involved the collection of data from the trauma records. To gain access to the data, the researcher obtained permission from the coordinator’s office Moreover, to abide with the research ethics the researcher guaranteed the confidentiality of the patient records ascertaining that their sole use was for the purposes of the research only. Nursing critique paper example. Data collection in this phase involved the recording of trauma cases with intuition as assessment tool between June 2010 and May 2012 and their resultant ISS.

Limitations of the study

Notable limitations of this study included the reliance on a small sample and the limited scope of the study. In this regard, the research sample of six nurses was small for adequate generalization. Moreover, the sample was collected from a single emergency department, which significantly limited the scope of the study and inhibited adequate generalization of the results to other areas. Further, the accuracy of the data recorded from the respondents could not be ascertained. For instance, in case a respondent lied or gave inaccurate responses there was no way for the researcher to know. To contain the limitation, consequent researchers should employ a bigger sample and from different locations. Such measures would widen the scope and facilitate generalization of the results.


The findings were derived from the data collected from the two phases. Notably, although the study had sampled eight nurses as suitable respondents for the first phase, two respondents did not participate. As such, the findings were deduced from the six respondents. After data analysis, the researcher observed that nurse’s experience contributes to their confidence in employing intuition as an assessment tool. Consequently, the efficacy of a nurses intuition based trauma assessment was greater amongst the experienced nurses than in novice nurses. The research also found out that education level had a little correlation with the efficacy of intuition based trauma assessment Nursing critique paper example. Furthermore, data from trauma records indicated that intuition was a valid tool in the accurate assessment of trauma cases and guided a charge nurse decision in the enactment of trauma code. In this regard, in cases where intuition had been used in the enactment of trauma code the resultant deducted ISS ascertained the accuracy of the decision.


The study highlighted the validity of nurse’s intuition in the prediction of injury in trauma patients. However, the use of intuition and the underlying confidence was shown to be higher amongst the experienced nurses Nursing critique paper example. Notably, the experience was shown to emanate from years of practice rather than from the education level. In this regard, the research impacts the nursing practice since although it illustrates the efficacy of intuition in the assessment of trauma cases, confidence in its use is subject to a nurses experience. As such, the study highlights the need to combine the experienced nurses and the novice practitioners in trauma cases to capitalize on the benefits of intuition as an assessment tool.


Cork, L. (2014). Nursing intuition as an assessment tool in predicting severity of injury in trauma patients. Journal of Trauma Nursing, 21(5), 244-252 Nursing critique paper example.

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