Nursing research, nursing theory, and evidence-based nursing practice

Nursing research, nursing theory, and evidence-based nursing practice

Nursing research provides the scientific foundation for professional practice. Nursing research introduces the student to the basic research methodologies and statistical concepts and qualitative, quantitative, and epidemiologic research designs. Research methods and findings are appraised and applied within the framework of evidence-based professional practice. Research proposal development as a foundation for nursing inquiry is emphasized.


This course is designed to assist the RN-BSN learner to acquire the knowledge needed to engage in an evidence-based practice (EBP) that includes knowledge about research methods and how to incorporate research evidence into practice. The assignments in this course build on one another and are designed to guide the learner to develop a nursing research proposal and to critically evaluate research evidence with an overall goal to improve quality of care in clinical practice. An evidence-based approach aims to improve the effectiveness and safety of clinical care by incorporating the best and most recent scientific evidence into the patient care process. In Week One, the learner will begin with an examination of the ethical issues related to the protection of human participants in clinical research and complete a tutorial developed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) entitled “Protecting Human Research Participants.” In Week Two, the learner will visit the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) website and review current nursing research priorities. This information will be helpful in identification of a research problem and development of a problem statement and research question significant to nursing practice. A review of literature in Ashford’s online library and other resources will be completed, and in Week Three, learners will develop an annotated bibliography of three select articles relevant to their chosen research topics. Completion of the research proposal is the focus of Week Four. In Week Five, learners will complete an EBP tutorial sponsored by the University of Minnesota and perform a critical appraisal of selected evidence. Reflection on the completion of course outcomes concludes course activities. Nursing research, nursing theory, and evidence-based nursing practice.

Upon successful completion of this Nursing research, nursing theory, and evidence-based nursing practice course, students will be able to
1. Analyze the relationship among nursing research, nursing theory, and evidence-based nursing practice.
2. Apply basic research methods to the research proposal development process.
3. Analyze quantitative, qualitative, and epidemiologic designs relative to their effectiveness in nursing inquiry.
4. Critique nursing research used to inform clinical practice.
5. Discuss the process of translating nursing research to clinical practice.
6. Discuss the ethical and legal issues in nursing research.

Schmidt, N., & Brown, J. (2015). Evidence-based practice for nurses: Appraisal and application of research (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Nursing research, nursing theory, and evidence-based nursing practice

American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2006, March 16). Position statement on nursing research. Retrieved from
Bettany-Saltikov, J., & Whittaker, V. J. (2014). Selecting the most appropriate inferential statistical test for your quantitative research study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 23(11/12), 1520-1531. Nursing research, nursing theory, and evidence-based nursing practice.
Chen, S., Chen, C., & Lin, P. (2014). The effect of educational intervention on the pain and rehabilitation performance of patients who undergo a total knee replacement. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 23(1/2), 279-287.
Connelly, M. L. (2014). Use of theoretical frameworks in research. MEDSURG Nursing, 23(3), 187-188. Retrieved from
Fierz, K., Gennaro, S., Dierickx, K., Achterberg, T., Morin, K. H., & Geest, S. (2014). Scientific misconduct: Also an issue in nursing science? Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 46(4), 271-280.
Oliver, D., & Mahon, S. M. (2005). Reading a research article part I: Types of variables. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 9(1), 110-112. Nursing research, nursing theory, and evidence-based nursing practice.
Oliver, D., & Mahon, S. M. (2005). Reading a research article part II: Parametric and nonparametric statistics. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 9(2), 238-240.
Oliver, D., & Mahon, S. M. (2006). Reading a research article part III: The data collection instrument. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 10(3), 423-426.
Savitz, D., Danilack, V., Engel, S., Elston, B., & Lipkind, H. (2014). Descriptive epidemiology of chronic hypertension, gestational hypertension, and preeclampsia in New York state, 1995-2004. Maternal & Child Health Journal, 18(4), 829-838. Nursing research, nursing theory, and evidence-based nursing practice.
Skomakerstuen Ødbehr, L., Kvigne, K., Hauge, S., & Danbolt, L. J. (2015). A qualitative study of nurses’ attitudes towards’ and accommodations of patients’ expressions of religiosity and faith in dementia care. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71(2), 359-369.

Web Pages
American Journal of Nursing. (2010). Evidence-based practice, step by step. Retrieved from
Khan Academy. (n.d.). Probability and statistics. Retrieved from
National Institute of Nursing Research. (n.d.). Implementing NINR’s strategic plan: Key themes. Retrieved from Nursing research, nursing theory, and evidence-based nursing practice.

Supplemental Materials
Ashford University Library. (n.d.). NUR306: Nursing Research: Conducting Research Using the CINAHL Database. Ashford University, College of Health, Human Services, and Science, San Diego, CA.
National Institute of Nursing Research. (2011). Bringing science to life: NINR strategic plan [PDF file]. Retrieved from

Devane, D., Begley, C. M., & Clarke, M. (2004). How many do I need? Basic principles of sample size estimation. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 47(3), 297-302.
Multimedia. Nursing research, nursing theory, and evidence-based nursing practice.
Jones & Bartlett Learning. (2014). Lesson 1: Introduction to Research and Evidence-Based Practice [Class lecture slides]. In Nursing Research.
Jones & Bartlett Learning. (2014). Lesson 2: Identifying Research Questions [Class lecture slides]. In Nursing Research.
Jones & Bartlett Learning. (2014). Lesson 3: Finding Sources of Evidence [Class lecture slides]. In Nursing Research.
Jones & Bartlett Learning. (2014). Lesson 4: Linking Theory, Research, and Practice [Class lecture slides]. In Nursing Research.
Jones & Bartlett Learning. (2014). Lesson 5: Key Principles of Quantitative Design [Class lecture slides]. In Nursing Research. Nursing research, nursing theory, and evidence-based nursing practice.
Jones & Bartlett Learning. (2014). Lesson 6: Quantitative Designs: Using Numbers to Provide Evidence [Class lecture slides]. In Nursing Research.
Jones & Bartlett Learning. (2014). Lesson 7: Qualitative Designs: Using Words to Provide Evidence [Class lecture slides]. In Nursing Research.
Jones & Bartlett Learning. (2014). Lesson 8: Collecting Evidence [Class lecture slides]. In Nursing Research.
Jones & Bartlett Learning. (2014). Lesson 9: Using Samples to Provide Evidence [Class lecture slides]. In Nursing Research.
Jones & Bartlett Learning. (2014). Lesson 11: What Do the Quantitative Data Mean? [Class lecture slides]. In Nursing Research. Nursing research, nursing theory, and evidence-based nursing practice.
Jones & Bartlett Learning. (2014). Lesson 12: What Do the Qualitative Data Mean? [Class lecture slides]. In Nursing Research.
Jones & Bartlett Learning. (2014). Lesson 13: Weighing In on the Evidence [Class lecture slides]. In Nursing Research.
Supplemental Material
Ashford University Library. (n.d.). Nursing Research Library Guide. Ashford University, College of Health, Human Services, and Science, San Diego, CA. Nursing research, nursing theory, and evidence-based nursing practice.

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