Nursing risk assessment Practicum Journal entry and Time Log essay paper

Nursing risk assessment Practicum Journal entry and Time Log essay paper

Nursing risk assessment Practicum Journal entry and Time Log essay paper

Each week you will complete a Practicum Journal entry and Time Log that prompts you to reflect on and document your Practicum Experiences.
Practicum Journal
Continue documenting your Practicum Experiences in your Practicum Journal. Reflect on your practicum experiences and relate them to your Professional Goals and Self-Assessment of Clinical Skills that you identified in Week 1.

I will upload my risk assessment paper to go off of and the patient will need to be 29 year old female. She presents with cough. Diagnosis isseasonal allergic rhinitis Nursing risk assessment Practicum Journal entry and Time Log essay paper

MEDICATIONS: I have prescribed Cetirizine and a steroid nasal spray ( Flonase ).
RECOMMENDATIONS given include: keeping pets outdoors if possible, frequent bathing of household pets, using plastic pillow and mattress covers, avoiding smoke from outdoor burning, avoiding exposure to cigarette smoke, and Nasal toilet instructions given. Saline washes, keep nose clean and dry..
FOLLOW-UP: Advised to call if there is no improvement in 7 day(s).
Please correlate to my risk assessment paper that I will upload Nursing risk assessment Practicum Journal entry and Time Log essay paper

Practicum Experiences




Practicum Journal

Subjective Data

The patient, Mrs. Taylor, was aged 29 years. At the presentation, the patient had a cough. The patient lived with her husband and two sons aged 10 and 6, respectively. The patient had no history of smoking, but her husband was a chain smoker. The patient admitted to living with two cats and a poodle. She has actively involved in the development of a flower garden with numerous scented flowers as part of her hobby. Her pet’s magazine had compelled her to take care of the pets. Nursing risk assessment Practicum Journal entry and Time Log essay paper.


Physical examination of the patient, including the eyes, nose, skin, and temperature, was conducted. Following the assessment of her symptoms and environment, the patient was diagnosed with seasonal allergic rhinitis. Apart from coughing, she experienced general weakness and running nose. The common cold was ruled-out since she did not experience any fever (Scadding, Kariyawasam, Scadding, Mirakian, Buckley, Dixon, & Nasser, 2017).


A prescription of 10mg cetirizine was made for medication. The patient was advised to come back to the hospital after taking the drugs for three days without improvement. The patient was instructed to take one tablet twice a day. Furthermore, (Flonase), a steroid nasal spray was given to assist in unblocking the nasal airways (Hosseini, Wei, Wilkins Jr, Fergusson, Mohammadi, Vorona, & Golshahi, 2019) Nursing risk assessment Practicum Journal entry and Time Log essay paper.


Since seasonal allergic rhinitis is associated with the environment, the following recommendations were made to improve the healing process;

  • Keeping pets outdoors, if possible.
  • Frequent bathing of household pets.
  • Using a plastic pillow and mattress covers
  • Avoiding smoke from outdoor burning
  • Avoiding exposure to cigarette smoke.
  • Nasal toilet instructions were given.
  • Saline washes, keep the nose clean and dry.


A follow-up call was scheduled 7 days to assess the effectiveness of the treatment. The patient was also instructed to call the hospital within 7 days of medication if the symptoms would not have improved (Ceylan, Cingi, Özdemir, Kücüksezer, & Akdis, 2020) Nursing risk assessment Practicum Journal entry and Time Log essay paper.


Ceylan, M. E., Cingi, C., Özdemir, C., Kücüksezer, U. C., & Akdis, C. A. (2020).

Pathophysiology of Allergic Rhinitis. In All Around the Nose (pp. 261-296). Springer, Cham.

Hosseini, S., Wei, X., Wilkins Jr, J. V., Fergusson, C. P., Mohammadi, R., Vorona, G., &

Golshahi, L. (2019). In Vitro Measurement of Regional Nasal Drug Delivery with Flonase,® Flonase® Sensimist,™ and MAD Nasal™ in Anatomically Correct Nasal Airway Replicas of Pediatric and Adult Human Subjects. Journal of aerosol medicine and pulmonary drug delivery, 32(6), 374-385.

Scadding, G. K., Kariyawasam, H. H., Scadding, G., Mirakian, R., Buckley, R. J., Dixon, T., …

& Nasser, S. M. (2017). BSACI guideline for the diagnosis and management of allergic and non‐allergic rhinitis (Revised Edition 2017; 2007). Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 47(7), 856-889. Nursing risk assessment Practicum Journal entry and Time Log essay paper.

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