Benchmark – Health Promotion and Disease Prevention |
PHN-652 Benchmark – Health Promotion and Disease Prevention |
The purpose of this assignment is to discuss the importance of evidence-based interventions to the design of health promotion and disease prevention. In a 1,250-1,500 word paper, provide detailed descriptions of disease prevention and health promotion, as well as the role of evidence-based interventions in the success of this practice.
Refer to the assigned reading, “Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Through Population-Based Interventions, Including Action to Address Social Determinants and Health Inequity,” to assist in completing the PHN-652 Benchmark – Health Promotion and Disease Prevention assignment.
Include the following:
- A description of disease prevention.
- An example of an existing disease prevention model at the three levels of practice (community, systems, and individual).
- An analysis of the benefits and concerns with utilizing this model.
- A description of health promotion. PHN-652 Benchmark – Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.
- An example of an existing health promotion model at the three levels of practice (community, systems, and individual).
- An analysis of the benefits and concerns with utilizing this model.
- A discussion of the role evidence-based practice plays in the success of disease prevention and health promotion.
- A discussion of the role of health teaching in disease prevention and health promotion.
Cite two or three additional resources in your PHN-652 Benchmark – Health Promotion and Disease Prevention paper.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.
Benchmark Information
This benchmark assesses the following programmatic competency:
MSN Public Health Nursing
6.1 Evaluate theoretical frameworks in public health nursing useful for assessing the health status of populations and promoting health and preventing disease for individuals, communities, and populations. PHN-652 Benchmark – Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Topic 1 DQ 1 |
Discuss the sources of evidence for public health nurses. How can this evidence be applied to support evidence-based practice? Cite at least two sources of evidence in your response.
Topic 1 DQ 1
Adopting evidence-based approaches serves as a backbone for public health system to effectively use resources to improve the health of the population PHN-652 Benchmark – Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. In which the population health approach focuses on lowering disease risk for the entire population and reducing inequities that affect disease patterns which can be effective, less costly and a means to change disease patterns towards providing personal health care (Lovelace, 2015). Because making decisions using the best available scientific evidence, systematic data and information systems, applying program-planning frameworks that often have a foundation in behavioral science theory, engaging the community in assessment and decision making, conducting sound evaluation, and on the road to disseminating what is learned.
By way of evidence-based practice (EBP) that is demarcated as a practice, in which nurses make clinical decisions using the best available research and data that is reflected in approved policies, procedures, and clinical guidelines in a particular health care agency that is considerably proven through research and has demonstrated the use of evidence in nursing practice which had mostly occurred in acute care inpatient settings. And relative to this is the, Quad Council of Public Health Nursing Organizations, it supports the use of evidence as the basis for nursing interventions. Competencies covers, the domain of researching innovative solutions that includes identifying researchable questions and problems, identifying evidence-based public health interventions, conducting computer searches of the professional literature, guiding computer searches of government websites for innovative evidence-based programs, recognizing government, private foundation, and other sources of research funding, and writing grant proposals to support public health programs. PHN-652 Benchmark – Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. In further, it conducts studies that focuses on the details of how models and processes are used to guide the implementation of evidence into practice. Expansion to the world of evidence awareness in nursing has also coincided with the development of World Wide Web innovations and online searchable health care literature databases such as Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews which have streamline access to evidence (Ervin, 2014). Another way to support translation of evidence to practice, is through Local Health Department (LHD) and partnering with university faculty to assist with the tasks related to EBP will enhance the cooperative ventures that could benefit both service and education. This is an area in which collaboration between education and practice could advance the cause through dissemination of evidence done with literature, presentations, and meetings that could add momentum to efforts. PHN-652 Benchmark – Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.
The current study of the use of EBP in public health nursing is necessary to confirm the extent of actual change in services, practices, and programs based on evidence. Because evidence-based nursing practice holds the promise of improving the quality of care and reducing costs and without information to direct the development and testing of models of evidence use in public health nursing, little progress may be made to reach the goal of basing nursing practice on evidence. The need to support the translation of evidence into practice can be a vehicle of expansion of new knowledge and skills to the public health nursing community promoting quality public health nursing services. PHN-652 Benchmark – Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.
Ervin, N., Bell, S., & Bickes, J. (2014). Evidence-Based Nursing Practice in Public Health. Michigan Journal of Public Health, 7, (3), 1. Retrieved from:
Lovelace, K., Aronson, R., Rulison, K, Labban, J., Shah, G., & Smith, M. (2015). Laying the Groundwork for Evidence-Based Public Health. American Journal of Public Health, 105, (2),189–197. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302306. Retrieved from: PHN-652 Benchmark – Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
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