PICO Research Assignment – Xerostomia, xylitol & biotiene

PICO Research Assignment – Xerostomia, xylitol & biotiene

PICO Research Assignment – Xerostomia, xylitol & biotiene

PICO Research Assignment

This paper is a brief essay that discusses dental hygiene in terms of whether xylitol as compared to biotiene mouth spray can help to increase salivation in the oral cavity for patients with xerostomia. This essay adopts the PICO tool to analyze this dental issue and provide viable solutions.
PICO Question: For client with Xerostomia, will xylitol as compared to biotiene mouth spray help to increase salivation in the oral cavity? 


Article One:

Stack, K. M., & Papas, A. S. (2014). Xerostomia: Etiology and Clinical Management.  Nutrition In Clinical Care, 4(1), 15-21.

This article talks about the different clinical methods that can be used to treat xerostomia as one of the common dental problems. The author explains that xerostomia mainly manifests in the form of dryness of the mouth and if it is not treated early it can lead to more severe oral cavity diseases (Stack et al, 2014). The article highlights the common symptoms of this disease such as difficulty in chewing, swallowing and even burning sensations. At the same time, the paper provides various forms of therapy and treatment for xerostomia (Ship et al, 2014) PICO Research Assignment – Xerostomia, xylitol & biotiene.

The application of the PICO tool to analyze this paper would show that the population being referred to in this case are the patients or victims of xerostomia. The intervention that is recommended is the various ways of treating this dental malfunction and they include use of fluoride therapy, regular dental visits as well as using dental products that contain xylitol, biotene and even olive oil (Stack et al, 2014).  The author insists that both biotene and xylitol are very helpful and efficient when it comes to treating xerostomia (Ship et al, 2014). In terms of the comparison aspect, xylitol happens to be more effective. PICO Research Assignment – Xerostomia, xylitol & biotiene.

This is shown in the outcome of this essay that illustrates how patients who used dental products with xylitol were able to benefit from curing and reducing the occurrence of xerostomia. This is because they are able to stimulate the salivary glands and increase flow of saliva in the mouth (Stack et al, 2014). Hence, the issue of dryness in the mouth and other uncomfortable symptoms are totally eradicated.

Article Two:

 Danhauer, J. L., Johnson, C. E., Baker, J. A., Ryu, J. A., Smith, R. A., Umeda, C. J., & … Pratt, S. (2015). Will Parents Participate in and Comply With Programs and Regimens Using Xylitol for Preventing Acute Otitis Media in Their Children?. Language, Speech & Hearing Services In Schools, 46(2), 127-140. Doi: 10.1044/2015_LSHSS-14-0048

This paper highlights the importance of using xylitol so as to control acute otitis which is one of the symptoms associated with xerostomia. The article indicates that if a child was placed on xylitol which mainly contains natural sugars and alcohol, they are able to prevent the effects of xerostomia from spreading and keep them minimized (Danhauer et al, 2015). This is because this dental condition is quite severe and its effects can result in chronic infections in the nasopharyngeal regions such as the nose and middle ear. The author of this paper recommends the use of this treatment as opposed to other dental therapies that are mostly obtained over the counter (Bruce, 2009). PICO Research Assignment – Xerostomia, xylitol & biotiene.

In terms of using the PICO tool, the target population are people and children that constantly suffer from xerostomia. The intervention used is xylitol in trying to treat xerostomia as compared to using biotene or other products like olive oil (Danhauer et al, 2015).  The comparison to be drawn in this case would be how the different dental products can be effective in treating this oral problem (Bruce, 2009). The outcome shows that children that were placed on this form of treatment were able to have the symptoms and occurrence of xerostomia relieved among a large population (Bruce, 2009). Conclusively, dental products and mouth sprays that contain xylitol can effectively help in increasing production of saliva within the oral cavity for patients suffering from xerostomia.


Bruce, S. D. (2009). Radiation-Induced Xerostomia: How Dry Is Your Patient?. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 8(1), 61-67. doi:10.1188/04.CJON.61-67

Danhauer, J. L., Johnson, C. E., Baker, J. A., Ryu, J. A., Smith, R. A., Umeda, C. J., & … Pratt, S. (2015). Will Parents Participate in and Comply With Programs and Regimens Using Xylitol for Preventing Acute Otitis Media in Their Children?. Language, Speech & Hearing Services In Schools, 46(2), 127-140. Doi: 10.1044/2015_LSHSS-14-0048 PICO Research Assignment – Xerostomia, xylitol & biotiene

Ship, J. A., Mccutcheon, J. A., Spivakovsky, S., & Kerr, A. R. (2014). Safety And effectiveness of topical dry mouth products containing olive oil, betaine, and xylitol in reducing xerostomia for polypharmacy-induced dry mouth. Journal Of Oral Rehabilitation, 34(10), 724-732. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2842.2006.01718.x

Stack, K. M., & Papas, A. S. (2014). Xerostomia: Etiology and Clinical Management. Nutrition In Clinical Care, 4(1), 15-21. PICO Research Assignment – Xerostomia, xylitol & biotiene.

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