PICOT assignment – Neuropathy Pain

PICOT assignment – Neuropathy Pain

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Purpose: Comment the Discussion (Class 504 Unit 1 Comment 1.topic 2.Feedback

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  • Answer this discussion with opinions/ideas creatively and clearly. Supports post using several outside, peer-reviewed sources.
  • 1 References, find resources that are 5 years or less
  • No errors with APA format 6 Edition


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PICOT assignment-Neuropathy Pain

For my PICOT assignment, I will research adult patient experiencing peripheral neuropathy pain and treatment with traditional pain medication vs intravenous immune globulin(IG). Many causes of neuropathy are unknown, but many condition such as diabetes, traumatic injury, infections, and toxin can trigger it. Treatment for these conditions includes pain medication, IV Immune Globulin, steroids, plasmapheresis and other medication. There are not many publish research related to these treatments. The peripheral Neuropathy Outcome Measures Standardization (PeriNomS) was conceived to select and developed a minimum core set of outcome measures to evaluate the disease course and the effects of therapeutic interventions (Bergh, 2015).

Traditional pain medication and other medication use for neuropathy treatment have not been effective.  The current medication approved by the US Food and Drug Administration(FDA) for treatment are pregabalin, duloxetine, and tapentadol. These medications have not proven to be effective and treatment discontinuation by patients are common (Yang, 2015)

I currently work in home infusion and care for patient with this condition. treatment with Immune Globulin is very effective and help with pain relief and improvement in some of the other symptoms of this condition.  The infusion is administered weekly-every 3 months in my experience. I understood from past information that the medication is most effective when administered every four weeks. This medication is very costly to all payor, and therefore getting the treatment can be difficult at times.  Currently there are not a lot of research available that document the positive effects of IG treatment over long periods.  In my experience patients report of how they are feeling after the treatment and how they are feeling when it’s time for their treatment seems to be one of the criteria for ongoing treatment. I will research this topic, gathering current information on IG use and barriers in treatment of neuropathy pain.

Bergh, P. a. (2015). Future needs in peripheral neuropathy outcome measures. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System, 341-346.

Yang, P. a. (2015, 11 1). Suboptimal Treatment of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropatic Pain in the United States. Pain Medicine , pp. 2075-2083.



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