Professional Dynamics NRS-430V Essay Assignment Papers

Professional Dynamics NRS-430V Essay Assignment Papers

Professional Dynamics NRS-430V Essay Assignment Papers

Discussion QuestionsProfessional Dynamics NRS-430V- Prof. Lorilee McAfee
 Topic 1: Discussion Question 1
Read Lake and Von Baeyer#s article. “For Successful Students. $Also review the characteristics of a successful student and as explained in the lecture. As you consider these which is your strongest characteristic and why, How will this characteristic help you to become a successful student in your program of study,
 The characteristic in which I profoundly use to guide myself through my program of study as expressed by the list provided in the “Tips for Successful Students is responsible and active! These traits are the seed that have allowed me to create a successful path in my program of choice! “y ta#ing an active role in my education and holding myself responsible to my academic goals$ I am pursuing the future Iwant % outside of the academic community$ these traits have helped me to parta#ein a healthy lifestyle that will not deter me from the main goals at hand! This foundation have help me to not only ma#e it thus far in my studies$ but have allow me to re&ect on the struggles I under too# to get to this point in my academic career! ‘s I continue to advance myself$ I continue to learn that these are not only traits$ but are morals in which I have built my success on and will continue to followthroughout my life! Topic 1: Discussion Question (
+’at do you loo for&ard to as you e*in t’is educational e()erience andyour )ersonal searc’ for )ur)ose, +’at is your *reatest fear, o& canyou o!ercome it, +rite aout one s)eci/c educational e()erience fromyour )ast in &’ic’ you addressed a fear and o!ercame it and ‘o& you succeeded in t’is process.
 The things I loo# forward to as I embar# on this education experience is learning new things about how the human body function$ and completing the requirements for the “S* program! +y greatest fear is not being able to complete myassignments by the due date! It is very di,cult to go to school and wor# a full time -ob$ so I plan to complete all my assignments in a timely manner to overcome thisfear! The feeling on uncertainty in mid semester of a class that started outinformative and interactive can create a great deal of stress in addition to othercourse wor#! During the fall of my freshman year my anatomy and physiology class was one of my favorite classes until my professor shifted the direction in which hetaught his class! The .rst few wee#s he allow the students to be a part of hislecture with in class group activities and discussions that were directed toexpanding upon the material he was teaching! ‘s mid semester approached heslowly withdrew from group activities and limited the amount of in class discussionwhich served as my way to .rmly grasp the material that was been taught! ‘s hisincentive to teach died down I slowly started to fail his class% as a freshman Ilearned that as a student there will be times in which you will have to ta#e uponyourself play the role of your professor and teach yourself the material! /hile someprofessors are actively engaged in their students learning$ some will slowly pullaway providing room for failure! 0veryone hate to fail$ but sometimes a terribleexperience with a professor will open your eyes to the importance of selfmotivationand responsibility! Topic (: Discussion Question 1
o& does no&led*e of t’e foundations and ‘istory of nursin* )ro!ide aconte(t in &’ic’ to understand current )ractice, dentify at least t’reetrends in nursin* )ractice from t’e $Nursin* 1imeline of istorical 2!entsmedia )iece. o& ‘a!e t’ese trends inuenced your )ers)ecti!e onnursin* )ractice,
 The dominance of female presence in the nursing .eld directly re&ect its history interms of the role women play! “efore nursing became a .eld of practice it startedout as women providing care for the sic#! 2lorence *ightingale was highly praisedfor her wor# in the nursing .eld because she saw the need for improvement%speci.cally her push for reform of sanitation method practiced by the “ritish militaryheal care system was the introduction of change in the entire health care system!3er innovative implementation of change in the health care brought ma-orrecognition that the nursing .eld deserve! This recognition allowed for even moregrowth in nursing practices allowing growth in education drastically improvingpatient outcomes! The willingness of women from the start of patient care practicehave allowed nursing to grow within the female population% this growth is not onlyre&ective of its past$ but goes to show that anyone can contribute to the movementof change! ‘s advancements in the medical .eld continues to grow more extensivethree that have in&uenced my perspective of nursing is my nursing practice is the xray machine$ ultrasound technology$ and the nursing uniform! The xray machineand ultrasound technology have allowed a way for physicians with and inside loo# of the human body and a way to analy4e the normal and abnormal structure! Thisanalysis enable physicians to prescribe proper course of treatment when there isabnormal .nding$ and the nurse carrying out the plan of treatment! 2or example$ achest xray can detect pneumonia and the nurse can administer antibiotic whenprescribed by the doctor! The uniform has evolved from white caps$ white shoes
and all white uniform to colorful print scrubs and designer foot wear! The nursing.eld is continuously growing and it will continue to grow as the rears progress! Topic (: Discussion Question (
Descrie t’e de/nition of nursin* as )ut for&ard y t’e American NursesAssociation. o& does it address t’e meta)aradi*m t’eories of nursin*
 The ‘merican *urses ‘ssociation de.nition of nursing is a re&ection of the )uality of care that all nurses are to provide to their patient! The .eld s not a practice thatfocus on one aspect of a patient$ but their entire wellbeing! The metaparadigmtheories of nursing list several entities which includes person$ environment$ nursingand health5illness! *urses put these entities into practice by developing a care planthat includes both the patient and their family! This can include patient teaching ona healthy life style! The environment aspect includes providing safety while nursingcare is being administered! The nursing aspect is providing optimum care to thepatient$ and the health5illness is attending to the emotional as well as the spiritualneeds of the patient! 6are that is provided should be extensive and viewed as longterm allowing the road to recovery to be ful.lling!7eference: 2iberg$ 0lia4abeth 0$ 6reasia$ 8oan 9! The 6onceptual 2oundation: The“ridge to professional *ursing ractice ;
 edition! Topic <: Discussion Question 1
1’e media% and olly&ood in )articular% re)resent one a!enue in &’ic’ t’e*eneral )ulic ecomes familiar &it’ t’e role of nurses. o& does t’emedia )ositi!ely or ne*ati!ely inuence t’e )ulic#s ima*e of nursin*,+’at ot’er a!enues may etter educate t’e *eneral )ulic on t’e role andsco)e of nursin* as &ell as t’e c’an*in* ‘ealt’ care system,
 The media portrays nurses in both a negative and a positive manner! I opt to watchshows that are .lmed in the 07 setting and has a lot of trauma$ by watching theseshows I am able to sharpen my critical thin#ing s#ill and my assessment s#ills! Iviewed one episode where a patient was allergic to peanuts and had an anaplasticreaction because his girlfriend did not brush her teeth after eating a peanut buttersandwich! This episode taught me to be mindful of my contact with latex whenhanding a patient who has latex listed as an allergy! ossible avenues that canbetter the public=s image of nursing is schools! The media will always .nd creativeways to negatively attest to a particular .eld however$ by nursing programsadvertising their success with their students and developing a strong relationshipwithin the communities they are located! They are able to show that changes withinthe health care system can be done simply by better educating the futurewor#force!

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