PSY 255 Personality Psychology
PSY 255 Personality Psychology
Topic 1: Introduction to Personality Psychology
- Analyze the methods of personality research.
- Compare psychologists’ usage of the term personality with everyday definitions.
- Identify the cultural aspects in the development and expression of personality.
- Discuss the major components of Freud’s theories.
The purpose of this assignment is to get students thinking about how personality impacts real life behaviors outside the classroom.
Using any of the resources you have available, read, listen to, or watch a short documentary on a specific criminal of your choice. Ensure the media is factual. When making a choice consider the wide variety of crimes a person may engage in; violent crime, property crime, white-collar crime, organized crime, and “victimless” crime.
In 600-750-words use the document, “Introduction to Personality Media Analysis,” under the assignment tab, to complete this assignment.
This PSY 255 Personality Psychology assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
Name: | Class: PSY-255 | Date: |
Introduction to Personality Media Analysis
The purpose of this assignment is to get students thinking about how personality impacts real life behaviors outside the classroom. Using any of the resources you have available, read, listen to, or watch a short documentary on a specific criminal of your choice. Ensure the media is factual. When making a choice consider the wide variety of crimes a person may engage in; violent crime, property crime, white-collar crime, organized crime, and “victimless” crime PSY 255 Personality Psychology.
- Identify the following.
Location of the media (Youtube, Netflix, PBS, GCU Library, etc):
Title of the media:
Name of the criminal:
Crime(s) committed:
- Provide a brief 3-5 sentence description of the individual. Provide the information you think someone will need to understand who this person is, consider demographics and psychological data.
- Provide a brief 3-5 sentence description as to why you think this person engaged in the acts identified in the media.
- Using chapter 1 of the textbook, identify the theory/ies of personality that appear/s to best fit your description.
- Glance ahead in the text. Briefly examine the chapter connected to the theory that appeared closest to your personal view of human nature. Use some of the ideas presented in that chapter to explain why the individual engaged in criminal activity PSY 255 Personality Psychology.
- Based on the description of your preferred theory, what additional information might you need to confirm whether this individual fits the theory identified? What sort of questions might be helpful to ask during an intake interview? PSY 255 Personality Psychology
Topic 1 DQ 1 |
Almost all personality research has been conducted in Western, English speaking countries. What impact might this have on the resulting theories?
Topic 1 DQ 1
Geographical research does impact theories because personality traits are believed to be formed through patterns in thinking, feeling, and behaving. For instance, take two small medical clinics, one located in a hustling and bustling city in NY and the other located in the country in Oregon. Both clinics hire doctors, with no experience, straight out of medical school PSY 255 Personality Psychology. The country doctor who works twenty years in an environment of a slow paced, easy-going, and knows everyone’s first name is going to develop a different personality trait, habits, and a belief system of how medicine should be administered compared to the city doctor. A city doctor, after 20 years, might believe people are just a number, not personable, and is all about selling more pharmaceuticals.
If researchers gave these two doctors a personality study they would probably have completely opposite point of views, reactions, and personality traits. Likewise, when personality research is only conducted in Western countries the results may show personalities to be easy going, generous, and forgiving people who treat others with respect, dignity, and with equal opportunities.
Topic 1 DQ 2 |
How does personality differ from: a) character, and b) temperament?
Topic 2: The Neo-Freudian Theorists and Research
- Compare neo-Freudian theories with Freud’s theory.
- Describe the current research derived from Freud’s theories.
- Describe the current research of the neo-Freudian theories.
Comparison of Theorists |
Topic 3: The Trait Approach
- Analyze the major concepts of the trait approach.
- Compare the theories of Allport, Murray, and Cattell.
- Describe the current research in trait theory.
Name: | Class: PSY-255 | Date: |
Trait Theory Short Answer Worksheet
Using this web site ( please complete the questions in order to get your Big 5 personality profile.
- List your percentile scores as they appear on the site:
Negative Emotionality:
- The site producing the scores provides a descriptor for each score. What was a sentence that particularly stood out to you and why?
- Utilizing at least one peer-reviewed resource, write a paragraph explaining the benefit of using personality testing in order to determine whether an individual should be employed in a specific job.
- Utilizing at least one peer-reviewed resource, write a paragraph explaining the limitations of using personality testing in order to determine whether an individual should be employed in a specific job.
- Imagine a situation where a person suddenly had access to the test results of a boyfriend/girlfriend. Explain why this person may have a strong desire to review the results of their significant other. What social and ethical problems could arise from seeing their results?
- Should we know the personality profiles of our community leaders? What might the public gain or lose from having those profiles?
Topic 3 DQ 1 |
What jobs should require personality tests prior to hiring a candidate? What traits are important for these jobs?
Topic 3 DQ 2 |
Discuss Allport’s concept of functional autonomy. Identify two instances in your life where functional autonomy was present.
Topic 4: The Biological Approach
- Analyze the major concepts of the biological approach.
- Compare current research derived from the biological approach. PSY 255 Personality Psychology
Personality Research Paper Outline |
Topic 4 DQ 1 |
Discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages in using twins to analyze genetic heritability. Why might it be useful for future twin studies to separate out monozygotic (identical) from dizygotic (fraternal) twins?
The advantages in using twins to analyze genetic heritability are both DZ and MZ come from the same genes and they share very similar environments. Dizygotic twins are no more alike genetically than any two siblings, this would be an advantage if you are comparing the differences between MZ and DZ. Both twins are always the same sex and have similar traits. (Burger, 2017).The disadvantages are twins have the same genes, are treated similarly, and they are from the same environment. Dizygotic twins are no more alike genetically than any two siblings, this would be a disadvantage if you are comparing both MZ and DZ twins. If both twins are the same sex, they are more likely to be similar to each other based on traits such as boys tend to be more active and sociable. (Burger, 2017).It would be useful to separate monozygotic from dizygotic because they clearly have many differences. I would consider dizygotic as regular siblings with their own traits and not fully considered as twins. They do share the environment but have different personalities and behaviors that make them different like any other siblings. Monozygotic I would consider them as twins because everything about them is so similar PSY 255 Personality Psychology. “If there is also a genetic influence on personality, we would expect the MZ twins to be more like each other than are the DZ twins because the MZ twins also have identical genes, but the DZ twins do not” (Burger, 2017, p. 230).References -Jerry M. Burger. (2017). Personality. Retrieved from
Topic 4 DQ 2 |
Extroversion is highly connected to the need for stimulation in a way that is similar to ADHD. If a pill were developed to make people extroverted should some people start taking it, what are the risks and benefits?
Topic 5: The Humanistic Approach
- Analyze the major concepts of the humanistic approach.
- Compare humanistic theories.
Humanistic Personality Analysis |