PSY-255 Personality Research Paper Outline
PSY-255 Personality Research Paper Outline
Write an outline of your research paper. Refer to Topic 7 for details regarding the Research Project due at the end of Topic 7.
Your outline should be 500-750 words, not including the required APA-formatted reference page and cover page.
Use the following as a guide to your research:
- Affirm your thesis on the approved personality psychology topic you have selected. Why is it important?
- Evaluate relevant and valid research that reflects the ethical standards in the discipline of personality psychology. PSY-255 Personality Research Paper Outline.
- Relate the concept to personality development.
- Utilize research to validate your ideas and supporting claims.
The instructor will provide feedback with the expectation that feedback is incorporated into your final research paper due at the end of Topic 7.
Use only peer-reviewed, scholarly sources.
This assignment uses a scoring guide. Please review the guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
PSY-255 Personality Research Paper Outline
Thesis Statement:
1st Main Point: That Serves to Prove Your Thesis:
- 1st piece of research That Supports this Main Point (citation)
- How does this article support this main point (key ideas)
- 2nd piece of research That Supports this Main Point (citation)
- How does this article support this main point (key ideas)
2nd Main Point: That Serves to Prove Your Thesis:
- 1st piece of research That Supports this Main Point (citation)
- How does this article support this main point (key ideas)
- 2nd piece of research That Supports this Main Point (citation)
- How does this article support this main point (key ideas)
- PSY-255 Personality Research Paper Outline
3rd Main Point that Serves to Prove your Thesis
- 1st piece of research That Supports this Main Point (citation)
- How does this article support this main point (key ideas)
- 2nd piece of research That Supports this Main Point (citation)
- How does this article support this main point (key ideas)
Conclusion What Have You found in your research and how does this apply to your thesis:
PSY-255 Personality Research Paper
Scoring Guide
A clear and well- delineated outline | ||
1) Concise and complete thesis on Personality Psychology topic. | ||
2) Evaluate relevant and valid research | ||
3) Relate topic to personality development | ||
4) Research validates ideas and claims | ||
5) Scholarly resources identified in appropriate APA format. PSY-255 Personality Research Paper Outline | ||
6) Solid academic writing. | ||
Instructor Comments
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