Public Health Law Short Report Midterm Project

Public Health Law Short Report Midterm Project

Public Health Law Short Report Midterm Project

“A Public Health Law Short Report”

Title of Midterm Project: “A Public Health Law (Short Report)”:

You will pick a US public health law – a law at the federal, state, country or city level that is designed to protect the health of the public. You will do a literature search and write a report about the law and how it has impacted the health of the public.  Note that this is a “short” report – only 1,000 words Public Health Law Short Report Midterm Project.

The public health law must be from one of the following three topic areas:

1) Lead

2) Smoking

3) Immunization

Important tips on writing your midterm report:

Once you choose you main topic (lead, smoking or immunization), you should choose a law that addresses that topic that has been in effect at least for a few years. Search literature first to make sure that the law’s impact has been evaluated. For instance, “an evaluation study found that 5 years after the introduction of an anti-smoking law, smoking prevalence and incidence of asthma declined” Public Health Law Short Report Midterm Project.

Also, the law has to be very specific – for instance, “The Clean Indoor Air Act of NYS of 2003 (Public Health Law, Article 13-E)” instead of “Anti-smoking law in NYS”.

The content of your midterm report should cover the following points:

  1. Background
  • Why was the law enacted?  Health, social, economic, and other contextual backgrounds
  1. Description of the law
  • Explain the law:  What, When, Where, How and Who
  1. Evidence of the law’s impact on health
  • Summarize evidence gathered from scientific studies and government reports that evaluated the law’s impact.
  1. Brief concluding statement
  • Include your own assessments including critiques of the law (lessons learned), and any limitations to report.

Format Requirements:

  • Public Health Law Short Report Midterm Project Top of the first page: Title, your name, date of submission, and word count of the text*
  • Abstract: up to 200 words to summarize your report
  • Text: 1 inch margins, page numbered (lower right), single spaced, 12 point font.
  • Citation Style:  The JAMA style is preferred (see attached guide). Other established styles (APA, Chicago, etc.) are acceptable.
  • Bibliography/Citations: A minimum of 3 peer reviewed journal articles or credible government reports. All online materials should have URLs, and the date that you accessed them.
  • Appendix (optional): graphs, tables, and photos. Limit: one page total. They should supplement, but not duplicate, your writing. All materials need proper citations or disclosure of sources.

*Word count: 1,000 words maximum, excluding the title section, abstract, bibliography, and appendix. Public Health Law Short Report Midterm Project.


You will submit your midterm report in a Microsoft WORD document (uploading instructions are provided in the MIDTERM PROJECT SUBMISSION link below).

Due Date: Sunday 3/31 (11:59 PM at night)

Quality of report will be graded based on the following criteria:

  • Compliance with the format requirements
  • Quality of information (scientific value, accuracy)
  • Organization of materials (clarity and consistency)
  • Originality (of conclusion & interpretation)
  • Citations (minimum of 3 citations from peer reviewed journals or credible government reports)

This assignment will be reviewed for plagiarism using SafeAssign. Review the syllabus for the full policy on Academic Dishonesty and plagiarism.

Resource:  NYS Lead Laws Public Health Law Short Report Midterm Project

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