Role of Nurses in Policy Making Essay

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Just like any other citizen or professional, a nurse is under the authority of the employer as well as of the government. The electoral process affects the type of a government that gets into power, and at the same time, the government affects the policies which are used in institutions (Greer & Lillvis, 2014). Therefore, it is apparent that a government in place can affect the policies which govern institutions. Putting into consideration that institutions also play a significant role in making the life of the citizens easier, some issues in the policy might affect the lives of nurses in different ways.


Policies which might affect the lives of nurses from different perspectives are policies which deal with the time that a nurse should report and leave work, the policies that dictate the salaries of the nurses, and the policies that are concerned with the employment of nurses (Greer & Lillvis, 2014). The time that a person or rather a nurse reports and leaves work is very paramount when it comes to the nurse discharging his or her duty as a professional and as a family member. When more time is spent at work, a nurse lacks enough time to spend with the family, and that might affect the nurse. At the same time, when it comes to what a nurse should be paid, having a policy in place that decreases the salary of a nurse is likely to influence the life of a nurse negatively. A nurse is a human being and he or she ought to be stressed by the working environment. When there are no enough employees, one might find him or herself in a situation where the working environment affects him or her. With this in mind, a policy that deals with the employment of extra nurses affects the life of nurses both professionally and individually.


Greer, S. L., & Lillvis, D. F. (2014). Beyond leadership: political strategies for coordination in health policies. Health Policy116(1), 12-17.

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