The Importance of Nursing Informatics and the Multidisciplinary teams
The Importance of Nursing Informatics and the Multidisciplinary teams
As a healthcare professional, it is imperative to have excellent communication skills. Nurses should always know what is going on with their patients, too many times; nurses miss urgent orders due to a lack of communication. Nursing informatics is essential; having computerized charting makes it easier for the nurse to check orders and to know the plan of care.
According to YoeniTo, improve the quality of nursing care, we developed and evaluated an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) program designed to maximize productivity and efficiency in our nursing documentation system. Electronic medical records are useful communication tools that can alert anyone on the interdisciplinary team of the patient’s progress. An electronic document can share relevant patient information among care providers to coordinate care, aid in decision-making, and achieve improvements in quality (Burnett, 2016). Benefits of EMRs are they provide a virtual state of the art multidisciplinary rounding record, so when doctors are not available, they can log on and access what every interdisciplinary team discussed. EMRs increases efficiency’s, reduce readmit rate due to patient having access to their medical records online, decreases in readmissions, and have fewer mistakes and redundancies then paper charting. However, I believe that the patients should always have a physician on call available to answer patients’ questions to cut down on unnecessary ER visits. The Importance of Nursing Informatics and the Multidisciplinary teams
Consistently getting team members together, for instance, requires constant coordination; with the electronic medical record, doctors can pull up labs and diagnostic tests with patients and families. Computers have proven to be a great communicator between teams in the health care setting. Nursing informatics provides a haven for better patient care when dealing with Large multidisciplinary teams and deliver better outcomes for patients.
Burnett, M. (2016). Does Use of an Electronic Display of a Discharge Clinical Summary Improve the Perceived Quality of Multidisciplinary Discharge Rounds and Care Coordination?. On-Line Journal of Nursing Informatics, 20(1). The Importance of Nursing Informatics and the Multidisciplinary teams, E. (n.d.). Retrieved from
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Nurses must be able to provide safe care and treatment to patients. Most of my career was working in a Level one Trauma Center Emergency Department (ED) in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. In the ED, we had one system that we used for charting, and the rest of the hospital had a different charting system. If our patient was admitted to the hospital, we had to print off the ED visit note and send it with the patient for the nurses receiving the patient. This created problems. Just a few of these were: if the patient had medications that were ordered in the ED, but were not given for whatever reason, the receiving nurse was not aware unless the sending nurse specifically gave it in report, if the patient had STAT lab orders, the ED nurse would not see these as the admitting providers would put them in the inpatient admitting orders, and at times the admitting provider would discontinue medications that the ED nurse had orders to give by the ED provider before sending them to the floor. The Importance of Nursing Informatics and the Multidisciplinary teams By getting input from ED staff, providers, and inpatient nurses, the nurse informaticist (NI) advocated for the team to administration. They helped implement the ED charting system that was the same system that the rest of the hospital had. The NIs include staff in change decisions to ensure the change would not have negative effects on the workflow and to increase staff buy-in (Tyler, 2019, p. 19). The NI’s trained a staff member on each shift to be a superuser and helped during the transition to the new program. As stated by Tyler (2019), ”The informatics nurse is essential to the success of super users in any organization” (p. 19). The super users had direct communication with the NI’s and were able to alert them to issues or ideas for a smoother process recommended by the staff. NI’s trained the providers and the ED staff on using the new system. When the providers needed changes in the system for different documentation within the system, the NI collaborated with the charting company, and the changes were made. The Importance of Nursing Informatics and the Multidisciplinary teams. One strategy recommendation for improvement would be to have the NI come to the unit once a week for any suggestions or complaints and have a suggestion box for those that may be busy or not present when the NI was there. The form placed in the box would have an answer section that would go back to the person that wrote it with a week return response timeframe. Nursing informatics have the benefit of their ability to interact with various clinicians, clinical practice knowledge and can relate to staff with the experience the workflow change (Mastrian & McGonigle, 2018, p. 257). As we rely on technology in so many aspects of our lives, NI’s are a necessity in healthcare. The use of NI’s and their specialty will enable hospital staff to have the most recent evidence-based practice, patient safety with alerts and check-offs in the electronic medical record (EMR), and track specific trends good and bad for change and education. Nursing executives can use nursing informatics to help with things like budgeting tools and trending costs and savings (McGonigle, Hunter, Sipes, & Hebda, 2014, p. 324).
Mastrian, K. G., & McGonigle, D. (2018). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett.
McGonigle, D., Hunter, K., Sipes, C., & Hebda, T. (2014). Why nurses need to understand nursing informatics: Everyday informatics the official voice of perioperative nursing the official voice of perioperative
nursing. AORN Journal, 100(3), 324-327. doi:
Tyler, D. D. (2019). A day in the life of a nurse informaticist. Journal of Informatics Nursing, 4(1), 18-20. Retrieved from The Importance of Nursing Informatics and the Multidisciplinary teams
Tyler, D. D. (2019). A day in the life of a nurse informaticist: Organizational change. Journal of Informatics Nursing, 4(2), 18-20. Retrieved from The Importance of Nursing Informatics and the Multidisciplinary teams