What is America discussion essays with responses
What is America discussion essays with responses
What does it mean to be an American?
What is America? A simple question on the surface, but when one is pushed about it, the question suddenly becomes deeper. According to McClay and Kickler, it is more then just a nation full of people, or a land mass on the North American continent. It is a nation where patriotism should be the bedrock of everything that’s done. McClay expresses a sense of concern though, that American’s don’t have enough of an understanding of what it means to be a patriot. He causes his readers then to go back and look at themselves, and see how much of a patriot they really are What is America discussion essays with responses.
I found it interesting that at the end of Kickler’s article he stated that America is our country. (Kickler, 2017). I agree with him…in a temporary sense. The Bible says that “our citizenship is in Heaven.” (Philippians 3:20, NKJV). Believers know this to be true, and can see it becoming more evident in the world today. There are choices being made today that are against what the Bible says. The Bible says not to murder, yet America allows murdering unborn children. The Bible says that homosexuality is wrong, yet America is parading rainbows around like it is the best thing ever (Romans 1:24-32). The Bible also says that women are supposed to submit to their husbands, and be helpers to them, yet America encourages divorce, married mothers in the workplace, and broken families (Genesis 2:20b, Titus 2:3-5, 1 Peter 3:1-6). Americans now fit in to Paul’s description of Cretan’s, “‘[they] are always liars, evil beast, lazy gluttons.’” (Titus 1: 12). Christians, true Christians, are now more then ever able to see that we are not permanent citizens of America What is America discussion essays with responses. How could we be? But we, as true followers of Christ are citizens of Heaven. So, in response to the end of Kickler’s article, I agree that we are temporary citizens of America, but as true Christians, we are permanent citizens of Heaven.
Kickle, T. (2017). Kickler: Making sense of America and its distinctions. The North State Journal. Retrieved 18 February 2020, from https://nsjonline.com/article/2017/11/kickler-making-sense-of-america-and-its-distinctions/.
McClay, W. (2001). America—idea or nation? The public Interest Fall 2001, pp.44-58.
The discussion post presents the author’s opinions on what it means to be an American. It notes that America is first defined by the geographical boundaries as a landmass in the North American continent. Next, it explains that American is renowned for patriotism, although this identity has become less true in the present times. Finally, it concedes that America is defined by its citizens. The author validates the different identities with Biblical quotations. However, there is a need for more illustration on the arguments made. For instance, the discussion notes that American was once known for patriotism but that is no longer the case. What is America discussion essays with responses The example should be offered that during the civil and revolutionary war periods, American’s took pride in their country and pursued the common objective of independence. That is no longer the case now as divisive politics has made it difficult for Americans to pursue the same goals as has been seen during Trump’s presidency. Overall, the post has been well written to explain the features that make America unique.
What is America?
As mentioned in the article by Dr. Kickler and McClay, America is more than just an idea. America is a set of values to strive for as well as a bastion of freedom to all around the world. It is true our history is not perfect, as we set out to form a more perfect Union, but I believe the heart of our founding principles were just, pure and true, however, not perfect. As someone who loves this country and believes in what it stands for I do reflect on some of the different policies which have caused a black eye on our past, but do not focus solely on then to define us. Just as I would not focus solely on the good we have done as a nation to foster freedom around the world by pushing down tyranny and the evils of dictatorships. To foster Patriotism you need to have a broad scope of understanding right and wrong, which I believe was our foundings original intent. Both articles reference love on a personal basis, and this love is to be what governs our actions, and if we would truly submit to the love of our heavenly Father, we could set a higher standard for those around us to foster a more free society. I do not wish to excuse our past, nor fully embrace all of it, just the parts that are unique to us specifically in the world. No other nation has bled for others to enjoy freedom the way the United States have. We have fought endlessly to allow others some of the freedoms, we take for granted here. The selfless act of being willing to die for another so they can experience what we have is nothing short of perfected love. Jesus said, “Greater love hath no man but he lay his life down for another.” (John 15:3) This is one of the great commandments. If we can continue in this love towards others we can truly have a mild understanding of Patriotism, no matter where we reside. What is America discussion essays with responses
Kickle, T. (2017). Kickler: Making sense of America and its distinctions. The North State Journal. Retrieved 18 February 2020, from https://nsjonline.com/article/2017/11/kickler-making-sense-of-america-and-its-distinctions/.
McClay, W. (2001). America—idea or nation? The public Interest Fall 2001, pp.44-58.
Scripture referenced from the King James Bible
The discussion post offers the author’s opinion on the definition of America. The post notes that although America has tangible aspects (the physical location), it is renowned for its intangible features. A prominent intangible feature is the set of values on which the country was founded. It notes that although the founding fathers dreams were not perfect, they have created a system that the rest of the world admires and seeks to emulate. It specifically mentions freedom and patriotism as ideals that have been engendered in the nation as a global example. In addition, it acknowledges that America has not been perfect and has faced its fair share of sordid histories to include denied freedom and persecution. However, this point could be better illustrated by mentioning America’s disreputable history with slavery and Black rights. Overall, the post acknowledges that America is less than perfect, but is perhaps the best country in terms of freedoms and rights. What is America discussion essays with responses