Workplace Violence as a Major Practice Problem in US Healthcare Facilities Capstone Assignment Essay
Workplace Violence as a Major Practice Problem in US Healthcare Facilities Capstone Assignment Essay
Workplace Violence as a Major Practice Problem in US Healthcare Facilities
In the line of duty, health workers face a myriad of issues as they practice their profession. One of these practice issues is workplace violence. By definition, this is violence that is meted against the health worker by patients, visitors, other staff members, or the facility’s other clients (Arnetz et al., 2018). In comparison to other industries and sectors, the healthcare sector consistently shows the highest rates of workplace violence that does not result in deaths (Wei et al., 2016). According to Sim et al. (2018) between 2012 and 2014, one hundred and twelve hospitals in 19 states reported 10,680 cases of violence with resultant injury involving hospital staff. Workplace Violence as a Major Practice Problem in US Healthcare Facilities Capstone Assignment Essay. This is therefore undoubtedly a big problem that may need to be robustly addressed to prevent the compromising of the quality of healthcare delivered. Workplace violence impacts the quality of healthcare because an injured staff cannot come to work, thereby creating a shortage in both the staff: patient ratio and skill mix. The rationale for choosing this practice problem is, therefore, its seriousness in impacting healthcare quality and its delivery.
Analysing the Existing Evidence in Support of the Practice Problem
There is a plethora of evidence that supports the presence of the practice problem that is workplace violence. Lu et al. (2019) in a cross-sectional study of eleven hospitals in China assessed the prevalence of verbal and physical violence against nurses working in psychiatric hospitals. They used a sample of 1,906 psychiatric nurses. In their results, they discovered that the one year of both physical and verbal workplace violence against nurses in the psychiatric facilities was an overwhelming 84.2%. This was a very statistically significant figure showing the enormity of the problem. Their conclusion, then, was that the reality of workplace violence on nurses at the healthcare workplace is a serious occupational problem especially in psychiatric facilities in China Workplace Violence as a Major Practice Problem in US Healthcare Facilities Capstone Assignment Essay. The problem requires being addressed as soon as possible to forestall its deleterious impact on the well-being and morale of nurses.
Hinchberger (2009) in a separate observation noted that workplace violence is actually prevalent everywhere without geographical discrimination. The author mentions New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom. All these are developed economies and as such, one is just left to imagine what the prevalence and magnitude of the problem could be in developing countries in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. The problem has attracted the attention of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Council of Nurses (ICN) both of which now recognize it as a major health concern. In the author’s survey, one hundred percent of the nurses surveyed indicated having experienced some form of violence at the workplace by fellow workers followed by patients (Hinchberger, 2009).
Wei et al. (2016) on their part sought to determine the prevalence of workplace in relation to the organizational culture of the workplace. They did this through a cross-sectional survey of 100 hospitals in Taiwan. Their sample size was 26,979 nurses. They found that 49.6% of the respondents had had some violence in the past one year. 19.1% had experienced physical violence, while 46.3% had been exposed to non-physical violence. Their conclusion was that workplace violence is of great concern for the workplace safety of nurses in the various hospitals. Workplace Violence as a Major Practice Problem in US Healthcare Facilities Capstone Assignment Essay.
Arnetz et al. (2018) carried out a cross-sectional survey too in order to determine the factors that encourage workplace violence against healthcare workers who are majority nurses. They found interpersonal conflict as a major risk factor for verbal violence. They also found that low efficiency of work is an important risk factor for physical violence against health workers. The conclusion of their study was that there should be urgent interventions to address the problem. More importantly, these interventions should focus on improving the co-worker relationships that prevail at the healthcare workplace.
Lastly but not least, Sim et al. (2018) also carried out research to determine the relationship that exists between the organizational culture, workplace bullying, and organizational culture. Theirs appears to have been an improvement on the research by Wei et al. (2016) published two years earlier and discussed above. However, they had a small sample of 107 nurses drawn from one university hospital. This is a possible reason for weak validity and reliability of their results. They recommended that organizational practices and policies should be aligned with best practices.
Quality Improvement Process to Tackle Workplace Violence
To tackle this practice problem of workplace violence at the workplace, the FADE model for quality improvement can be applied. This model has four stages namely focus, analyse, develop, and execute (FADE) (Spath, 2018). Focus will be put on the problem and possible solutions identified aided by these studies. Analysis of the problem will be undertaken, the solutions developed, and then executed. This quality improvement model was chosen because it is easy to implement (Spath, 2018). It is also easy to go through the steps with a team that will then implement the solution and evaluate the results. Workplace Violence as a Major Practice Problem in US Healthcare Facilities Capstone Assignment Essay.
Arnetz, J., Hamblin, L.E., Sudan, S., & Arnetz, B. (2018). Organizational determinants of workplace violence against hospital workers. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 60(8), 693–699. Doi:10.1097/jom.0000000000001345
Hinchberger, P.A. (2009). Violence against female student nurses in the workplace. Nursing Forum, 44(1), 37-46. Doi: 10.1111/j.1744-6198.2009.00125.x
Lu, L., Lok, K.-I., Zhang, L., Hu, A., Ungvari, G.S., Bressington, D.T…. & Xiang, Y.-T. (2019). Prevalence of verbal and physical workplace violence against nurses in psychiatric hospitals in China. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing,
Ruan, D., Ding, X., Xiaobin, L.I., Zheng, X., & Lin, J. (2016). Investigation on the impact of hospital violence on medical students. Chinese Medical Ethics, 29(2), 208-211. Workplace Violence as a Major Practice Problem in US Healthcare Facilities Capstone Assignment Essay.
Sim, H.-S., Ahn, S.-Y., & Lee, Y.J. (2018). The convergence effects of nursing organizational culture, workplace bullying, and hospital violence attitude on psychological wellbeing among clinical nurses. Journal of the Korea Convergence Society, 9(10), 589-597.
Spath, P.L. (2018). Introduction to healthcare quality management, 3nd ed. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.
Wei, C.-Y., Chiou, S.T., Chien, L.Y., & Huang, N. (2016). Workplace violence against nurses–prevalence and association with hospital organizational characteristics and health-promotion efforts: A cross-sectional study. International journal of nursing studies, 56, 63-70. Doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2015.12.012
To prepare for this Assignment:
• Review the Capstone Paper Assignment Guide
o Note the new expectations for Use of evidence and Credit to Source
• Review the Assignment Rubric
For this Assignment, write a paragraph that addresses the following:
• 1. Practice Problem (introduction)
o State the practice problem in measurable terms and that reflect quality indicators. Include data that suggests a practice problem exists. Do not use anecdotal experiences or opinions.
This is the same problem described in the order 220712 Practice Experience discussion.
Keep in mind that this section may need to be revised after you complete all of the other sections.
o Provide the rationale for selecting the practice problem. See Chapter 3, page 69, Exhibit 3.15 in the Spath (2018) text for examples. Workplace Violence as a Major Practice Problem in US Healthcare Facilities Capstone Assignment Essay.
For this Assignment, write 4-5 paragraphs that address the following:
2. Analysis of Existing Evidence
Summarize the findings from at least five evidence-based sources that support your practice problem. The goal of the analysis of existing evidence is to find the best evidence possible that support a change in practice. Identify research, clinical guidelines, expert opinions, and other relevant information and incorporate the results into your quality improvement project. You must include two-three research studies in your analysis. Using your own words synthesize the evidence that supports your identified practice problem. There should be no quotes or personal opinions included in this section.
• Describe the quality improvement process and the Quality model that will be used as a basis for the practice problem. Include a description of a quality improvement tool(s) that you will use in your quality improvement plan. See Spath, (2018) chapter 6 for examples. Workplace Violence as a Major Practice Problem in US Healthcare Facilities Capstone Assignment Essay.
• Explain why the specific process was selected and document your explanation with references.
For this Assignment, you will combine number 1, 2 and 3 assignments and submit a 3 pages of paper that addresses the following:
• 1. Practice Problem (Refer to order 220712)
o State the practice problem in measurable terms.
o State the data that suggests a practice problem exists
o Include a purpose statement.
• 2. Analysis of the Existing Evidence (Refer to order 220732)
o Summarize the findings from the evidence analysis that support your practice problem. Include minimum of at least 5 evidence-based practice sources that support your practice problem. Identify research, clinical guidelines, expert opinions, and other relevant information. You must include two-three research studies in your analysis. Using your own words synthesize the evidence that supports your identified practice problem. There should be no quotes or personal opinions included in this section. Workplace Violence as a Major Practice Problem in US Healthcare Facilities Capstone Assignment Essay
3. Quality Improvement Process (Refer to order 220820) (Approximately 2-3 paragraphs)
o Describe the quality improvement process and the quality model that will be used as a basis for the practice problem. This is not your entire quality improvement plan, only a description of the quality improvement process and the quality model you chose. You will develop your specific quality improvement plan in week 4. Include a description of a quality improvement tool(s) that you will use in your quality improvement plan. See Spath, (2018) chapter 6 for examples.
o Explain why the specific process was selected and document your explanation with references.
o Conclusion
Assignment Rubrics: Required Content
• Identified the quality improvement problem. Provided a fully developed quality improvement problem with insightful analysis of concepts and related issues.
• Stated in measureable terms that reflect quality indicators. Provided a fully developed problem stated in measureable terms that reflects quality indicators with insightful analysis of concepts and related issues.
• Provided the rationale for selecting the practice problem including the importance in improving patient outcomes. Provided a fully developed rationale for the quality improvement problem with insightful analysis of concepts and related issues. Workplace Violence as a Major Practice Problem in US Healthcare Facilities Capstone Assignment Essay.
• Synthesize the findings from the analysis of evidence that support the practice problem. Provided a fully developed synthesis of findings from the analysis of evidence.
• Applied a quality improvement process to the practice problem. Provided a fully developed discussion of the selected quality improvement process with reasonable analysis of concepts and related issues.
• 6. Chose a specific quality improvement tool that will be used throughout the project. Provided a fully developed discussion of the selected quality improvement tool with reasonable analysis of concepts and related issues. Workplace Violence as a Major Practice Problem in US Healthcare Facilities Capstone Assignment Essay.