American Nurses Association & Institute of Medicine Essays Learning Outcomes
1. Define professional nursing.
2. Explain the ANA’s role in the shaping the scope of practice.
3. Apply the IOM’s core competency of patient-centered care.
4. Evaluate the impact that education has on nursing practice by interviewing a baccalaureate-prepared registered nurse (RN).
American Nurses Association & Institute of Medicine Essays will highlight the role of the ANA in shaping nursing practice. You will also be discussing four (4) of the five (5) core competencies of the IOM and applying these competencies to professional nursing practice. Finally, you will continue your investigation of the role of professional nurses and apply this knowledge in your research paper.
American Nurses Association’s Role.
The ANA has been the voice of all nurses across the country, representing over three million registered and licensed nurses (ANA, 2015). As a professional nurse the nursing scope of practice, as defined by the ANA, should be a part of daily application to all aspects of clinical care. The role of the ANA has to be clearly understood by the professional nurse for the application of its scope to be successful in practice. The ANA and National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) have partnered and categorize principles of delegation for the RN.
For this discussion,
• Describe and discuss how one of the RN delegation principles listed in the “Work in Interprofessional Teams” chapter of your textbook has impacted your professional practice.
• Explain and defend the efficacy of your selected principle in a scholarly discussion. Be sure to highlight one of the five (5) rights of effective delegation.
Prepare and submit an APA-formatted paper consisting of the following:
• The BSN-RN’s responses to the bullets/questions in each category of the Interview Questions document.
• A discussion of the interviewee’s responses to BSN-Related Question #3 as compared with the impact of BSN education on current nursing practice reported by participants in the above journal article.
• A discussion of the interviewee’s responses to BSN-Related Questions #2 and #4 as they compare to or contrast with how you, the interviewer, would respond to these.
Application of Professional Nursing Standards.
Nursing as defined by the ANA is “the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations”. As a general rule, all nurses practice under the professional nursing standards and the nursing scope of practice.
For this assignment:
• Briefly summarize the ANA’s definition of the following terms: promotion of health, prevention of illness and injury, diagnosis, human response, treatment, and advocacy. Then, apply each to your current practice, citing at least one specific example from your experience or knowledge, to illustrate now each concept plays out in practice and evaluate its efficacy.
• Include one paragraph in your American Nurses Association & Institute of Medicine Essays that explains how one of the ANA terms (promotion of health, prevention of illness and injury, etc.) could be used to alleviate your facility/unit problem.