NURS 347-Final Reflection Paper
NURS 347-Final Reflection Paper
• Papers are due by midnight on Monday of final week. No late papers will be accepted.
• Papers must be a minimum of 2 pages (double-spaced) in length. This paper involves your own perspectives, so do not include any references. Strict APA format is not required; however you must follow principles of good writing (no typos, clarity of sentences, attention to grammar, etc.)
• What is a reflective paper?
o A reflective paper gives you the opportunity to reflect back on the experiences and learning you have obtained from this course and to place your learning in context with your past, present, and future practice and experience. Reflecting on your learning helps to facilitate the integration and synthesis of newly acquired knowledge and experience.
• What should not be included?
o A list or description of what you learned
o An evaluation of the course – that will be done through the course evaluation process.
Reflection Questions (15 points) NURS 347-Final Reflection Paper
• Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of new educational pathways for nurses.
• Discuss experiences and learning in this course on your past, present, and future practice.
• Identify three challenges for improvements in the delivery of quality healthcare.
• Describe your plans for two specific personal contributions to professional nursing practice that you will accomplish during the next ten years.
NURS 347-Final Reflection Paper