PSYC 6717 week 9 Discussion: Contingencies
PSYC 6717 week 9 Discussion: Contingencies
The educator’s behavior plan isn’t working since she’s utilizing discipline as a way of fixing Randy’s forceful verbal behavior. Albeit the educator has applied discipline to keep Randy from acting in an undesirable way, as indicated by Skinner’s Operant Conditioning, it doesn’t let him know what he ought to do because there was no sure preparation. In this way, I figure the instructor ought to use uplifting comments rather as her homeroom the executive’s methodology. At the point when a boost is acquainted with work on the probability of a particular behavior happening, this is known as encouraging feedback. Thus, first, the educator ought to learn and see how Randy needs to get acclaim for sure rewards are satisfying to him. Then, at that point, the instructor should give Randy positive guidelines on the most proficient method to act well during class and be conscious of his schoolmates. If Randy stayed on doing this for 30 minutes or all through the whole class, the educator then, at that point, should give him the prize that is compensating to Randy. I accept this will impact as indicated by Skinner’s hypothesis, encouraging feedback is the best technique for trimming exercises into desirable behaviors.
Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2020). Applied behavior analysis (3rd ed.). Pearson.
Photo Credit: nellas –
Changing behavior is a primary goal of applied behavior analysis and it is the role of the behavior analyst to determine interventions that systematically increase desirable behaviors and decrease undesirable behaviors. This effort typically begins by analyzing the relationship of contingency; that is, what operation (i.e., reinforcement or punishment) will develop a desired behavior for a given antecedent stimulus. With this knowledge, a behavior analyst might craft a behavior plan wherein the student understands clearly that receiving the reinforcer (or punisher) is “contingent” on the behavior.
The effectiveness of contingency depends on the operation being consistently applied. While reinforcement is generally recommended soon after the desired behavior is exhibited, there are behavioral goals for which delaying the reinforcement may be the intent.
In this Discussion, you will examine a scenario in which a teacher’s behavior plan for a student displaying aggressive verbal behavior is not working. Through the lens of behavioral contingency, you will examine why you believe the teacher’s behavior education plan is not working and what you could do to fix the situation.
To Prepare
- Review the Learning Resources for this week to gain an understanding of contingencies, including the “Contingencies” video and the “Contingencies Scenario” interactive media.
By Day 4 of Week 9
Based on the interactive media scenario provided in the Learning Resources:
Post an explanation of why you believe the teacher’s behavior education plan is not working and what you could do to fix the situation.
Read your colleagues’ postings.
Note: For this discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the To Participate in this Discussion link, then select Create Thread to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!
By Day 6 of Week 9
Respond to at least two colleagues’ posts by expanding on each colleague’s explanation of why the behavior education plan is not working and their suggested remedy for the situation.
Be sure to support your posts and responses with specific references to behavior-analytic theory and research. In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or the internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your posts and responses. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources.
Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights that you have gained because of your colleagues’ comments.
I believe that Miss Marsh’s focus is too much on negative reinforcement and punishment.
I realize that Randy’s aggressive behavior is troubling, and it is easy to assume that managing the aggressive behavior is to punish him. However, in this particular example, we imagine that Ms. Marsh could not unearth Randy’s original reason behind the aggressive behavior. Maybe if Marsh had taken the time to talk and listen to Randy’s perspective, they could resolve the child’s aggressive behavior quicker. Sometimes, people tend to react instantly to a specific moment without finding in themselves to give a person a chance to fix it first or to ask for help.
Walden University, LLC. (2021). Contingencies scenario [Interactive media]. Walden University Blackboard.
sample 3
Ms. Marsh has a student, Randy, who exhibits aggressive, verbal behaviors in class. The behavior is increasing in frequency. Ms. Marsh has tried scolding him, moving his seat to the front of the classroom, and giving him extra assignments. She then decides to send him to principal’s office as a consequence to his aggressive, verbal behavior. There are times when the principal is busy, and Randy must sit outside his office. This allows for opportunity for him to receive attention from students as they walk by him.
Ms. Marsh has not had success in decreasing Randy’s behavior. One reason for this may be because she has tried multiple different ways, rather than choosing one consistent method for responding to Randy’s behavior. It is important when developing an intervention plan, to determine the best strategy to implement and follow through with consistently utilizing this strategy to reduce behavior. Additionally, it is important to recognize that it takes time to see change in a child’s behavior, which is why consistency is so crucial. A second reason why Ms. Marsh’s plan has not been working is because, although she is attempting to discipline him, Randy is receiving attention from her and from others nearby (i.e. when students talk to him outside the principal’s office). This would suggest that his behavior, at least in part, is attention seeking.
To assist Ms. Marsh, there are a few strategies I would recommend. The first would be to observe the antecedents that occur before Randy’s behavior to identify the function as well as potential triggers. This will help determine the best strategy to implement. Next, given that it was attention seeking behavior, I would work with teacher and class to implement planned ignoring for at least two weeks. I would also implement reinforcement for appropriate alternative behavior. In other words, I would suggest Ms. Marsh offers verbal praise for any verbal comment Randy makes that is appropriate and/or positive.
I enjoyed reading your post! It was very insightful!
You made a good point that I didn’t think of; Ms. March has tried multiple ways in an attempt to decrease Randy’s behavior instead of trying and sticking with one intervention. I think by continually changing her responses to Randy’s disruptive behavior, she’s not allowing the time to find the intervention that works for his situation.
I think this is where positive reinforcement comes into play. “This strategy is usually built on the ABC (antecedent, behavior, consequence) model, which aims to reinforce the notion of positive results stemming from positive actions. Over time, the positive reinforcement that ultimately drives this model may cause negative behaviors to stop (Regis College, 2021)”.
How aba interventions promote positive behavior. Regis College Online. (2021, April 23). Retrieved October 31, 2021, from
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