Reading Research Literature

Reading Research Literature

Type your answers to the following questions using complete sentences and correct grammar, spelling, and syntax. Click Save as and save the file with your last name and assignment, e.g.,NR439_RRL1_Smith. Submit to the Reading Research Literature #1 basket in the Dropbox by11:59 pm MT Sunday at the end of Week 5. The guidelines and grading rubric for this assignment may be found in Doc Sharing. Title: RRL#1 Name: [replace this text with your name] Questions 1-5 pertain to: Cherlin, E. J., Curry, L. A., Thompson, J. W., Greysen, S. R., Spatz, E., Krumholz, H. M., & Bradley, E. H. (2013). Features of high quality discharge planning for patients following acute myocardial infarction. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 28(3), 436-443. doi:10.1007/”> 1. What is the purpose of this research? 2. What is the research question (or questions)? This may be implicit or explicit. 3.Describe the research design of the study. 4. Identify and describe the population. 5. Was the sample adequate for the research design? Questions 6-10 pertain to: Ancheta, I. B. (2006). A retrospective pilot study. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 25(5),”> 6. What is the purpose of this research? 7. What is the research question (or questions)? This may be implicit or explicit. 8.Describe the research design of the study. 9. Identify and describe the population. 10. Was the sample adequate for the research design?

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